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Bangladesh - Field study on Innovative forms of training and capacity-building

junio 2011
This study was commissioned as part of IFAD’s Initiative for Mainstreaming Innovation (IMI) with the objective of learning lessons from IFAD experience in Bangladesh regarding training and capacity building, and so to improve the effectiveness of training for social development, capacity building, technology dissemination and innovation.

Apprenticeship learning and the inclusion of young people in nonagricultural rural activities under a national agricultural and rural training strategy - Reflections on scaling up a pilot experience in Madagascar

junio 2011
IFAD’s efforts to promote the innovations launched by its programmes are illustrated here with an analysis of activities to strengthen non-agricultural rural apprenticeships under the Support Programme for Rural Microenterprise Poles and Regional Economies (PROSPERER) and the future Vocational Training and Agricultural Productivity Improvement Programme (FORMAPROD)1 in Madagascar.

IFAD Supported Training and Apprenticeship within the Rural Enterprises Project Phase II in Ghana - A Field Study of Training Approaches and Outcomes

junio 2011
As part of its initiative for mainstreaming innovation, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) explored various types of training and skills development activities in the programmes supported by the Fund and which training results have been achieved including through innovative ways. 
In Ghana the IFAD supported programme Rural Enterprises Project Phase Two (REP II) has enhanced Business Development Service (BDS), and Technology Promotion and Support to Apprentice Training (TPSAT) in about 53 districts in since 2003.
The objective of this Ghana field study is to document the diversity of approaches of training and skills development in IFAD supported programmes. In particular, it aims to assess their relevance, effectiveness and efficiency, outcomes and challenges.

Colombia - A practical approach to building peer-to-peer knowledge

junio 2011
This paper reports on the major findings of a study on innovations in training and capacity building developed within the Rural Opportunities Programme of Colombia’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.


mayo 2011
Brochure highlighting explaining the content and functions of the RemittancesGateway.org portal - a one-stop shop providing the latest news, information, documents and statistical data from a broad range of institutions and stakeholders on the subject of remittance flows. 

Agritrade 2011 - Programa de encadenamientos empresariales

marzo 2011
El programa de encadenamientos empresariales de AGEXPORT tiene como objectivo principal la generación de empleo e ingresos en comunidades en condiciones  de pobreza de Guatemala por medio de la creación de negocios exitosos basados en la asistencia técnica especializada, inteligencia de mercados, promoción comercial, capacitación e inovación tecnológica, una visión de manejo sostenible de los recursos naturales.

Smallholders can feed the world

febrero 2011
En tierras antes estériles del desierto egipcio, Ahmad Abdelmunem Al-Far y otros agricultores colegas suyos están demostrando cómo la agricultura orientada al mercado puede transformar las vidas y sacar a la gente de la pobreza.

Putting young people first

febrero 2011
Hoy en día, la generación de jóvenes —las personas de edad comprendida entre 15 y 24 años, según la definición de las Naciones Unidas— es la más grande de la historia. En todo el mundo en desarrollo representan en promedio el 20 por ciento de la población. Los jóvenes tienen fuerza y voluntad. En las condiciones adecuadas, una generación joven consistente ofrece a los países un recurso inestimable para el desarrollo económico y el progreso social. Sin embargo, en el clima actual y por diferentes razones, muchos países desarrollados y en desarrollo se están esforzando por ofrecer un futuro a sus jóvenes, tanto en las ciudades como en las zonas rurales.

Scaling up the fight against rural poverty

octubre 2010
El Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola (FIDA) hace hincapié desde hace muchos años en la innovación, el conocimiento y la ampliación de escala como elementos esenciales de su estrategia para luchar contra la pobreza rural en los países en desarrollo. Este examen institucional del enfoque de la ampliación de escala del FIDA es el primero en su género: un equipo de expertos en desarrollo recibieron financiación del Fondo a través de una donación de pequeña cuantía para evaluar la trayectoria del Fondo en la ampliación de las intervenciones que habían dado buenos resultados, sus políticas y procesos operacionales, instrumentos, recursos e incentivos, así como para formular recomendaciones a la dirección sobre la manera de hacer del FIDA una institución especializada en la ampliación de escala. Más allá del Fondo, el examen institucional de la ampliación es una actividad piloto que puede servir de ejemplo para otras instituciones dedicadas al desarrollo.

Remesas y alfabetización financiera

junio 2010
En consonancia con su mandato de ampliar la cobertura de los servicios financieros a las zonas rurales, el Fondo de financiación para remesas (FFR) es uno de los principales referentes en la puesta a prueba de modelos que permiten transferir los fondos de los migrantes a las familias receptoras de forma rápida, segura, conveniente y al menor costo posible. 

Lightening the load - Labour saving technologies for rural women

junio 2010
This publication looks back at three decades of experiences in introducing labour-saving technologies and practices to rural women and persisting gender discrimination in access and control. It also takes into account major developments in science, technology and innovation over the last several years and shows they can benefi t women.

Making the most of agricultural investment: A survey of business models that provide opportunities for smallholders

junio 2010
Drawing on a literature review, this report examines a range of business models that can be used to structure agricultural investments in lower- and middle-income countries, and that provide an alternative to large-scale land acquisitions. A business model is the way in which a company structures its resources, partnerships and customer relationships in order to create and capture value – in other words, a business model is what enables a company to make money. Business models are considered as more inclusive if they involve close working partnerships with local landholders and operators, and if they share value among the partners.

IFAD's livestock position paper

abril 2010
IFAD’s goal is that rural women and men in developing countries are empowered to achieve higher incomes and improved food security at the household level. In this way it will contribute to the achievement of Millennium Development Goal #1: “The eradication of extreme poverty”. (IFAD, Strategic Framework 2007-2010)

Aprender trabajando juntos Microproyectos financiados por el Fondo de Apoyo a los Pueblos Indígenas (IPAF)

abril 2010

Desde su creación en 1978 el FIDA, en el ámbito de su mandato de reducir la pobreza, ha prestado apoyo a numerosos programas de desarrollo rural en los que los pueblos indígenas han sido partes interesadas importantes.

Sin embargo, la experiencia del FIDA durante sus primeros decenios de actividad indicó que, en muchos casos, el impacto en los pueblos indígenas se vio limitado porque en el diseño y la ejecución de proyectos no se tuvo en cuenta la dimensión sociocultural de las estrategias de supervivencia de los pueblos indígenas, que se encuentran en la categoría más amplia e indiferenciada de la población pobre de las zonas rurales.

Alternatives to land acquisitions: Agricultural investment and collaborative business models

marzo 2010
Recent years have witnessed a renewed interest in public and private-sector investment in agriculture. Concerns about longer-term food and energy security and expectations of increasing returns from agriculture underpin much recent agricultural investment. Some have welcomed this trend as a bearer of new livelihood opportunities in lower- and middle-income countries. Others have raised concerns about the possible social impacts, including loss of local rights to land, water and other natural resources; threats to local food security; and, more generally, the risk that large-scale investments may marginalise family farmers. The recent debates about “land grabbing” – the media characterisation of large-scale farmland acquisitions in lower- and middle-income countries – illustrate these trends and positions. 

Gender and livestock: tools for design

febrero 2010

This Thematic Paper is part of a Toolkit for Project Design (Livestock Thematic Papers: Tools for Project Design) which reflects IFAD’s commitment to developing a sustainable livestock sector in which poor farmers and herders might have higher incomes, and better access to assets, services, technologies and markets.

The paper indents to be a practical tool for development practitioners, project designers and policymakers to define appropriate livestock development interventions. It also provides recommendations on critical issues for rural development and also possible responses and actions to encourage the socio-economic empowerment of poor livestock keepers.

Promoting women's leadership in farmers' and rural producers' organizations

febrero 2010

This paper presents the outcomes of the Special Session of the 2010 Farmers’ Forum, Promoting Women’s Leadership in Farmers’ Organizations and Rural Producers’ Organizations,  that was convened on 12 and 13 February in conjunction with the Thirty-third Session of IFAD’s Governing Council. The session was co-organized by IFAD and the non-governmental organization Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources (WOCAN).
In plenary session and working groups, over 60 participants – including 35 women farmer representatives, members of the Farmers’ Forum Steering Committee, observers from NGOs and FAO, and many IFAD staff – had a rich discussion that generated important recommendations. 

IFAD will follow up on those recommendations not only as a matter of equity, given women’s enormous contribution to agriculture, but also because a stronger women’s voice and leadership in agriculture are essential to making smallholder agriculture more productive and sustainable.

Gender and desertification: Making ends meet in drylands

enero 2010

Desertification is the process of land degradation that affects dryland areas and is caused by poverty, unsustainable land management and climate change. Drylands lose their productive capacity in a spiral of destruction that twins increased land degradation with increased poverty and food insecurity. Drought and desertification threaten the livelihoods of more than 1.2 billion people in 110 countries. 

The problem is particularly acute in sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia Desertification is the process of land degradation that affects dryland areas and is caused by poverty, unsustainable land management and climate change. Drylands lose their productive capacity in a spiral of destruction that twins increased land degradation with increased poverty and food insecurity. Drought and desertification threaten the livelihoods of more than 1.2 billion people in 110 countries. The problem is particularly acute in sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia.  

Gender and desertification: Expanding roles for women to restore drylands

enero 2010

In addition to caring for their families, women across the developing world spend considerable proportions of their time and energy using and preserving land for the production of food and fuel and to generate income for their families and communities.

These activities include crop production, growing fruits and vegetables, raising small livestock, tending trees, processing products for food and markets, and managing and collecting water and fuel. Women are usually responsible for the plots in which food crops are grown, while men are responsible for the plots on which cash crops are grown. The latter account for a major part of the threat of soil nutrient depletion and desertification.

Enviar dinero a los hogares africanos Mercados de remesas, entorno favorable y perspectivas futuras

noviembre 2009
Este informe se basa en los resultados de un estudio encomendado por el FIDA y realizado por Manuel Orozco, de Diálogo Interamericano.
Disponible en otros idiomas: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese
