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Cassa Depositi e Prestiti partner with the UN Agricultural Fund to fight hunger and poverty and spur economic development in rural areas

Against a backdrop of record levels of hunger, high food and fertilizers prices, and extreme weather events affecting the lives and livelihoods of poor rural populations and small-scale farmers in developing countries, Cassa Depositi and Prestiti (CDP) and IFAD agreed today to work jointly to expand and amplify the impact of long-term rural development programmes of common interest which will help lift the world’s poorest rural populations out of hunger and poverty and adapt to a changing climate.

Goles para cambiar el mundo

El FIDA se ha asociado con la Serie B y al futbolista Gianluca Lapadula para dar visibilidad a nuestra labor y concientizar sobre el papel vital que desempeñan los pequeños agricultores en la alimentación mundial.    

Episodio 38 – Fomentar la biodiversidad por un futuro agrícola deparador

This month we kick off with the Conference of the Parties on Biological Diversity, or COP 15, followed by three IFAD projects that put biodiversity and conservation at the forefront of their missions.

Es hora de poner fin a la violencia contra las mujeres rurales

Poner fin a la violencia de género en todas sus formas no es solo un imperativo moral, sino que también se trata de eliminar uno de los mayores impedimentos para el desarrollo rural inclusivo y sostenible. A continuación, respondemos a los interrogantes sobre la forma en que el FIDA está transformando las estructuras económicas y sociales que la hacen posible.

The youth weigh in on COP27

As today’s young people grow into tomorrow’s adults, the impacts of climate change are simultaneously growing and worsening. Rural youth are valuable contributors to climate action. At COP27, we showcased the lives and ambitions of young innovators and activists. Find out what they had to say.

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