Evaluation Committee
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Evaluation Committee
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Evaluation Committee
The Evaluation Committee is a sub-committee of the Executive Board that performs in-depth reviews of selected evaluation issues as well as the Independent Office of Evaluation's (IOE) strategies and methodologies.
The Committee discusses selected evaluation reports and suggests which evaluations should be included in the IOE annual work programme.
The Committee’s membership distribution falls in line with the membership distribution of the Executive Board. It is composed of nine members from the 36 members of the Executive Board: four members from List A, two members from List B and three members from List C. Members are elected by the Board for a three-year term, and Chairmanship rests permanently with Lists B and C.
The Committee formally meets four times a year: once in October to discuss the annual IOE work programme and budget, and then before each of the three sessions of the Executive Board.
The Committee may also hold informal sessions when required.
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Latest sessions
127th session of the Evaluation Committee
126th session of the Evaluation Committee
125th session of the Evaluation Committee
124th session of the Evaluation Committee
123rd session of the Evaluation Committee