Issue 32: May-June 2010 - Adaptation to climate change

In this issue
Climate change poses an increasing threat to the sustainability of agricultural production and livelihood strategies of poor rural people worldwide. The threat of and vulnerability to climate change are special challenges in marginal areas, which are the focus of IFAD's work. IFAD recognizes that climate-related risks, and opportunities that they bring, can be addressed more systematically within the projects and programmes it supports. As such, this year IFAD launched a Climate Change Strategy to guide its operations. It was approved by the Executive Board in April 2010.
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Enabling poor people to cope with climate change in low-lying areas of Bangladesh
Bangladesh is one of the countries that will be most affected by climate change. The National Adaptation Programme of Action of the Government of Bangladesh estimated a 30 cm rise in sea level by 2050...
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Reducing climate vulnerability in Cambodian agriculture
More than 80 per cent of Cambodia's 13.4 million people live in rural areas, and a vast majority of them depend on rainfed agriculture. As efforts are being made to help Cambodia diversify its economic base, the agriculture sector is facing a new challenge - the impacts of climate change...
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Adapting to changing climate variability in tribal fields in India
Climate variability is not new to us. Since my childhood I have seen the rain playing hide and seek with us. I have seen some years with heavy rain and other years with very little rain...
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Alliances to help herders in Mongolia adapt to climate change
The livestock sector in Mongolia is threatened by increased pressure on pastures, degradation of natural resources, and worsening climatic conditions. Responding to these challenges, IFAD has prepared a proposal ...
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Technology-based solutions help smallholders adapt to climate change in Pakistan
In Pakistan, increasing temperatures coupled with changes in rainfall patterns are reducing water availability and increasing the vulnerability of crops. Adaptation in the water sector is therefore critical for both irrigated and rainfed agriculture...
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Climate-proofing of local development planning in Tra Vinh Province in the Mekong Delta, Viet Nam
The Poverty Alleviation in Rural Areas (PARA) project of the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) in cooperation with the IFAD-supported Programme for Improving Market Participation of the Poor (IMPP)...
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