

Resultados de la búsqueda

IFAD and GEF partnership on climate change - Fighting a global challenge at the local level

noviembre 2008

There is a general consensus that rural areas and rural livelihood systems
will bear the brunt of climate change across the globe. More frequent
extreme weather events such as heat waves and intense precipitation are
likely to place the livelihoods of many rural people at risk. Africa is
expected to be the most vulnerable continent to climate change, and will
face a decline in both food security and agricultural activity, particularly
in relation to subsistence farming.

The impact of climate change on agriculture is expected to be
devastating in many parts of the developing world. Especially in the
least developed countries, declining crop productivity and livestock deaths
associated with further global warming pose a serious threat to food
security and national economies.
Nonetheless, vulnerability to climate change can be exacerbated by poverty,
marginality and low adaptive capacity. An integrated approach is
therefore needed to bridge the gap between local development and the
global challenge of climate change.

Protectores de la cultura y la biodiversidad: Los Pueblos Indígenas se hacen cargo de sus desafíos y oportunidades

noviembre 2008

El objetivo del estudio fue desarrollar un análisis integral y un análisis por países sobre las necesidades de los Pueblos Indígenas y las soluciones propuestas para abordar el tema de la pobreza rural. 

MfDR at IFAD - an integrated system

octubre 2008
As a signatory to the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, IFAD is fully committed to management for development results (MfDR) as a means to improve development performance, not only in the programmes it supports, but also within IFAD itself: ‘focus on results’ is one of the organization’s core values.

IFAD Annual Report 2007

junio 2008
Conozca mejor la labor del FIDA destinada a promover la transformación rural leyendo el Informe anual de 2007. Descubra cómo nuestras inversiones están empoderando a las mujeres y los hombres de las zonas rurales y examine los datos y las cifras que el FIDA comunica a sus Estados Miembros y asociados. También puede obtener más información sobre la labor de promoción que el FIDA lleva a cabo en nombre de las comunidades rurales de todo el mundo.

Institutional and organizational analysis for pro-poor change: meeting IFAD's millennium challenge - A sourcebook

junio 2008

As part of its obligations undertaken to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, IFAD committed itself to enabling the rural poor to help themselves out of poverty by increasing theirorganizational capacity to influence institutions of relevance to rural poverty reduction (policies, laws and regulations).

As a result, IFAD has embarked upon a process to strengthen its own organizational competencies in institutional analysis and dialogue.
This sourcebook is an attempt to complement and further this process. It has been written keeping in mind the needs of country programme managers, as well as consultants working with IFAD.

De la agricultura de subsistencia a la obtención de ganancias: los beneficios de los pozos para uso agrícola en Sri Lanka

junio 2008

Gracias a pozos grandes y bien construidos la agricultura se está convirtiendo en una actividad rentable para los agricultores que viven en las zonas secas de Sri Lanka.

De 1999 a 2007 los agricultores de las zonas secas del distrito de Matale se beneficiaron del Proyecto para el Adelanto Económico Regional de Matale, financiado en su mayor parte con un préstamo de USD 11,7 millones concedido por el FIDA al Gobierno de Sri Lanka.

El presupuesto total del proyecto era de USD 14,5 millones y de la iniciativa se beneficiaron 30 000 hogares. Una de las principales actividades del subcomponente del proyecto dedicado a la conservación de suelos y la ordenación hídrica consistió en prestar asistencia a los agricultores más pobres para permitirles construir pozos para uso agrícola destinados al riego. Esta actividad comenzó en 2001.

IFAD, the African Union and the New Partnership for Africa's Development

mayo 2008
IFAD has been working closely with the African Union (AU) and the New Partnership for Africa’s
Development (NEPAD) since they were established in July 2001, seeking new ways to combat rural
poverty across the continent. African leaders created NEPAD to promote sustainable development
and strengthen efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the international
community’s time-bound targets to meet the needs of the world’s poorest people. Within the
framework of NEPAD, the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) was
prepared in June 2002.
