Documentos institucionales

Documentos institucionales

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Resultados de la búsqueda

President's report - En Nahud Cooperative Credit Project

Credit and Financial Services: En Nahud Cooperative Credit Project

País: Sudán
President's report - Rural Credit Project

Credit and Financial Services: Rural Credit Project

País: Tonga
President's report - Projet pilote de développement rural intégré du bassin versant de Mellègue en Algérie et en Tunisie

Rural Development: Pilot Project in Algeria and Tunisia for the Integrated Rural Development of the Mellegue Watershed

País: Túnez
President's report - Projet de réhabilitation de l?agriculture au Fouta-Djalon (PRAFD)

Rural Development: Fouta Djallon Agricultural Rehabilitation Project

País: Guinea
President's report - Eastern Regional Agricultural Development Project

Agricultural Development: Eastern Regional Agricultural Development Project

País: Yemen
President's report - Projet de développement rural de la province du Borgou - phase II

Rural Development: Second Borgou Rural Development Project

País: Benin
President's report - Proyecto de Desarrollo Agrícola de Chuquisaca Sur

Rural Development: Chuquisaca South Rural Development Project

País: Bolivia (Estado Plurinacional de)
President's report - East Mpanda Rural Development Project

Rural Development: East Mpanda Rural Development Project

País: Burundi
President's report - Projet de développement de la pêche artisanale

Fisheries: Artisanal Fisheries Development Project

President's report - Projet de développement agricole de l'Assomada

Agricultural Development: Assomada Integrated Agricultural Development Project

President's report - Projet de développement rural de l?office régional de développement de l?Est

Rural Development: Rural Development Project in the Eastern ORD

País: Burkina Faso
President's report - Fourth Livestock Development Project

Livestock: Fourth Livestock Development Project

País: Etiopía
President's report - Orissa Tribal Development Project

Rural Development: Orissa Tribal Development Project

País: India
President's report - Rural Credit Project

Credit and Financial Services: Rural Credit Project

País: República Democrática Popular Lao
President's report - Intibuca ? La Paz Rural Development Project

Rural Development: Intibucá-La Paz Rural Development Project

País: Honduras
President's report - Southern Regional Agricultural Development Project

Agricultural Development: Southern Regional Agricultural Development Project

País: Yemen
President's report - Marginal and Small Farm Systems Crop Intensification Project

Credit and Financial Services: Marginal and Small Farm Systems Development Crop Intensification Project

País: Bangladesh
President's report - Kindamba Food Crops Development Project

Agricultural Development: Kindamba Food Crops Development Project

País: Congo
President's report - Development Project in the Zone Lacustre - Phase I

Irrigation: Development Project in the Zone Lacustre

País: Malí
President's report - Northern Province Irrigation Rehabilitation Project

Irrigation: Northern Province Irrigation Rehabilitation Project

País: Sudán
