Cuzco-Arequipa Highlands Rural Development Project

IFAD Asset Request Portlet

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Cuzco Arequipa Highlands Rural Development Project

Cuzco-Arequipa Highlands Rural Development Project

The project focused on providing credit and technical assistance to small farmers to enable them to modernize their agricultural activities and diversify their production to become more competitive on regional markets.

A credit line enabled 4,800 small farmers to improve their agricultural technologies and purchase needed inputs. The credit was managed by farmers’ organizations.

The project was hindered by several droughts and by terrorist violence in the highlands, which took a heavy toll in both physical infrastructure and human lives. The project helped improve the organizational capacity of farmers’ organizations. It also worked to improve productive infrastructure and product diversification, such as cheese-making, handcrafts, and non-agricultural activities.

Source: IFAD

Estado: Cerrado
Fecha de aprobación
29 abril 1986
1986 - 1993
Desarrollo Agrícola
Costo total del proyecto
USD 14,62 millones
Financiación del FIDA
USD 6,94 millones
Cofinanciadores (Internacional)
World Food Programme USD 1,68 millones
Corporacion Andina de Fomento USD 3 millones
Cofinanciadores (Nacional)
National Government USD 3 millones
Condiciones de financiación
N.º del proyecto

Informes sobre el diseño de los proyectos

Documentos de supervisión y apoyo a la ejecución

Evaluación del impacto ambiental y social

Auditoría y Estados Financieros

Informe del examen interino (mitad de período)

Marco de acción para el reasentamiento

Resúmenes de informes

Estudios específicos

Proyectos enumerados

Auditoría y Estados Financieros

Informe de finalización del proyecto

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