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SECAP disclosed documents

SECAP disclosed documents

SECAP documents provide information on assessments, measures, monitoring and compliance conducted for environment, social, climate, resettlement, and Indigenous Peoples' issues.

In line with IFAD’s Policy on the Disclosure of Documents (2010), IFAD’s Social, Environmental and Climate Assessment Procedures (SECAP) require disclosure of information on social, environmental and climate assessments, management measures and monitoring in a timely and accessible manner prior to project approval. This includes (draft) Environmental and Social Impacts Assessments (ESIA), Environmental, Social and Climate Management Frameworks (ESCMFs), Resettlement Action Plans/Frameworks (RAP/Fs), documentation of the Indigenous Peoples consultation processes and any other relevant SECAP documentation.

Comments and feedback on reports can be sent to the following address: [email protected].

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)

The ESIA is used to identify and assess potential environmental and social impacts (both positive and negative) of the proposed project and make recommendations to improve decision making for environmental and social sustainability. Depending on the nature, magnitude and significance of environmental, social and climate risks, ESIAs might be required for ‘high risk’ projects (SECAP 2021, project concept notes presented to the Operational Strategy and Policy Guidance Committee (OSC) on or after 1 September 2021) or projects categorized as ‘category A’ (SECAP 2017, project concept notes presented to the OSC prior to 1 September 2021).

Environmental, Social and Climate Management Framework (ESCMF) 

The ESCMF is used to examine project risks and impacts (both positive and negative) when there are multiple subprojects and/or uncertainties on the exact location, affected persons, risks and impacts. The tool sets out the principles, rules, guidelines and procedures for assessing the environmental, social and climate risks and impacts of projects and subprojects, including information on the areas in which they are expected to be located, and potential environmental, social and climate vulnerabilities in that area.

Environment and Social Review Summary (ESRS)

The ESRS summarizes how environmental and social aspects of a non-sovereign operation (NSO) were reviewed and provides the rationale for the risk categorization. It includes an overview of the main identified risks and impacts, key measures to mitigate those risks and impacts, and specifies any actions that the private sector partner needs to undertake to ensure compliance with SECAP.

Summary of Investments Information (SII)

The SII provides a summary of a non-sovereign operation (NSO) investments. It describes the project, expected development results, the private sector partner(s) and the additionality (both financial and non-financial).

Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)

A Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) is prepared when a project/programme may result in the loss of assets, the impairment of livelihoods or the physical relocation of an individual, household or community.  The RAP specifies the socio-economic and cultural characteristics of the affected people, and the procedures (e.g. free, prior and informed consent, cut-off date, time frame for compensation, relocation assistance, grievance mechanisms) and actions needed to properly resettle and fairly compensate affected people, and to improve their living standards.

Resettlement Action Framework (RAF)

The Resettlement Action Framework (RAF) is required for projects with subprojects or multiple components that cannot be identified before project approval, but have the potential to result in economic and physical resettlement. It sets out the principles, rules, guidelines and procedures to assess social and livelihood risks and impacts, and livelihood restoration. It contains: measures and plans to reduce, mitigate and offset adverse risks and impacts; provisions for estimating and budgeting the costs of these measures; and roles, responsibilities and knowledge for managing, mitigating and monitoring social and livelihood risks related to the project, as well as provisions for monitoring livelihood restoration efforts.

Indigenous Peoples Plan (IPP)

Projects that affect indigenous peoples require an IPP. The IPP includes: (i) a sociocultural and land tenure assessment; (ii) the specific characteristics of each indigenous people or historically underserved local community; and (iii) strategy for working with indigenous peoples. It also specifies measures for: (i) providing culturally appropriate benefits; (ii) continued consultation and participation; (iii) grievance procedures; (iv) monitoring and evaluation; and (v) a budget and financial plan for risk-mitigation measures.

Finally, it includes the documentation of the Free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) process. This is a process to empower local and indigenous peoples’ communities, ensuring mutual respect and full and effective participation in decision-making on proposed investment and development programmes that may affect their rights, their access to lands, territories and resources, and their livelihoods.

SECAP review notes

The SECAP Review Note discusses the social, environmental and climate change (ESC) issues related to a project. It summarizes the development context, potential ESC impacts, linkages to IFAD’s mainstreaming themes, and makes specific recommendations on how the project can mitigate, manage and monitor identified risks and impacts.

Other SECAP studies (e.g. Pesticide Management Plan, Health Impacts Assessment, Biodiversity Impact Assessments, etc.)