Ensayos y Síntesis
Ensayos y Síntesis
Ensayos y Síntesis
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Small-scale producers in the development of tea value chain partnership
Small-scale producers in the development of cocoa value chain partnership
Documento occasional 4: La importancia de la ampliación de escala para el desarrollo agrícola y rural
Findings of four case studies conducted by indigenous people on IFAD-funded projects in Asia and the Pacific - a Regional Overview
a) Identified existing policies and institutions, good practices, key success factors and innovations in selected on-going IFAD-funded projects with indigenous peoples with a potential for scaling up and replication;
b) Assessed the implementation of the IFAD Policy on Engagement with Indigenous Peoples in IFAD-funded projects taking into account that the selected project has been approved before the approval of the policy; and,
c) Identified challenges and suggested areas of improvement in strengthening partnership between IFAD and indigenous peoples in order to address poverty and sustainable development with culture and identity.
FFR Brief - Five years of the Financing Facility for Remittances
This document reports on the remarkable achievements of the Financing Facility for Remittances (FFR) in its five years of operation. It provides an overview of the importance of remittances to development, the strategy that the Facility has adopted to date, and the lessons.
The FFR Brief learned from the innovative projects it has financed. Looking forward, the report highlights the tremendous opportunities offered by large-scale distribution networks, adoption of new technologies, mobilization of migrant capital and partnering with the private sector. Each chapter has been designed to be readable as a stand-alone discussion of the specific topic area it addresses. As a number of projects resulted in lessons learned in multiple areas, projects may be mentioned more than once, and their impact in each topic area will be discussed separately.
Enviar dinero a los hogares asiáticos Oportunidades y tendencias en el mayor mercado de remesas del mundo
Proceedings of the first global meeting of the Indigenous Peoples’ Forum at IFAD
This report summarizes the first global meeting of the Indigenous Peoples’ Forum at IFAD in February 2013.
The report provides an overview of the main messages conveyed, the key topics discussed, the recommendations put forward by indigenous peoples’ representatives and the regional action plans jointly agreed upon by IFAD and indigenous participants.
For those interested in learning more, the report provides links to background documents, case studies, videos, photos, interviews and further reading.
Support to Farmers’Organizations in Africa Programme (SFOAP) - Main Phase 2013-2017
This brief paper presents the main phase of SFOAP (2013-2015).
During this period the Programme will help African FOs to evolve into more stable, performing and accountable organizations that effectively represent their members and advise them on farming enterprises.
Scaling up programs for the rural poor: IFAD’s experience, lessons and prospects (phase 2)
Managing forests, sustaining lives, improving livelihoods of indigenous peoples and ethnic groups in the Mekong region, Asia
This paper presents the Learning Route, ‘Managing Forests, Sustaining Lives, Improving Livelihoods of Indigenous Peoples and Ethnic Groups in the Mekong Region’, undertaken in November 2012 by PROCASUR and AIPP with the support of IFAD.
It describes the Learning Route process, outputs and outcomes, as well as lessons learned, in addition to two case studies – one in Lao PDR and the other in Thailand – of community-based forest management, communal land titles and sustainable livelihoods.
The document also provides a general overview of the land tenure system and its effect on the traditional livelihoods of indigenous peoples and ethnic groups in Asia, with particular focus on Lao PDR and Thailand.
Strengthening institutions and organizations
Farmers’ Africa - Complementary actions for the benefit of African producers
Farmers’ Africa is a capacity-building programme that aims to improve the livelihoods and food security of rural producers in Africa. It works with farmers’ organizations (FOs) to help them evolve into more stable, performing and accountable organizations that effectively represent their members and advise them on farming enterprises.
The programme supports the main functions of FOs, promotes their engagement in policy processes and contributes to their professionalization. It also supports the efforts of FOs to provide economic services to their members. The total cost of the programme is estimated at EUR 40 million over five years and includes an overall contribution of EUR 26.9 million from the European Union (EU).
Documento de Síntesi buenas prácticas en proyectos enfocados a pueblos indígenas y afro-decendientes del FIDA el América Latina
El Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola (FIDA), ha definido como misión el diseño de herramientas que aporten a la construcción de capacidades para el empoderamiento de la población rural como ruta para mejorar su calidad de vida, a través de procesos de autodesarrollo.
Dentro de la población rural los pueblos indígenas, se identifican en contexto con más desventajas en relación a acceso a servicios básicos y recursos necesarios para salir de la pobreza, sumado a la situación de exclusión histórica y negación de sus derechos a la cual han estado enfrentados.
Como respuesta a esto, se define la Política de Actuación en relación a Pueblos Indígenas, que tienen como fin que los procesos de desarrollo impulsados desde el FIDA tengan mayor efectividad, la cual cuenta con procedimientos, instrumentos y mecanismos para su aplicación.
Política de Actuación en relación con Pueblos Indígenas - FIDA Caso Guatemala_PRODENORTE 2012
La Sistematización de Buenas Practicas del Programa Desarrollo Rural Sustentable para la Región del Norte -PRODENORTE- se constituye en un aprendizaje colectivo y de beneficio para la población indígena de los pueblos mayas Q´eqchi´, Pocomchi´, Achi y Ki´che´.
El programa se desarrolla bajo los lineamientos descritos en el Programa Sobre Oportunidades Estratégicas Nacionales del FIDA, COSOP 2008-2013.
Supporting Small-Scale Producers of Certified Sustainable Products
The rapid growth in consumer demand for sustainable agricultural products represents an enormous opportunity for small-scale farmers and producers in developing countries.
To help them seize this and other opportunities, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) funds a range of projects in rural areas. A growing number of projects support smallholder production of commodities that are certified under programmes such as Fairtrade, Organic, UTZ Certified and Rainforest Alliance, including:
• Cocoa and coffee in Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, and Sierra Leone
• Fruits in the South Pacific and Madagascar
• Cosmetic and medicinal plants in India and Southern Africa.
Gender and Water - Security water for rural livelihoods - The multiple-uses system approach
Flexi Biogas systems: inexpensive, renewable energy for developing countries
The most common type of biogas system, and the most widely adopted in China and India, is a fixed dome system. Its construction requires skilled technical expertise and complex logistics, making installation expensive and time-consuming. Fixed dome systems are permanent installations, so secure land tenure is a prerequisite. These challenges make it difficult to adopt fixed dome systems in developing countries, particularly in Africa. As a result, many systems have failed and adoption rates have been low.
Another type of biogas system, manufactured in Kenya, is Flexi Biogas, a flexible above- ground system that is simpler and less costly to build and operate. This system does not require agitation and the digester is not a sealed tank but simply a 6m x 3m plastic bag made of PVC tarpaulin.
For more information please click on the link below.
Manuel de suivi et d’entretien des petits barrages en Mauritanie
Transforming Agricultural Development and Production in Africa. Closing Gender Gaps and Empowering Rural Women in Policy and Practice
Over 50 experts from more than 20 countries convened in Salzburg, Austria, in November 2011 for a special Dialogue for Action meeting entitled Transforming Agricultural Development and Production in Africa: Closing Gender Gaps and Empowering Rural Women in Policy and Practice. Designed to accelerate rural and agricultural development in Africa, the meeting focused on investment in women.
It was organized by the Salzburg Global Seminar (SGS) with support from the United Nations International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)/Belgian Fund for Food Security (BFFS) Joint Programme. This report aims to reflect the complexity of the discussions that took place during the event and the outcome of those discussions.
Growing peace through development (2012)
Women and pastoralism
The paper highlights the issues arising from the Global Gathering of Women Pastoralists (2010) which brought together over 100 women from herding communities across 32 different countries to discuss the challenges faced by pastoralist women and girls, and their potential opportunities.
It aims to support development practitioners in planning specific interventions and mainstreaming issues that potentially affect pastoralist women into the implementation stages of development initiatives.
The paper is part of the IFAD Livestock Thematic Papers on Livestock and Pastoralists and Gender and Livestock, which offer an in-depth view of the broader context.
Livestock and Renewable Energy
This Thematic Paper is part of a toolkit for development practitioners, created to support the design of appropriate livestock development interventions. It has been developed to assess existing synergies between livestock and the renewable energy sector and consider the potential benefits that could arise from their interactions, such as mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions, environmental preservation (soil restoration), and availability of clean, affordable and reliable energy sources (e.g. biogas).
The paper is divided into two sections. The first part looks at the livestock’s potential as a renewable energy source. Through, for example, the use of cost-effective technologies such as biogas systems that can stem methane emissions from livestock manure by recovering the gas and using it as an energy source in alternative to wood/charcoal or fossil fuel.
The second part, given the climate change scenario, considers viable applications of Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs) addressed for small-scale farmers and livestock keepers at different levels of the value chain that can provide multifunctional benefits for households, community and environment.
Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment. Policy brief
What does gender equality look like? Gender equality exists where women and men have equal access to opportunities and services, equal control over resources, and an equal say in decisions at all levels.
Evidence demonstrates that where gender equality is greater, there is higher economic growth and a better quality of life for all.
Les petits barrages de décrue en Mauritanie: Recommandations pour la conception et la construction
Ce manuel est un complément au “Manuel de suivi et d’entretien des petits barrages en Mauritanie” publié dans la même série.
Caso de Estudio Programa de Desarrollo Rural en la Costa Caribe de Nicaragua, NICARIBE
El presente estudio se basa en el análisis sobre la incorporación de los principios de actuación por los que ha de guiarse el Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola (FIDA), en su labor con Pueblos Indígenas y Afrodescendientes. El Programa de Desarrollo Rural en la Costa Caribe de Nicaragua, NICARIBE, fue el proyecto de referencia para el análisis.
NICARIBE es un programa que se implementa en siete territorios de Pueblos Indígenas y Afrodescendientes de la Costa Caribe, y tiene como meta mejorar los niveles de ingreso de 10,580 familias que viven en estos territorios, enfocando en el apoyo en el incremento de la producción, el manejo y aprovechamiento sostenible de los recursos naturales y fortalecimiento de sus organizaciones (territoriales y comunales) locales.
Scaling up Microirrigation Systems - Outcome Report
Caso de Estudio Proyecto de Desarrollo Corredor Central Ecuador
Este es un documento sobre las Buenas Prácticas del proyecto de Desarrollo Corredor Central (PDCC) implementado en Ecuador y financiado por el Gobierno Nacional y por el Préstamo 650/EC proveniente del Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola (FIDA), a través de la ejecución de sub-Proyectos de Turismo Comunitario con Pueblos y Nacionalidades Indígenas.
Los tres segmentos geográficos que conforman el corredor central, desde la región de la costa a la región amazónica: (i) Portoviejo y La Maná; (ii) Pujilí y Pelileo; (iii) Baños y Puyo.
Climate-smart smallholder agriculture: What is different.
Cada vez hay más consenso en cuanto a que el cambio climático está transformando el contexto del desarrollo rural, cambiando los entornos físicos y socioeconómicos y encareciendo el desarrollo de los pequeños productores. Pero el consenso es menor en cuanto a la manera en que las prácticas agrícolas en pequeña escala deberían cambiar como resultado de ello. La pregunta que suele plantearse es la siguiente: ¿cuál es realmente la diferencia que plantea la agricultura en pequeña escala “climáticamente inteligente”, que trasciende las mejores prácticas utilizadas usualmente en el ámbito del desarrollo?
Facilitar el acceso de los jóvenes rurales a las actividades agrícolas
Este documento de trabajo para la sesión de juventud del Foro Campesino 2012 proporciona una visión de conjunto de las conclusiones del proyecto común MIJARC/FIDA/FAO sobre “Facilitar el acceso de los jóvenes rurales . a las actividades agrícolas’.
Este documento será completado e inserido en el informe final que se publicará después del Foro Campesino.
Good Practices in Building Innovative Rural Institutions to Increase Food Security
Evidence from the ground shows that when strong rural organizations such as producer groups and cooperatives provide a full range of services to small producers, they are able to play a greater role in meeting a growing food demand on local, national and international markets. Indeed, a myriad of such institutional innovations from around the world are documented in this FAO case-study-based publication.
Nevertheless, to be able to provide a broad array of services to their members, organizations have to develop a dense network of relationships among small producers, between small-producer organizations and with markets actors and policy-makers.
Syrian Arab Republic: Thematic study on participatory rangeland management in the Badia - Badia Rangelands Development Project
Water User Associations in the context of small holder agriculture
This report is the fruit of that endeavour and builds on efforts by IWMI, IFAD and many others to document and understand the impacts of PIM.
Through the systematic review of 24 IFAD-funded PIM interventions and field observations from 5 project sites in the Asian region this study sheds new light on what works, where and why.
Our study examines WUAs that have been created by IFAD projects and those which pre-date it’s interventions but are the main focus of capacity building or restructuring.
Madagascar - Étude de cas Le potentiel des jeunes AUE à participer au développement durable
Lessons learned in the development of smallholder private irrigation for high-value crops in West Africa
The objective of this report is to identify, characterize, and evaluate best practices in smallholder private irrigation in West Africa. The report presents a comparative assessment of the smallholder private irrigation initiatives in Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, and Nigeria.
Issues discussed include: the potential and impacts of new technologies; the successes and challenges of different approaches to develop smallholder private irrigation (promotion of technologies, institutional arrangements, advisory and financial services, and environmental impact mitigation); and the lessons learned.
Madagascar - Étude de cas Le rôle des femmes dans la gouvernance locale de l’eau agricole
Plus de 35 ans sont passés depuis la première conférence mondiale de la femme des Nations Unies au Mexique en 1975, et de nombreuses autres conférences et événements se sont succédés, avec comme résultats des engagements politiques, des documents d’action et des
Malgré cela, nous sommes loin de pouvoir affirmer que l’objectif d’égalité entre les sexes ait été atteint. En ce qui concerne les pays en voie du développement, le Sommet mondial du développement social, en 1995 a été déterminant. C’est alors que le monde a pris conscience de la nécessité d’établir des indicateurs pour pouvoir analyser la situation des femmes dans le monde à diverses échelles.
Remesas y redes postales
Sudan - Training and skills development within the Gash Sustainable Livelihoods Regeneration Project (GSLRP)
The case study in Sudan, undertaken in the framework of the Initiative for Mainstreaming Innovation (IMI), analyzed training and skills development activities in the IFAD-supported Gash Sustainable Livelihoods Regeneration Project (GSLRP).
The study is an assessment of the type of capacity building and training that can be implemented in an area of great poverty using innovative approaches in community development and training. It illustrates the kind of impact that is possible at individual and community level.
Rwanda: The Rural Apprenticeship Training Programme
(i) Targeting and transition to employment or business creation; (ii) Types of training and providers; (iii) Transfer of knowledge and sustainability. The objective of this study is to present the experience of IFAD in technical vocational and skills development in the context of Rwanda and by doing so, highlight the innovative features and lessons learnt for further replication.
Bangladesh - Field study on Innovative forms of training and capacity-building
Apprenticeship learning and the inclusion of young people in nonagricultural rural activities under a national agricultural and rural training strategy - Reflections on scaling up a pilot experience in Madagascar
IFAD Supported Training and Apprenticeship within the Rural Enterprises Project Phase II in Ghana - A Field Study of Training Approaches and Outcomes
Colombia - A practical approach to building peer-to-peer knowledge
Agritrade 2011 - Programa de encadenamientos empresariales
Smallholders can feed the world
Putting young people first
Scaling up the fight against rural poverty
Remesas y alfabetización financiera
Lightening the load - Labour saving technologies for rural women
Making the most of agricultural investment: A survey of business models that provide opportunities for smallholders
IFAD's livestock position paper
Aprender trabajando juntos Microproyectos financiados por el Fondo de Apoyo a los Pueblos Indígenas (IPAF)
Desde su creación en 1978 el FIDA, en el ámbito de su mandato de reducir la pobreza, ha prestado apoyo a numerosos programas de desarrollo rural en los que los pueblos indígenas han sido partes interesadas importantes.
Sin embargo, la experiencia del FIDA durante sus primeros decenios de actividad indicó que, en muchos casos, el impacto en los pueblos indígenas se vio limitado porque en el diseño y la ejecución de proyectos no se tuvo en cuenta la dimensión sociocultural de las estrategias de supervivencia de los pueblos indígenas, que se encuentran en la categoría más amplia e indiferenciada de la población pobre de las zonas rurales.
Alternatives to land acquisitions: Agricultural investment and collaborative business models
Gender and livestock: tools for design
This Thematic Paper is part of a Toolkit for Project Design (Livestock Thematic Papers: Tools for Project Design) which reflects IFAD’s commitment to developing a sustainable livestock sector in which poor farmers and herders might have higher incomes, and better access to assets, services, technologies and markets.
The paper indents to be a practical tool for development practitioners, project designers and policymakers to define appropriate livestock development interventions. It also provides recommendations on critical issues for rural development and also possible responses and actions to encourage the socio-economic empowerment of poor livestock keepers.
Promoting women's leadership in farmers' and rural producers' organizations
This paper presents the outcomes of the Special Session of the 2010 Farmers’ Forum, Promoting Women’s Leadership in Farmers’ Organizations and Rural Producers’ Organizations, that was convened on 12 and 13 February in conjunction with the Thirty-third Session of IFAD’s Governing Council. The session was co-organized by IFAD and the non-governmental organization Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources (WOCAN).
In plenary session and working groups, over 60 participants – including 35 women farmer representatives, members of the Farmers’ Forum Steering Committee, observers from NGOs and FAO, and many IFAD staff – had a rich discussion that generated important recommendations.
IFAD will follow up on those recommendations not only as a matter of equity, given women’s enormous contribution to agriculture, but also because a stronger women’s voice and leadership in agriculture are essential to making smallholder agriculture more productive and sustainable.
Gender and desertification: Making ends meet in drylands
Desertification is the process of land degradation that affects dryland areas and is caused by poverty, unsustainable land management and climate change. Drylands lose their productive capacity in a spiral of destruction that twins increased land degradation with increased poverty and food insecurity. Drought and desertification threaten the livelihoods of more than 1.2 billion people in 110 countries.
The problem is particularly acute in sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia Desertification is the process of land degradation that affects dryland areas and is caused by poverty, unsustainable land management and climate change. Drylands lose their productive capacity in a spiral of destruction that twins increased land degradation with increased poverty and food insecurity. Drought and desertification threaten the livelihoods of more than 1.2 billion people in 110 countries. The problem is particularly acute in sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia.
Gender and desertification: Expanding roles for women to restore drylands
In addition to caring for their families, women across the developing world spend considerable proportions of their time and energy using and preserving land for the production of food and fuel and to generate income for their families and communities.
These activities include crop production, growing fruits and vegetables, raising small livestock, tending trees, processing products for food and markets, and managing and collecting water and fuel. Women are usually responsible for the plots in which food crops are grown, while men are responsible for the plots on which cash crops are grown. The latter account for a major part of the threat of soil nutrient depletion and desertification.
Enviar dinero a los hogares africanos Mercados de remesas, entorno favorable y perspectivas futuras
Remittances: sending money home
Food prices: Smallholders can be part of the solution
se cuenta con las inversiones, las políticas y los programas de desarrollo adecuados, los pequeños agricultores tienen un gran potencial para aumentar la producción de alimentos y, de ese modo, mejorar sus vidas y contribuir a una mayor seguridad alimentaria para todos.
Land grab or development opportunity? Agricultural investment and international land deals in Africa
media reports across the world. Lands that only a short time ago seemed of little outside interest are now being sought by international investors to the tune of
hundreds of thousands of hectares. And while a failed attempt to lease 1.3 million ha in Madagascar has attracted much media attention, deals
reported in the international press constitute the tip of the iceberg. This is rightly a hot issue because land is so central to identity, livelihoods and food security.
IFAD and the League of Arab States
Poverty poses a constant threat to economic growth, trade reform, private sector development, knowledge, governance and gender equality.
Poverty among the 22 members of the League of Arab States (LAS) is primarily a rural phenomenon. A quarter of the region’s population, or about 80 million people, live below national poverty lines. Between 60 and 70 percent of these poor people live in rural areas.
One of the most pressing challenges in the region is the high rate of unemployment, particularly among young people. Official unemployment rates average 13 per cent, and in some countries the jobless rate among young people is twice as high.
IFAD in the MERCOSUR area
Working to enable poor rural people to overcome poverty, IFAD operates in the MERCOSUR countries at two levels:
• at the subregional level, within the institutional framework of MERCOSUR, it promotes a platform for dialogue between governments and smallholder farmers’ associations, with the aim of increasing public investment in family farming
• at the national level, it provides funding and technical assistance to governments for the implementation of rural development programmes and projects that translate into action the agreements reached at subregional level.
Protectores de la cultura y la biodiversidad: Los Pueblos Indígenas se hacen cargo de sus desafíos y oportunidades
El objetivo del estudio fue desarrollar un análisis integral y un análisis por países sobre las necesidades de los Pueblos Indígenas y las soluciones propuestas para abordar el tema de la pobreza rural.
De la agricultura de subsistencia a la obtención de ganancias: los beneficios de los pozos para uso agrícola en Sri Lanka
Gracias a pozos grandes y bien construidos la agricultura se está convirtiendo en una actividad rentable para los agricultores que viven en las zonas secas de Sri Lanka.
De 1999 a 2007 los agricultores de las zonas secas del distrito de Matale se beneficiaron del Proyecto para el Adelanto Económico Regional de Matale, financiado en su mayor parte con un préstamo de USD 11,7 millones concedido por el FIDA al Gobierno de Sri Lanka.
El presupuesto total del proyecto era de USD 14,5 millones y de la iniciativa se beneficiaron 30 000 hogares. Una de las principales actividades del subcomponente del proyecto dedicado a la conservación de suelos y la ordenación hídrica consistió en prestar asistencia a los agricultores más pobres para permitirles construir pozos para uso agrícola destinados al riego. Esta actividad comenzó en 2001.
Sending Money Home - Worldwide Remittance Flows to Developing and Transition Countries
Irriguer pour mieux cultiver : la réussite du Haut Bassin du Mandrare. L’expérience de 12 années d’intervention du PHBM (1996-2008)
Le potentiel irrigable du Haut Bassin du Mandrare est connu depuis très longtemps.
La zone du Haut Bassin du Mandrare divisée en six sous-bassins versants qui alimentent le Mandrare bénéficie d’une bonne pluviométrie (normalement comprise entre 800 et 1100 mm) par rapport aux autres zones de l’extrême Sud de Madagascar.
Les sols des vallées sont fertiles et se prêtent à la riziculture irriguée, activité agricole pratiquée par 60 % des habitants de la zone.
IFAD in the Near East and North Africa region
IFAD’s work in the region is guided by the organization’s Strategic Framework, its four thematic priorities for the region and by individual country strategic opportunities papers (COSOPs), reflecting governments’ own priorities in rural development and prepared in consultation with governments, donors and other partners.
The rural poor - Survival or a better life?
En este documento se exponen a grandes rasgos las razones de índole social y medioambiental por las que la comunidad internacional del desarrollo debería conceder una prioridad más alta a ayudar a los pobres, sobre todo a los que viven en zonas marginales desde el punto de vista biofísico o marginadas
socioeconómicamente. El desarrollo rural sostenible depende de que se haga frente con éxito a los problemas gemelos de la pobreza y de la degradación del medio natural. Hay 1 200 millones de personas que viven en extrema pobreza, y de ellas 900 millones viven en zonas rurales en las que dependen directa o indirectamente de la agricultura para sobrevivir. En este documento se ofrece una breve panorámica del desarrollo rural desde la perspectiva de los objetivos de desarrollo del milenio (ODM) y del programa 21, que instan a una acción concertada para resolver los problemas de los campesinos pobres y las limitaciones de su base de recursos naturales.