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Informe de supervisión, noviembre 2015

Rural Development: Agricultural, Fishery and Forestry Productive Systems Development Programme in RAAN and RAAS Indigenous Territories

Región: América Latina y el Caribe
País: Nicaragua
Informe de diseño detallado, diciembre de 2015

Rural Development: Project for Improved Family and Indigenous Production in Northeast Paraguay

Región: América Latina y el Caribe
País: Paraguay
Mid-term Review Report, September - October 2015

Marketing/Storage/Processing: Coastal Community Development Project

Región: Asia y el Pacífico
País: Indonesia
Supervision mission, October - November 2015

Agricultural Development: Butana Integrated Rural Development Project

Región: Cercano Oriente, África del Norte, Europa y Asia Central
País: Sudán
Supervision mission, November 2015

Rural Development: Southern Laos Food and Nutrition Security and Market Linkages Programme

Región: Asia y el Pacífico
País: República Democrática Popular Lao
Design Report

Credit and Financial Services: Rural Community Finance Project

Región: África Occidental y Central
País: Liberia
Supervision mission, November - December 2015

Marketing/Storage/Processing: Project for the Economic Empowerment of Ethnic Minorities in Poor Communes of Dak Nong Province

Región: Asia y el Pacífico
País: Viet Nam
Rapport de Supervision, Décembre 2015

Agricultural Development: Support to Agricultural Production and Marketing Project-Western Expansion

Región: África Occidental y Central
País: Côte d'Ivoire
COSOP Cameroun

Tipo: COSOP completion review (CCR)
Región: África Occidental y Central
País: Camerún
Design report, May 2015

Credit and Financial Services: Samriddhi - Rural Enterprises and Remittances Project

Región: Asia y el Pacífico
País: Nepal
Rapport de Supervision, Décembre 2015

Rural Development: Rural Socio-economic Opportunities Programme

Región: África Occidental y Central
País: Cabo Verde
Rapport de Supervision, Décembre 2015

Agricultural Development: Support to Agricultural Production and Marketing Project

Región: África Occidental y Central
País: Côte d'Ivoire
Rapport de Supervision, Novembre 2015

Credit and Financial Services: National Programme for the Promotion of Rural Entrepreneurship

Región: África Occidental y Central
País: Togo
Supervision mission, November 2015

Agricultural Development: Vegetable Oil Development Project 2

Región: África Oriental y Meridional
País: Uganda
Environmental and Social Management Framework for Programme for Rural Irrigation Development in Malawi (PRIDE)

Irrigation: Programme for Rural Irrigation Development

Región: África Oriental y Meridional
País: Malawi
Supervision mission, 22 November - 1 December

Marketing/Storage/Processing: Rural Livelihoods and Economic Enhancement Programme

Región: África Oriental y Meridional
País: Malawi
Final Project Design Report

Rural Development: Tree Crops Extension Project

Región: África Occidental y Central
País: Liberia
Supervision mission, June 2015

Credit and Financial Services: Rural Financial Services and Agribusiness Development Project

Región: Cercano Oriente, África del Norte, Europa y Asia Central
País: República de Moldova
Supervision Report, May 2015

Rural Development: Haor Infrastructure and Livelihood Improvement Project - Climate Adapation and Livelihood Protection

Región: Asia y el Pacífico
País: Bangladesh
Supervision mission, June - July 2015

Agricultural Development: Rapid Food Production Enhancement Programme (RaFPEP)

Región: Asia y el Pacífico
País: Filipinas
Design report, 2015

Marketing/Storage/Processing: Smallholder Tea and Rubber Revitalization Project

Región: Asia y el Pacífico
País: Sri Lanka
Supervision mission, 16 – 27 November 2015

Fisheries: Fisheries Development Project

Región: África Oriental y Meridional
País: Eritrea
Mid-term review, 10 - 26 May 2015

Agricultural Development: Supporting Small-scale Traditional Rainfed Producers in Sinnar State

Región: Cercano Oriente, África del Norte, Europa y Asia Central
País: Sudán
Rapport de supervision décembre 2015

Rural Development: National Programme for Food Security and Rural Development in Imbo and Moso

Región: África Oriental y Meridional
País: Burundi
Supervision mission, November 2015

Agricultural Development: National Agriculture Project

Región: África Oriental y Meridional
País: Eritrea
Supervision mission, December 2015

Livestock: Agricultural Sector Development Programme - Livestock: Support for Pastoral and Agro-Pastoral Development

Región: África Oriental y Meridional
País: República Unida de Tanzanía
Khatlon Livelihoods Support Project

Rural Development: Khatlon Livelihoods Support Project

Región: Cercano Oriente, África del Norte, Europa y Asia Central
País: Tayikistán
Supervision mission, 29 November - 12 December

Agricultural Development: Jharkhand Tribal Empowerment and Livelihoods Project

Región: Asia y el Pacífico
País: India
Mission de supervision, 11 au 25 octobre 2015,

Agricultural Development: Agricultural Intensification and Value-enhancing Support Project

Región: África Oriental y Meridional
País: Burundi
Supervision mission, August 2015

Rural Development: Western Sudan Resources Management Programme

Región: Cercano Oriente, África del Norte, Europa y Asia Central
País: Sudán
Supervision mission, 17 - 29 May 2015

Agricultural Development: Ardahan-Kars-Artvin Development Project

Región: Cercano Oriente, África del Norte, Europa y Asia Central
País: Turquía
Supervision mission, 16 - 26 June 2015

Agricultural Development: Murat River Watershed Rehabilitation Project

Región: Cercano Oriente, África del Norte, Europa y Asia Central
País: Turquía
Supervision Report, September - October 2015

Rural Development: Inclusive Rural Economic and Climate Resilience Programme

Región: Cercano Oriente, África del Norte, Europa y Asia Central
País: República de Moldova
Rapport d'examen à mi-parcours, 21 novembre- 1er décembre 2015

Agricultural Development: Agricultural Value Chain Development Programme in the Mountain Zones of Taza Province

Región: Cercano Oriente, África del Norte, Europa y Asia Central
País: Marruecos
Supervision mission, November - December 2015

Livestock: Livestock and Market Development Programme

Región: Cercano Oriente, África del Norte, Europa y Asia Central
País: Kirguistán
Mid-Term review, October - November 2015

Livestock: Livestock and Pasture Development Project

Región: Cercano Oriente, África del Norte, Europa y Asia Central
País: Tayikistán
Strengthening Climate Resilience of the National Agricultural Land and Water Management Development Project (Chosso) - Project design, October 2015

Irrigation: National Agricultural Land and Water Management Development Project

Región: África Occidental y Central
País: Gambia
Rapport de supervision, décembre 2015

Agricultural Development: Integrated Agricultural Rehabilitation Programme in the Maniema Province

Región: África Occidental y Central
País: República Democrática del Congo
Revue à Mi-Parcours, décembre 2015

Rural Development: Agricultural Value Chains Support Development Programme

Región: África Occidental y Central
País: Congo
Rapport de supervision, décembre 2015

Credit and Financial Services: Adapted Rural Financial Services Development Project

Región: África Occidental y Central
País: Benin
Rapport de supervision, décembre 2015

Rural Development: Rural Economic Growth Support Project

Región: África Occidental y Central
País: Benin
Design completion report

Fisheries: Fisheries, Coastal Resources and Livelihood Project

Región: Asia y el Pacífico
País: Filipinas
Supervision mission, November 2015

Rural Development: Tonga Rural Innovation Project

Región: Asia y el Pacífico
País: Tonga
Project Design Report, March 2015

Irrigation: Economic Transformation Initiative - Gilgit Baltistan

Región: Asia y el Pacífico
País: Pakistán
Survey on Food Knowledge, Attitude and Practices in Rural Livelihoods and Economic Enhancement Programme and Sustainable Agriculture Production Programme

Research/Extension/Training: Sustainable Agricultural Production Programme

Región: África Oriental y Meridional
País: Malawi
Baseline Report on Food Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) - Food Survey among Smallholder Farmers (2015)

Marketing/Storage/Processing: Rural Livelihoods and Economic Enhancement Programme

Región: África Oriental y Meridional
País: Malawi
Survey on Food Knowledge, Attitude and Practices in Rural Livelihoods and Economic Enhancement Programme and Sustainable Agriculture Production Programme, Malawi

Marketing/Storage/Processing: Rural Livelihoods and Economic Enhancement Programme

Región: África Oriental y Meridional
País: Malawi
Joint implementation review mission - 18 - 24 May 2015

Livestock: Agricultural Sector Development Programme - Livestock: Support for Pastoral and Agro-Pastoral Development

Región: África Oriental y Meridional
País: República Unida de Tanzanía
Rapport de supervision, november 2015

Agricultural Development: Support to Agricultural Development and Rural Entrepreneurship Programme

Región: África Occidental y Central
País: Senegal
Rapport de supervision, novembre 2015

Agricultural Development: Agricultural Value Chains Support Project-Extension

Región: África Occidental y Central
País: Senegal
Rapport de supervision, novembre 2015

Agricultural Development: Agricultural Value Chains Support Project

Región: África Occidental y Central
País: Senegal
Supervision mission, September 2015

Irrigation: National Agricultural Land and Water Management Development Project

Región: África Occidental y Central
País: Gambia
FDP Supervision Report February 2015

Fisheries: Fisheries Development Project

Región: África Oriental y Meridional
País: Eritrea
Informe de supervisión, diciembre 2015

Credit and Financial Services: Inclusion of Family Farming in Value Chains Project

Región: América Latina y el Caribe
País: Paraguay
Informe final sobre el diseño del proyecto

Credit and Financial Services: Rural Productive Inclusion Project

Región: América Latina y el Caribe
País: México
Informe de supervisión, noviembre 2015

Rural Development: Sustainable Rural Development Programme for the Southern Region

Región: América Latina y el Caribe
País: Honduras
Final Design Report, April 2015

Rural Development: Fiji Agricultural Partnerships Project

Región: Asia y el Pacífico
País: Fiji
Rapport de supervision, septembre 2015

Irrigation: Small-scale Irrigation Development Project

Región: América Latina y el Caribe
País: Haití
Informe de supervisión, abril 2015

Rural Development: Rural Development and Modernization Project for the Eastern Region

Región: América Latina y el Caribe
País: El Salvador
Supervision mission, November 2015

Credit and Financial Services: Building Rural Entrepreneurial Capacities Programme: Trust and Opportunity

Región: América Latina y el Caribe
País: Colombia
SAPP Supervision Report May 2015

Marketing/Storage/Processing: Smallholder Agribusiness Promotion Programme

Región: África Oriental y Meridional
País: Zambia
Supervision mission November - December 2015

Agricultural Development: Market Access and Rural Enterrprise Development Programme

Región: América Latina y el Caribe
País: Granada
Informe de supervisión, marzo 2015

Rural Development: Community-based Forestry Development Project in Southern States (Campeche, Chiapas and Oaxaca)

Región: América Latina y el Caribe
País: México
Supervision mission, August 2015

Livestock: Rural Microfinance and Livestock Support Programme

Región: Asia y el Pacífico
País: Afganistán
Supervision mission, August 2015

Agricultural Development: Community Livestock and Agriculture Project

Región: Asia y el Pacífico
País: Afganistán
Informe de supervisión, octubre 2015

Rural Development: Ibarra-San Lorenzo Corridor Territorial Development Project

Región: América Latina y el Caribe
País: Ecuador
Supervision mission, November - December 2015

Rural Development: Smallholder Livelihood Development Project in Eastern Indonesia

Región: Asia y el Pacífico
País: Indonesia
Supervision mission, September - October 2015

Rural Development: Southern Punjab Poverty Alleviation Project

Región: Asia y el Pacífico
País: Pakistán
Supervision mission, September 2015

Livestock: Livestock and Horticulture Development Project

Región: África Occidental y Central
País: Gambia
Supervision mission, December 2015

Marketing/Storage/Processing: Seed Development Project

Región: Cercano Oriente, África del Norte, Europa y Asia Central
País: Sudán
Relatório de supervisão, Novembro 2015

Rural Development: Policy Coordination and Dialogue for Reducing Poverty and Inequalities in Semi-Arid North-east Brazil

Región: América Latina y el Caribe
País: Brasil
Relatório de supervisão, Novembro 2015

Rural Development: Rural Sustainable Development Project in the Semi-arid Region of Bahia

Región: América Latina y el Caribe
País: Brasil
Rapport de revue à mi-parcours, 16 - 30 novembre 2015

Irrigation: Ruwanmu Small-Scale Irrigation Project

Región: África Occidental y Central
País: Níger
Informe de supervisión, noviembre – diciembre 2015

Credit and Financial Services: Rural Economic Development Project in the Central and Eastern Provinces

Región: América Latina y el Caribe
País: República Dominicana
Informe de supervisión, noviembre – diciembre 2015

Rural Development: Development Project for Rural Poor Economic Organizations of the Border Region

Región: América Latina y el Caribe
País: República Dominicana
Supervision mission, December 2015

Rural Development: Outer Islands Food and Water Project

Región: Asia y el Pacífico
País: Kiribati
Informe de supervisión, noviembre 2015

Marketing/Storage/Processing: Inclusion of Small-Scale Producers in Value Chains and Market Access Project

Región: América Latina y el Caribe
País: Nicaragua
Informe de Revisión a Mitad de Período, setiembre, 2015

Rural Development: Buen Vivir in Rural Territories Programme

Región: América Latina y el Caribe
País: Ecuador
Rapport de supervision, novembre - décembre 2015

Credit and Financial Services: Rural Microfinance Programme

Región: África Occidental y Central
País: Malí
Supervision mission, December 2015

Kenya Cereal Enhancement Programme

Región: África Oriental y Meridional
País: Kenya
Mission de supervision, novembre-11 décembre

Agricultural Development: Rural Youth Vocational Training, Employment and Entrepreneurship Support Project

Región: África Occidental y Central
País: Malí
Rapport de supervision, septembre 2015

Credit and Financial Services: Rural Microfinance Development Support Project

Región: África Occidental y Central
País: Camerún
Supervision mission, November - December 2015

Marketing/Storage/Processing: National Agribusiness Development Programme

Región: Asia y el Pacífico
País: Sri Lanka
Final project design report

Agricultural Development: Goksu Taseli Watershed Development Project

Región: Cercano Oriente, África del Norte, Europa y Asia Central
País: Turquía
MId-Term Review, April 2015

Agricultural Development: Market Access and Rural Enterrprise Development Programme

Región: América Latina y el Caribe
País: Granada
Additional Financing Design Report

Credit and Financial Services: Post-Tsunami Sustainable Livelihoods Programme for the Coastal Communities of Tamil Nadu

Región: Asia y el Pacífico
País: India
Informe de supervisión Prodear-Proderi, noviembre 2015

Rural Development: Rural Areas Development Programme

Región: América Latina y el Caribe
País: Argentina
Supervision mission, November - December 2015

Research/Extension/Training: Sustainable Agricultural Production Programme

Región: África Oriental y Meridional
País: Malawi
Informe de supervisión, 24 de febrero al 10 de abril de 2015

Rural Development: Sustainable Rural Development Programme for the Northern Region

Región: América Latina y el Caribe
País: Guatemala
Supervision mission, July 2015

Marketing/Storage/Processing: Smallholder Market-led Project

Región: África Oriental y Meridional
Rapport de supervision, novembre - décembre 2015

Agricultural Development: Kinshasa Food Supply Centres Support Programme

Región: África Occidental y Central
País: República Democrática del Congo
Informe de supervisión Prodear-Proderi, noviembre 2015

Marketing/Storage/Processing: Inclusive Rural Development Programme

Región: América Latina y el Caribe
País: Argentina
Informe de supervisión, abril de 2015

Rural Development: National Rural Development Programme: Central and Eastern Regions

Región: América Latina y el Caribe
País: Guatemala
Supervision mission, October 2015

Rural Development: Rural Asset Creation Programme

Región: Cercano Oriente, África del Norte, Europa y Asia Central
País: Armenia
Supervision mission, November 2015

Credit and Financial Services: Rural Finance Institutions Building Programme

Región: África Occidental y Central
País: Nigeria
Supervision mission, November 2015

Credit and Financial Services: Promotion of Rural Incomes through Market Enhancement Project

Región: Cercano Oriente, África del Norte, Europa y Asia Central
País: Egipto
Supervision mission, November 2015

Credit and Financial Services: Upper Egypt Rural Development Project

Región: Cercano Oriente, África del Norte, Europa y Asia Central
País: Egipto
Supervision mission, November 2015

Agricultural Development: Orissa Tribal Empowerment and Livelihoods Programme

Región: Asia y el Pacífico
País: India
Rapport de supervision, novembre 2015

Rural Development: Support to Agricultural Development Project

Región: África Occidental y Central
País: Togo
Final project design report

Marketing/Storage/Processing: Smallholder Market-led Project

Región: África Oriental y Meridional
Mission de supervision, octobre 2015

Agricultural Development: Small Irrigation and Market Access Development Project in the Nippes and Goavienne Region

Región: América Latina y el Caribe
País: Haití
Supervision mission, October - November 2015

Rural Development: Programme to Reduce Vulnerability in Coastal Fishing Areas

País: Djibouti
Informe de Supervisión, Julio 2015

Credit and Financial Services: Inclusion of Family Farming in Value Chains Project

País: Paraguay
Informe de Revisión Conjunta de Medio Término, septiembre - octubre 2015

Rural Development: Agricultural, Fishery and Forestry Productive Systems Development Programme in RAAN and RAAS Indigenous Territories

Región: América Latina y el Caribe
País: Nicaragua
Supervision mission, June - July 2015

Livestock: Project for Market and Pasture Management Development

Región: Asia y el Pacífico
País: Mongolia
Rapport de supervision, octobre 2015

Agricultural Development: Programme de Lutte contre la Pauvreté Rurale par l'Appui aux Filières

Región: África Occidental y Central
País: Mauritania
Rapport de supervision, novembre 2015

Rural Development: Poverty Reduction Project in Aftout South and Karakoro - Phase II

Región: África Occidental y Central
País: Mauritania
Rapport de revue à mi-parcours, novembre 2015

Rural Development: Food Security and Development Support Project in the Maradi Region

Región: África Occidental y Central
País: Níger
Supervision mission, September - October 2015

Rural Development: Mitigating Poverty in Western Rajasthan Project

Región: Asia y el Pacífico
País: India
Supervision mission, November 2015

Agricultural Development: Market Access and Growth Intensification Project

Región: Asia y el Pacífico
País: Bhután
Supervision mission, September - October 2015

Marketing/Storage/Processing: Smallholder Agribusiness Promotion Programme

Región: África Oriental y Meridional
País: Zambia
Supervision mission, May 2015

Agricultural Development: Dabieshan Area Poverty Reduction Programme (DAPRP)

Región: Asia y el Pacífico
País: China
Supervision mission, September 2015

Rural Development: Guangxi Integrated Agricultural Development Project

Región: Asia y el Pacífico
País: China
Supervision mission, June 2015

Rural Development: Shiyan Smallholder Agribusiness Development Project

Región: Asia y el Pacífico
País: China
Supervision mission, October 2015

Credit and Financial Services: Project for Financial Inclusion in Rural Areas

Región: África Oriental y Meridional
País: Uganda
Informe de supervisión - Octubre 2015

Credit and Financial Services: Rural Inclusion Pilot Project

Región: América Latina y el Caribe
País: Uruguay
Supervision mission, June 2015

Credit and Financial Services: Climate-Resilient Post-Harvest and Agribusiness Support Project

Región: África Oriental y Meridional
País: Rwanda
Supervision mission, March 2015

Rural Development: Gwadar-Lasbela Livelihoods Support Project

Región: Asia y el Pacífico
País: Pakistán
Mid-term Review Report, September 2015

Agricultural Development: Hilly Areas Sustainable Agriculture Development Project

Región: Cercano Oriente, África del Norte, Europa y Asia Central
País: Líbano
Supervision mission, September 2015

Rural Development: Livelihoods and Access to Markets Project

Región: Asia y el Pacífico
País: India
Rapport de supervision, juin 2015

Rural Development: Rural Economic Growth Support Project

Región: África Occidental y Central
País: Benin
Rapport de supervision, juin 2015

Credit and Financial Services: Adapted Rural Financial Services Development Project

Región: África Occidental y Central
País: Benin
Mission de supervision, mai 2015

Agricultural Development: Agricultural Value Chains Support Project-Extension

Región: África Occidental y Central
País: Senegal
Mission de supervision, mai 2015

Agricultural Development: Support to Agricultural Development and Rural Entrepreneurship Programme

Región: África Occidental y Central
País: Senegal
