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Notas sobre cómo Cómo medir la resiliencia al cambio climático

septiembre 2015
La finalidad de estas orientaciones prácticas es servir de herramienta para el personal y asociados del FIDA en proyectos de inversión que tengan objetivos relacionados con la resiliencia al cambio climático. 

Notas sobre cómo Integración de sistemas portátiles de biogás en proyectos respaldados por el FIDA

junio 2015

El acceso a servicios modernos de energías renovables es un factor clave para erradicar la pobreza y garantizar la seguridad alimentaria. 

Toolkit: Youth Access to Rural Finance

mayo 2015
With the mounting awareness of the unmet demand for youth financial services and the growing evidence that serving young people is viable, there is also a need to assess and document the implications for rural areas. This toolkit on Youth Access to Rural Finance aims to contribute to filling that gap.
The Lessons Learned and How To Do Note on this topic provide IFAD country programme managers, project design teams and implementing partners with insights and key guidance on designing and offering appropriate financial services for rural youth. The toolkit on Youth Access to Rural Finance synthesizes best practices and offers examples from around the world.  

Lessons learned: Youth Access to Rural Finance

mayo 2015

Although there have been improvements in YFS access, youth are still lagging significantly behind adults in being able to access financial tools. Across high- and low-income countries, young people are less likely than adults to have a formal account. There are even starker differences related to a country’s income level, with 21 per cent of youth in low-income economies having a formal account compared with 61 per cent in upper-middle-income economies (Demirguc-Kunt et al., 2013). 

Even with this data, determining the exact extent of youth access to financial services can be complicated because there is a lack of consistent data and definitions on youth (see Box 3). The lack of data is more limited for rural areas.
While there is some analysis of the urban-rural gap in access to financial services, with those living in cities significantly more likely to have an account than rural residents (Klapper, 2012), there are currently no comprehensive studies with disaggregated data for rural youth.

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