Report on IFAD’s Development Effectiveness 2013

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Report on IFAD’s Development Effectiveness 2013 (RIDE)

This is the first Report on IFAD’s Development Effectiveness (RIDE) in the IFAD9 period (2013-2015). The RIDE’s purpose is to report on performance against indicators contained in the Results Measurement Framework (RMF) 2013-2015, and the implementation of IFAD9 commitments.1 The RMF introduced a series of important improvements to strengthen and more clearly demonstrate outcomes achieved by the Fund; it sets ambitious outreach and impact targets with a strong emphasis on value for money – indeed it is the first RMF of a multilateral development organization to set a target for the number of people taken out of poverty – 80 million.2 In relation to this, IFAD has committed to the major effort of conducting 30 impact evaluations by 2015.


Financial document, Report on IFAD’s Development Effectiveness