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El futuro de la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional mundial

mayo 2012
En los últimos cinco años el mundo ha sufrido una serie de crisis
económicas, financieras y alimentarias que han desacelerado, y
en ocasiones invalidado, los esfuerzos mundiales por reducir la
pobreza y el hambre. Al día de hoy, la volatilidad de los precios y una
serie de catástrofes climáticas, como la devastadora sequía que arrasó
recientemente el Cuerno de África, siguen desbaratando esos esfuerzos.
En este contexto, la promoción de la capacidad de recuperación de los
medios de vida y de la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional ha pasado a
ocupar un lugar destacado en los programas de políticas de los
gobiernos. Los pequeños agricultores deben ocupar el centro
mismo de estos programas y ejercer funciones directivas en las
actividades de inversión necesarias para ejecutarlos.

Investing in rural people in Burundi

marzo 2012

IFAD has funded nine programmes and projects in Burundi for a total investment of US$141 million. IFAD’s experience in the country confirms that even under adverse circumstances programmes and projects conceived and designed on the basis of adequate consultations with incentives to rural communities can help improve household food security.

During more than a decade of open conflict in Burundi, IFAD continued to implement programme and project activities. In keeping with its mandate for rural and agricultural development, the organization supported participation in social development and the cohesion of rural communities that were directly or indirectly affected by massacres and combat. By continuing activities in the face of insecurity and within the constraints of an international embargo on Burundi, IFAD helped communities maintain a sense of normalcy.

Enabling poor rural to overcome poverty in Yemen

diciembre 2011

IFAD is currently one of the two largest donors supporting Yemen’s rural agricultural sector. IFAD has worked in Yemen since the Fund’s creation, and has acquired a wealth of experience and knowledge of the economy and society, and developed a wide network of partners in the country. IFAD’s goal in Yemen is to achieve improved, diversified and sustainable livelihoods for poor rural women, men and young people, especially those who depend on rainfed agriculture and livestock production systems in the poorest areas. 

IFAD has three main strategic objectives in Yemen:
• empowering rural communities by strengthening partnerships with civil society organizations and using community-driven approaches so that poor rural people can manage local community development activities;
• promoting sustainable rural financial services and pro-poor rural enterprises by developing savings and credit associations for disadvantaged groups in remote rural areas and developing rural enterprises that provide jobs for the unemployed, especially young people and women;
• enhancing food security for poor households by restoring the productive agricultural base and improving productivity so that poor households can produce enough for household needs and a surplus that can be sold.

Dar a la población rural pobre de Honduras la oportunidad de salir de la pobreza

noviembre 2011

Los préstamos y donaciones del FIDA han apoyado las inversiones gubernamentales en programas de reducción de la pobreza desde 1979. Antes de 1998, cuando el huracán Mitch devastó el país, el FIDA era una de las únicas instituciones internacionales que invertía en el desarrollo rural y el alivio de la pobreza en Honduras.

El FIDA también diseñó uno de los primeros proyectos que se ejecutaron tras el desastroso huracán: el Proyecto del Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Rural Sostenible (FONADERS).

Addressing climate change in East and Southern Africa

noviembre 2011
Climate variability and change are expected to compromise agricultural production and food security severely in many African countries. 

Fragile states: working to build resilience

septiembre 2011
Fragile states are home to nearly 30 per cent of the world’s poor people. Though measures of fragility vary, such countries typically lack some of the basic tools of nationbuilding: good governance,
strong policies, skilled personnel, functional infrastructure and services, educated citizens, an active civil society and a competitive private sector. Civil and border conflict is an all-too frequent reality.
Poor people living in rural areas of fragile states are particularly vulnerable as they have very limited means to cope with the situation created by fragility.
Disponible en otros idiomas: Arabic, English, French, Italian

IFAD and Togo

septiembre 2011

The country’s challenge now is to create the conditions for economic growth – and the Government of Togo believes that the best way to achieve lasting growth is through increased production and productivity in the agriculture sector.

For these reasons, after more than a decade out of the country, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is working closely with the Republic of Togo to put agricultural and rural development on track.

Smallholder conservation agriculture - Rationale for IFAD involvement and relevance to the East and Southern Africa region

septiembre 2011
There is a growing need to investigate different crop production systems that prevent soil degradation while increasing productivity. Conservation agriculture (CA) offers a promising solution. Conservation agriculture is a climate resilient technology and management system that has demonstrable potential to secure sustained productivity and livelihood improvements for millions of climate-dependent farmers working in semi-arid areas around the world. Success stories are recorded for some countries in Asia, and in Australia and Brazil. However, for sub-Saharan Africa adoption of the technology has lagged behind these other countries, and concerns have been raised as to the suitability of the technology within the smallholder farming context.
