Sri Lanka



Sri Lanka





USD 12,11 millones

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USD 0 millones

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Country Experts

Historias relacionadas

Contenidos web relacionados

Un pequeño paso: empoderamiento de las microempresas y pequeñas y medianas empresas en todo el Asia Meridional

julio 2020 - RELATO

Resulta un tanto paradójico que, si bien existe un amplio consenso en cuanto a que las microempresas y pequeñas y medianas empresas (MIPYMES) son parte integrante de la economía de los países en desarrollo, siguen estando desatendidas.

Recipes for Change: Moringa leaves with coconout - Sri Lanka

octubre 2019 - RELATO
Sri Lanka is a small island nation in South Asia, located in the Indian Ocean off India’s southeastern coast. Given that a large proportion of the population is concentrated in coastal areas, the country is particularly vulnerable to rising sea levels.

Noticias relacionadas

Contenidos web relacionados

IFAD-financed projects contribute to improved agricultural productivity and incomes in Sri Lanka

marzo 2019 - NOTICIAS
Rural development projects financed by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) have contributed to increased productivity and incomes in Sri Lanka, according to a new evaluation report presented today in Colombo.

Workshop to review evaluation outcomes of IFAD-supported operations in Sri Lanka as well as future development plans

marzo 2019 - NOTICIAS
The Independent Office of Evaluation of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Government of Sri Lanka are holding a one-day workshop in Colombo to share the conclusions of an independent evaluation of IFAD's country strategy and rural development programme in Sri Lanka.