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Case study: Household approach, Zambia

noviembre 2014
This case study illustrates how Household Approach (household methodology) has been used effectively in Zambia, highlighting how it has worked in a particular context. Links are provided to resources and online materials.

A field practitioner's guide: Institutional and organizational analysis and capacity strengthening

noviembre 2014

The purpose of this Guide is to support institutional and organizational analysis and strengthening (IOA/S) for design and implementation of programmes and projects.
The Guide is designed to be a practical, hands-on set of directions to those needing to answer the following questions: “how to go about doing institutional and organizational analysis? And once I’ve done it, how do I go about using this analysis to promote sustainable institutions and organizations?”

This is intended as a user-friendly Guide, the use of which could help identify strategic partners and key areas for intervention at COSOP level; to deepen the COSOP analysis at the design stage by generating interventions that support sustainable institutions and organizations, and progress
at implementation stage should be easier to monitor and evaluate effectively. 

Toolkit: Strengthening smallholder institutions and organizations

noviembre 2014
The “Strengthening smallholder institutions and organizations toolkit” provides valuable guidance to help practitioners analyze and address issues related to smallholder institutions and organizations during the devopment of country strategies and in the design and implementation of programmes and projects.

How to do note: Strengthen community-based natural resource management organizations

noviembre 2014
Natural resources (land, water, forests, fisheries) are fundamental to the survival of rural people. The livelihoods of most poor people depend on agriculture, which in turn hinges on the continued productiveness of the land and availability of water resources. Land and water, in addition to forests, offer the compendium of ecological goods and services that smallholders in developing countries need for their economic development; they can also provide a safety net in times of crisis. These resources are also global public goods. Natural resources need to be managed sustainably not only on smallholder farms and in individual sectors (e.g. selected sources of water or forest reserves) but in the totality of ecosystems that support their existence.

Congo: Country Technical Notes on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues

octubre 2014

The indigenous population of the Republic of Congo (RC) include the Baka, Mbendjele, Mikaya, Luma, Gyeli, Twa and Babongo peoples. Depending on sources, these peoples represent a small minority of 1.25 to 10 percent of RC’s estimated population of 4.4 million, primarily of Bantu origin.

Lecciones Aprendidas: Proyectos de desarrollo de cadenas de valor de productos básicos

octubre 2014
Esta publicación de Lecciones Aprendidas tiene como objetivo proporcionar a los equipos de diseño observaciones basadas en experiencias concretas provenientes de proyectos del FIDA y de otros donantes que puedan ser útiles para el diseño de proyectos de cadenas de valor. Este documento es parte de un conjunto de publicaciones (caja de herramientas) que incluye además un documento de Notas sobre el Diseño de Proyectos de Cadenas de Valor Agrícolas y un Cuadro General

Toolkit: Lines of credit

octubre 2014
The LOC is a loan to a participating financial institution (PFI) for on-lending to customers who are expected to repay their loans with interest.
