Photo essays



Upholding cultural traditions in Tonga

三月 2021

An old Tongan proverb says that a successful village lives together, works together, and helps one another. This is especially true for handicrafts, an integral part of traditional Tongan culture.

Fai fatongia: One island’s path to food security, COVID mitigation and climate resilience

一月 2021

In the Kingdom of Tonga, fai fatongia rules the day. Under this principle, which translates to “fulfilling one’s responsibility,” Tongans traditionally put the collective good first and their individual needs second. 

Rural women in Latin America take control of food production – and their own development

十月 2020

All across Latin America, rural women are taking charge of their communities’ food production – and their own economic and personal development.

Women as changemakers for nutrition in the hills of Lao PDR

八月 2020

The rural uplands of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic are home to generations of proud family farmers who depend on small-scale agriculture, with many still using traditional farming techniques.

Youth leaders working towards transformative rural development

八月 2020

From climate action groups to political institutions, youth are taking on leading roles and bringing new perspectives into the table – showing they are not only the future, but also the present.

Innovando desde las raíces a través de la gastronomía

六月 2020
¿Qué te viene en mente cuando escuchas acerca de la gastronomía sostenible? Algunos piensan solo en la palabra gastronomía y la asocian con platillos deliciosos e inclusive costosos, otros la ven como la afición al buen comer y otros como conjuntos de platos y usos culinarios de un determinado lugar. 
