


Sicurezza alimentare e Covid-19, come proteggere le filiere?

La vice Ministra degli Esteri Emanuela Del Re ed esperti italiani e internazionali ne discutono in un seminario online aperto ai giornalisti.

Three ways we’re using digital technologies to fight rural poverty in the NEN region

Digital technologies have become our constant companions over the last few decades. Devices like smartphones and laptops have become even more relevant after the COVID-19 outbreak, helping us stay in touch even in times of physical distance.

The United Nations will present a new report on food and nutrition security in Latin America and the Caribbean

On December 2, the United Nations will present the new edition of the report Panorama of food and nutritional security in Latin America and the Caribbean 2020, focused on the territories that suffer the highest rates of malnutrition, stunring and overweight.

Rural youth, innovation and tradition: the challenge of a new order

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the reinvention of the agricultural sector is indispensable today. In fact, it is already beginning to take place with young people at the heart of it.

Resilience in rural Syria: Welcoming back tourists with fresh-baked pastries

After a decade of conflict, local tourists are slowly starting to return to the pristine mountainsides just a short drive outside Latakia, Syria. Visitors to the village of Zaghreen, in particular, are greeted by the aroma of Issam Mohammad Hamoody’s freshly-baked pastries.

Resilience in rural Syria: The sound of songbirds

Conflict has paralyzed much of Syria’s rural economy over the past decade. People throughout the countryside often repeat what has become a common quote: “No sound is louder than the sound of gunshots.” But at least one woman in rural Syria is listening to a different tune.

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Each year, to raise public awareness of gender-based violence across the world, the United Nations recognizes 25 November as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

16 days of activism against gender-based violence: Building a brighter future for women and girls

Violence against women is far more than a violation of human rights. It undermines women’s physical and mental health, as well as their ability to be happy and productive members of their societies.

IFAD and FAO join forces to support family farming in the Near East and North Africa

IFAD and FAO have joined forces to foster inclusive and sustainable family farming as the central cornerstone for a vibrant, productive and profitable agriculture across the Near East and North Africa.

Why small farms are key to the future of food - and how we can support them

In the 25 years since Clayton Christensen coined the term “disruptive innovation,” much has been written about the benefits of shaking up established business practices.

Resilience in rural Syria: An entrepreneurial spirit conquers hardships

Determination and perseverance are what make an entrepreneur successful. That’s doubly true in a country like Syria, where ongoing conflict has disrupted people’s lives for the past decade.

Innovations in agriculture during COVID-19 – Episode 14

This month’s programme is all about innovations in agriculture. We’re travelling around the world to hear about new technologies designed to ensure food security.

In an urbanizing world, strong rural–urban links remain the key to resilient cities

As the world becomes more and more urbanized, many have suggested that cities hold the key to an efficient, sustainable future.

AA+ credit rating from Standard & Poor’s will help IFAD increase investments to fight poverty and hunger

The prospect of eradicating hunger and poverty received a boost today as IFAD obtained its second strong public credit rating, facilitating its access to private funds to invest in increasing rural prosperity and development in the world’s poorest countries.  

President's Hearing to the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Italian Parliament

Gilbert F. Houngbo, President of IFAD was invited to hold a hearing to the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Italian Parliament on 18 November.

No place like home: Moldovan youth bring business to the countryside

Moldova’s agriculture sector is increasingly developing and modernizing. This is due both to an increased presence in lucrative markets like the European Union and to the efforts deployed by IFAD and the Government of Moldova to help restructure the sector, largely through sustained investments and financial support to small-scale farmers, to accompany this modernization.

Linking small-scale producers to markets in Lebanon

Apple season in Lebanon is much like apple season in many other parts of the world. But in Lebanon, apple growers – along with small-scale farmers of all kinds – face a number of constraints on their ability to efficiently grow and sell their crops.

Steun van Nederland aan IFAD om de COVID-19 voedselcrisis af te wenden

Omdat steeds meer mensen door de COVID-19-pandemie in een spiraal van honger en armoede terechtkomen, heeft Nederland de financiering van het Internationaal Fonds voor Landbouwontwikkeling (IFAD) van de VN opgevoerd om een voedselcrisis op het platteland te helpen voorkomen.

€300 million loan from AFD to IFAD to support millions of small-scale farmers

In an effort to tackle the devastating impact of climate change on rural hunger and poverty, the French Development Agency (AFD), today signed a €300 million loan to IFAD to help small-scale farmers in high-risk countries build their resilience to shocks and increase their productivity.

Climate finance neglects small-scale farmers – new report

Only 1.7 per cent of climate finance – a fraction of what is needed - goes to small-scale farmers in developing countries despite their disproportionate vulnerability to the impacts of climate change, according to a report released by the IFAD and Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) today.
