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Thank you, “cocoa doctors”

julio 2020

Chocolate comes in many different forms and varieties, but it always needs one vital ingredient: cocoa. But a decade ago, it was predicted that, by 2020, the world would have a cocoa shortfall of one million tonnes a year.

India: Mujer Radiante

junio 2020

"Tejaswini" significa "una mujer radiante". Y el millón de mujeres indias que forman parte del Programa de Empoderamiento de las Mujeres Rurales de Tejaswini, son realmente radiantes.

Improving the livelihoods of artisanal fishers and their communities along Mozambique’s coastline

junio 2020

The IFAD-supported Artisanal Fisheries Promotion Project (ProPESCA) was implemented to improve the livelihoods of artisanal fishers and their communities living along Mozambique’s coastline.

Sierra Leona: La recuperación después de una pandemia

junio 2020

En 2014, la población de Sierra Leona debió enfrentar un virus aparentemente incontenible y un brote devastador, lo que dio lugar al establecimiento de medidas preventivas estrictas, de cuarentena, y a una sensación de temor.

Zainab Semgalawe talks about rural institutions

mayo 2020
Zainab Semgalawe, lead regional technical specialist, talks about rural institutions

Sauli Hurri talks about rural finance, markets and value chains

mayo 2020
Sauli Hurri, senior regional technical specialist, talks about rural finance, markets and value chains

Michael Hamp talks about rural finance, markets and value chains

mayo 2020
Michael Hamp, lead technical specialist talks about rural finance, markets and value chains

Oliver Page talks about climate change and environment

mayo 2020
Oliver Page, regional specialist, talks about climate change and environment

Marie-Aude Even talks about agronomy

mayo 2020

Marie-Aude Even, senior regional technical specialist in agronomy at IFAD, talks about crops development.

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