Constraints in the transition from dependence to independence
The ability of youth to grasp opportunities in a changing rural economy is not a given.
Rural transformation is increasingly connecting rural and urban spaces and changing the nature of work. The digital revolution is making access to information central to success, both on and off the farm. The types of skills that are needed for success are also changing rapidly.
Rural youth own less land either solely or jointly than adults
Notes: SSA: sub-Saharan Africa; APR: Asia and the Pacific; NEN: Near East, North Africa and Europe; LAC: Latin America and the Caribbean. Source: Authors’ calculations based on Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data from 42 countries.
To thrive in this new world of work, youth need to know how to search for information and create networks. In addition to basic technical skills, they need to know how to think critically and solve problems. And they must possess non-cognitive skills to be conscientious, open to ideas and able to get along well with others. Educational institutions face a big challenge to meet the emerging needs of this new world of work.
Youth in developing countries have little access to formal financial institutions