

Resultados de la búsqueda

Actuando ahora: ejecutando las acciones para mitigar el calentamiento del planeta

Los delegados de casi 200 países se reúnen por dos semanas, en Katowice (Polonia), para debatir las acciones de cómo detener el cambio climático.

New IFAD-funded project to raise incomes of smallholder farmers in Uganda

Over 30,800 vulnerable rural households in Uganda will benefit from a US$210.4 million project that aims to sustainably increase rural livelihoods by supporting an efficient oil palm industry that complies with modern environmental and social standards.

IFAD-financed projects support rural poverty reduction and agricultural development in Kenya

Rural development projects financed by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) have contributed to increase productivity, incomes and food security in Kenya, according to a new report presented today in the capital city of Nairobi.

Recetas para el cambio: pescado ahumado con salsa de sésamo y alazán

Los patrones de lluvia tradicionales están cambiando en Chad. Estos cambios ponen en mucha dificultad a la población rural pobre quienes dependen de la agricultura en pequeña escala para subsistir, cultivar y cosechar sus cultivos exitosamente.

Angela Merkel sends message of support that includes IFAD at Global Citizens’ Mandela 100 Festival

Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel calls on the international community to increase food production and help create jobs in rural areas to help defeat poverty and hunger.

Kenya and IFAD to discuss results of impact evaluation and country strategy aimed at better targeting interventions and strengthening partnerships in the country

The Independent Office of Evaluation of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Government of Kenya are holding a one-day workshop to present the results of an independent evaluation of IFAD's country strategy and programme in Kenya.

India: Nutrition through innovation

An innovative solution is improving nutrition in rural areas of Madhya Pradesh, India, where 42% of children suffer from malnutrition.
