Artisanal Fisheries Pilot Development Project  


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Artisanal Fisheries Pilot Development Project

Artisanal Fisheries Pilot Development Project

In its first stage, this two-phase project’s main objectives are to increase the supply of fish in the country, and to expand fish consumption by the local population as a source of protein, thereby improving food security.

The target group in the areas of Djibouti, Tadjoura and Obock consists of:

  • Fishermen and their families, comprising up to 3,000 people
  • Up to 150,000 potential consumers of fish products.

The project will introduce new technologies such as outboard motors and line motors, and new methods such as the use of the ice and deep-freezing of fish for better fish conservation. A cooperative of fishermen will be established and a line of credit introduced especially for members of the cooperative with little access to credit; this will enable them to purchase boats and fishing equipment. Non-members will also benefit from some cooperative services.

Another aim of the project is to develop export markets for certain types of fish.

Source: IFAD

Estado: Cerrado
Fecha de aprobación
04 diciembre 1980
1980 - 1985
Costo total del proyecto
USD 3,52 millones
Financiación del FIDA
USD 1,78 millones
Condiciones de financiación
Condiciones muy favorables
N.º del proyecto

Informes del Presidente

Informes sobre el diseño de los proyectos

Documentos de supervisión y apoyo a la ejecución

Evaluación del impacto ambiental y social

Auditoría y Estados Financieros

Informe del examen interino (mitad de período)

Marco de acción para el reasentamiento

Resúmenes de informes

Estudios específicos

Proyectos enumerados

Auditoría y Estados Financieros

Informe de finalización del proyecto

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