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Résultats de recherche
Research Series Issue 40: Local-economy impacts of cash crop promotion
octobre 2019
This is the first study to quantify the general equilibrium impacts of introducing a new cash crop into a poor isolated economy, including impacts on environmentally sensitive fishing activities.
The Food Loss Reduction Advantage: Building sustainable food systems
septembre 2019
Around one third of the food globally produced is estimated to be lost or wasted along the supply chain. These losses affect disproportionally developing countries.
Research Series Issue 39: Smallholder farming, growth linkages, structural transformation and poverty reduction
septembre 2019
There are different views around the future of smallholder agriculture and its potential to contribute to the needed transformations of agriculture and rural economies.
Impact assessment: The Coastal Community Development (CCDP)
août 2019
The Coastal Community Development Project (CCDP), implemented between 2013 and 2017, was designed to reduce poverty and achieve sustainable economic growth in 12 coastal districts of Indonesia.
Research Series Issue 38: Meta-evidence review on the impacts of investments in agricultural and rural development on Sustainable Development Goals 1 and 2
juin 2019
Agriculture and rural development research will play a critical role in meeting the ambitious targets under SDGs 1 and 2.
Research Series Issue 37: Determinants of cofinancing in IFAD-funded projects - A call to rethink development interventions
mai 2019
This study is an analysis of what drives cofinancing in IFAD-supported programmes/projects, covering 20 years of data from 559 projects in 109 countries.
Impact assessment: PAPAFPA and PAPAC
avril 2019
The Participatory Smallholder Agriculture and Artisanal Fisheries Development Programme (PAPAFPA) and the Smallholder Commercial Agriculture Project (PAPAC) are complementary projects designed to improve the livelihoods of smallholders in Sao Tomé and Príncipe. PAPAFPA, which has now closed, created farmers’ cooperatives to improve the development of organic cacao, coffee, and pepper value chains through increased commercialization in domestic and niche export markets.
Collection Research Numéro 36: Qui travaille dans l'agriculture?
avril 2019
Cette étude examine les dynamiques de l'emploi dans l'agriculture en Tanzanie et au Malawi.
Impact assessment: Coastal Climate Resilient Infrastructure Project (CCRIP)
avril 2019
Farmers in southwestern Bangladesh, an area prone to natural disasters, are sometimes unable to reach community markets in the monsoon season.
Impact assessment: Plan VIDA-PEEP to Eradicate Extreme Poverty – Phase I
mars 2019
From 2011 to 2016, the Plan VIDA project in Bolivia was implemented to address extreme poverty in rural areas by increasing the incomes and assets of rural people in the departments of Potosí and Cochabamba of the Plurinational State of Bolivia
Research Series Issue 35: Climate change mitigation potential of agricultural practices supported by IFAD investments An ex ante analysis
mars 2019
This study estimates the mitigation potential of agricultural practices supported by IFAD’s current investments in order to provide guidance for the design of future investments.
Research Series Issue 34: Farm size and productivity - Lessons from recent literature
janvier 2019
This paper considers the relationship between farm size and productivity patterns across countries and within countries.
Collection IFAD Results, numéro 3
décembre 2018
Dans ce numéro, on trouvera une présentation et une analyse des expériences tirées des projets et programmes suivants financés par le FIDA...
Impact assessment: Agricultural Sector Development Programme–Livestock (ASDP-L) and Agriculture Service Support Programme (ASSP)
décembre 2018
Despite decades of research and development of technologies and innovations which improve farming practices and productivity, small farmers in Tanzania continue to use technologies and practices which do not favour high yields and economic returns.
Collection Research, numéro 33 – L'adoption des variétés améliorées du GCRAI et son impact sur les résultats en matière de pauvreté et de niveau de vie: un bilan exhaustif
décembre 2018
Cette étude fait le bilan de l'impact sur la pauvreté et le niveau de vie de la recherche dans le domaine agricole, en passant en revue de manière systématique les évaluations d'impact (expérimentales ou quasi expérimentales) des variétés améliorées distribuées par le GCRAI entre 2007 et 2015.
Impact assessment: Guangxi Integrated Agricultural Development Project
décembre 2018
The Guangxi Integrated Agricultural Development Project (GIADP) was implemented in 623 Administrative Villages in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China to increase income of smallholder farmers by developing community infrastructures
Impact assessment: Rural Development Support Programme in Guéra
décembre 2018
The Rural Development Support Programme in Guéra (PADER-G) was implemented to improve the food security and livelihoods of farmers living in remote areas of Guéra, a drought-prone and conflict-ridden region of Chad.
Impact assessment: Project for Rural Income through Exports in Rwanda
décembre 2018
The Project for Rural Income through Exports in Rwanda, known by its acronym PRICE, aims to increase returns to farmers through the development of export-driven value chains for coffee, tea, sericulture and horticulture.
Impact assessment: Irrigated Rice Production Enhancement Project
décembre 2018
The Irrigated Rice Production Enhancement Project (IRPEP) was implemented between 2010 and 2015 to improve the rice productivity and livelihoods of smallholder farmers who cultivate on Communal Irrigation Schemes in three regions (Western Visayas, Central Visayas and Northern Mindanao) of the Philippines.
Impact assessment: High-Value Agriculture Project in Hill and Mountain Areas
décembre 2018
The High-Value Agriculture Project in Hill and Mountain Areas (HVAP) integrated farmers living in the remote hill and mountain areas of Mid-Western Nepal into the local economy of goats and high-valued crops such as apples and Sichuan pepper (timur).