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IFAD’s support for land and natural resource tenure security - Latin America and the Caribbean

mayo 2018

This report provides the findings of a stock-taking exercise started in 2015 on IFAD's investment in tenure security measures integrated in its larger agricultural development projects. This stock-take provides an overview of tenure investments and activities in the Latin America and the Caribbean region (LAC).

IFAD’s support for land and natural resource tenure security - Near East, Nord Africa Europe and Central Asia

mayo 2018

This report provides the findings of a stock-taking exercise started in 2015 on IFAD's investment in tenure security measures integrated in its larger agricultural development projects. This stock-take provides an overview of tenure investments and activities in the Near East, North Africa, Europe and Central Asia region (NEN).

IFAD’s support for land and natural resource tenure security West and Central Africa

mayo 2018

This report provides the findings of a stock-taking exercise started in 2015 on IFAD's investment in tenure security measures integrated in its larger agricultural development projects. This stock-take provides an overview of tenure investments and activities in the West and Central Africa region (WCA).


RemitSCOPE - Remittance markets and opportunities Asia and the Pacific

mayo 2018

​RemitSCOPE, a new website portal, is designed to provide data, analyses and remittancemarket1 profiles on individual countries or areas. In coordination with the Global Forum on Remittances, Investment and Development 2018, RemitSCOPE is being launched to provide market profiles for 50 countries or areas in the Asia and the Pacific region.

The additional four regions will be included gradually: Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe, and Near East and the Caucasus. RemitSCOPE intends to address the fast-changing market realities in the remittance industry in order to help bring together the goals of remittance families, as clients, and the strategies of the private-sector service providers. RemitSCOPE is designed as a free, one-stop shop that is available to any organization or entity interested in accessing all relevant public information on remittances.  

Developing nutrition-sensitive value chains in Nigeria

abril 2018
With funding from the German government, IFAD recently carried out a set of studies in Nigeria and Indonesia to determine how to
design nutrition-sensitive value chain (NSVC) projects for smallholders. Such projects seek to shape thedevelopment of value chains for
nutritious commodities in ways that are likely to address nutrition problems.

Notas de orientación: Cómo la transformación rural inclusiva puede promover sociedades sostenibles y resistentes

abril 2018

Los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) se centran en un conjunto interrelacionado de cuestiones que deben abordarse para erradicar el hambre y la pobreza y garantizar un futuro en el que nadie se quede atrás. El Foro Político de Alto Nivel de este año se centra en la "Transformación hacia sociedades sostenibles y resistentes". Se revisarán en profundidad los ODS relacionados con el agua (ODS6), la energía (ODS7), los asentamientos humanos (ODS11), el consumo y la producción responsables (ODS12), la vida en la tierra (ODS15) y las asociaciones (ODS17). En ese contexto, el mundo rural -donde viven la mayoría de las personas pobres y hambrientas- merece una atención especial.

The Water Advantage: Seeking sustainable solutions for water stress

marzo 2018

Among ecosystems services, freshwater is one of the most fundamental for life. For smallholders, water means the difference between a decent life and poverty, hunger and malnutrition. 
