Herramientas y Guías
Herramientas y Guías

Herramientas y Guías
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Congo: Country Technical Notes on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues
The indigenous population of the Republic of Congo (RC) include the Baka, Mbendjele, Mikaya, Luma, Gyeli, Twa and Babongo peoples. Depending on sources, these peoples represent a small minority of 1.25 to 10 percent of RC’s estimated population of 4.4 million, primarily of Bantu origin.
Lecciones Aprendidas: Proyectos de desarrollo de cadenas de valor de productos básicos
Toolkit: Lines of credit
Estudio de casos: Metodología para fomentar la transformación en los hogares en Etiopía
Case study: Men’s Travelling Conference, Kenya
Lessons Learned: Loan Guarantee Funds
How to do note: Loan Guarantee Funds
This How To Do Note highlights the rationale for using Loan Guarantee Funds, focusing on different types of guarantee arrangements, as well as their strengths, weaknesses and opportunities. It also summarizes global experience with LGFs.
The Note provides country programme management teams, programme design teams, implementation teams, and other practitioners and users with evidence-based good practices and guidelines so that they can design and implement more effective and contextually appropriate guarantees.
Lessons learned: Community-based financial organizations
Community-based financial organizations (CBFOs) are often the only institutions available to provide basic financial services to the rural poor, especially in remote areas with inadequate infrastructure.
CBFOs can be organized in many different ways. This knowledge document elaborates on the lessons learned in designing and implementing support for a CBFO.