Programme and project documents

Programme and project documents

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President's report - Support to Farmers' Professional Organizations and Agricultural Services Project

Rural Development: Support to Farmers' Professional Organizations and Agricultural Services Project

País: Madagascar
President's report - Projet d'appui aux communautés villageoises - phase II (PACV II)

Rural Development: Village Communities Support Project - Phase II

País: Guinea
President's report - Projet d'appui aux filières agricoles

Agricultural Development: Agricultural Value Chains Support Project

País: Senegal
President's report - Rural Small and Microenterprise Promotion Project ? Phase II (PPPMER II)

Rural Development: Rural Small and Microenterprise Promotion Project - Phase II

País: Rwanda
President's report - Poverty Reduction Project in Aftout South and Karakoro ? Phase II (PASK II)

Rural Development: Poverty Reduction Project in Aftout South and Karakoro - Phase II

País: Mauritania
President's report - Soum Son Seun Jai ? Community-based Food Security and Economic Opportunities Programme

Agricultural Development: Soum Son Seun Jai - Community-based Food Security and Economic Opportunities Programme

País: República Democrática Popular Lao
President's report - Projet d?activités génératrices de revenus (PAGER)

Rural Development: Income-Generating Activities Project

País: Benin
President's report - Farm Reconstruction Project ? Re-stocking Activities

Rural Development: Farm Reconstruction Project - Re-stocking Activities

País: Bosnia y Herzegovina
President's report - Projet d?appui aux filières agricoles (PROFIL)

Agricultural Development: Agricultural Commodity Chain Support Project

País: Burkina Faso
President's report - Projet d?appui aux micro-entreprises rurales (PAMER)

Rural Development: Rural Microenterprise Support Project

País: Burkina Faso
President's report - Projet de développement rural dans le Sud ?Ouest (PDRSO)

Rural Development: South West Rural Development Project

País: Burkina Faso
President's report - Projet de développement rural de l?office régional de développement de l?Est

Rural Development: Rural Development Project in the Eastern ORD

País: Burkina Faso
President's report - Projet de développement de l?agriculture et de l?élevage à assise communautaire

Agricultural Development: Community-based Agricultural and Livestock Development Project

President's report - Convergence of Agricultural Interventions in Maharashtra?s Distressed Districts Project

Agricultural Development: Convergence of Agricultural Interventions in Maharashtra's Distressed Districts Programme

País: India
President's report - G?ksu Ta?eli Watershed Development Project - documents

Agricultural Development: Goksu Taseli Watershed Development Project

País: Turquía
President's report - Agricultural and Rural Rehabilitation and Development Initiative Project ? Institutional Strengthen: Documents

Rural Development: Agricultural and Rural Rehabilitation and Development Initiative Project - Institutional Strenghtening Component

País: Níger
President's report - Agricultural Value Chains Support Project ? Extension

Agricultural Development: Agricultural Value Chains Support Project-Extension

País: Senegal
President's report - Agropastoral Development and Local Initiatives Promotion Programme in the South-East ? Phase II

Agricultural Development: Agropastoral Development and Local Initiatives Promotion Programme for the South-East - Phase II

País: Túnez
President's report - Building Rural Entrepreneurial Capacities ? Trust and Opportunities Programme

Credit and Financial Services: Building Rural Entrepreneurial Capacities Programme: Trust and Opportunity

País: Colombia
President's report - Intibuca ? La Paz Rural Development Project

Rural Development: Intibucá-La Paz Rural Development Project

País: Honduras