Documentos institucionales

Documentos institucionales

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Resultados de la búsqueda

President's report - Volta Region Agricultural Development Project

Agricultural Development: Volta Region Agricultural Development Project

País: Ghana
President's report - Programme for Rural Development and Reconstruction in the Quiché Department

Research/Extension/Training: Programme for Rural Development and Reconstruction in the Quiché Department (PRODERQUI)

País: Guatemala
President's report - North-East Agricultural Improvement and Development Project

Agricultural Development: North-East Agricultural Improvement and Development Project

País: Madagascar
President's report - Rural Development Project for Touarirt-Taforalt

Agricultural Development: Rural Development Project for Taourirt - Taforalt

País: Marruecos
President's report - Family Sector Livestock Development Programme

Livestock: Family Sector Livestock Development Programme

País: Mozambique
President's report - Programme de développement local et de réhabilitation agricole au Fouta-Djalon (PRAADEL

Rural Development: Fouta Djallon Local Development and Agricultural Rehabilitation Programme

País: Guinea
President's report - Southern and Eastern Regions Rural Rehabilitation Project

Credit and Financial Services: Southern and Eastern Regions Rural Rehabilitation Project

País: ex República Yugoslava de Macedonia
President's report - Zone Lacustre Development Project - Phase II

Irrigation: Zone Lacustre Development Project - Phase II

País: Malí
President's report - Special Country Programme ? Phase II

Irrigation: Special Country Programme - Phase II

País: Etiopía
President's report - Small-Scale Water Resources Development Sector Project

Irrigation: Small-scale Water Resources Development Sector Project

País: Bangladesh
President's report - Projet d?activités génératrices de revenus (PAGER)

Rural Development: Income-Generating Activities Project

País: Benin
President's report - Informal Seed Component of the Seed Systems Development Project

Programme Loan: Informal Seed Component of the Seed Systems Development Project

País: Etiopía
President's report - Lowlands Agricultural Development Programme

Agricultural Development: Lowlands Agricultural Development Programme

País: Gambia
President's report - Sheep Development Project

Research/Extension/Training: Sheep Development Project

País: Kirguistán
President's report - Xieng Khouang Agricultural Development Project

Agricultural Development: Xieng Khouang Agricultural Development Project

País: República Democrática Popular Lao
President's report - Upper Mandraré Basin Development Project

Irrigation: Upper Mandrare Basin Development Project

País: Madagascar
President's report - Income Diversification Programme in the Mali Sud Area

Rural Development: Income Diversification Programme in the Mali Sud Area

País: Malí
President's report - Projet de promotion des microenterprises rurales

Rural Development: Rural Micro-enterprises Project

País: Senegal
President's report - North-Central Province Participatory Rural Development Project

Agricultural Development: North-Central Province Participatory Rural Development Project

País: Sri Lanka
