

Resultados de la búsqueda

The Real Groundbreakers: Irma from Guatemala

Irma, a young Q’eqchi woman and farmer from Guatemala, is working to reforest over 400 hectares of land damaged by climate change, illegal logging and fires.

Una inversión de USD 81 millones del FIDA y Egipto permitirá fomentar la resiliencia en medios desérticos

El Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola (FIDA) y la República Árabe de Egipto han firmado hoy un convenio de financiación para reducir la pobreza y mejorar la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional mediante la mejora sostenible de los ingresos y la resiliencia de los medios de vida de 450 000 personas de las zonas rurales de la provincia de Matrouh.

¿Por qué las comunidades costeras vulnerables merecen toda nuestra atención?

Casi un 40 % de la población mundial vive a menos de 100 kilómetros de distancia del mar y, en general, la población costera mundial aumenta rapidamente.

Senegal and IFAD partner to promote climate resilient agriculture and rural entrepreneurship

Over 43,700 vulnerable rural households in Senegal will benefit from a US$72.4 million programme that aims to improve food and nutrition security and incomes of smallholder crop and livestock farmers in four regions of Senegal.

Major international discussions draw to a close in Poland

An international conference in Poland will try to finalise a deal on how to tackle climate change, but delegates from almost 200 countries are yet to agree on how to implement the Paris climate accord reached three years ago.

Actuando ahora: ejecutando las acciones para mitigar el calentamiento del planeta

Los delegados de casi 200 países se reúnen por dos semanas, en Katowice (Polonia), para debatir las acciones de cómo detener el cambio climático.

Recetas para el cambio: pescado ahumado con salsa de sésamo y alazán

Los patrones de lluvia tradicionales están cambiando en Chad. Estos cambios ponen en mucha dificultad a la población rural pobre quienes dependen de la agricultura en pequeña escala para subsistir, cultivar y cosechar sus cultivos exitosamente.

Agriculture Advantage 2.0: Transforming Food Systems Under a Changing Climate

A six-day side event series at COP24, identifying actions to transform global food systems to deliver on food security, adaptation to climate change, and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions.

Recipes for Change: Tuna with Taro Leaves

In this episode of Recipes for Change, Fiji's favorite chef, Lance Seeto, discovers how prolonged drought is threatening taro - Tonga's staple ingredient - when he joins a local farmer to cook Luu Ika (tuna with taro leaves).

Viet Nam: Adapting in the Delta

Vietnam is the world's second largest exporter of rice and 60 percent of it is grown in the Mekong Delta. But now farmers in at least two provinces say the future of rice production is threatened because of rising sea levels and temperature increases attributed to climate change.

Burkina Faso: Waiting for the rain

Weather patterns are becoming more unpredictable in the Sahel region of Burkina Faso. Farmers say the rainy season that once began regularly in June is often delayed and when the rain finally does come the sudden force and volume of water can cause flooding and destroy crops.
