

Resultados de la búsqueda

SAFIN Annual Progress Report 2023

mayo 2024

The SAFIN Annual Progress Report 2023 captures the network’s achievements in fostering collaboration with the agricultural finance ecosystem, sharing market intelligence, advocating for small businesses and farmers, and building regional partnerships.

INSURED results 2018-2023

octubre 2023

This brief shares the results and lessons learned from the first phase of the Insurance for Rural Resilience and Economic Development (INSURED) programme.

INSURED Indonesia Country Update: Making climate risk insurance available to small-scale producers

septiembre 2023

IFAD’s INSURED programme has been working with partners in Indonesia to improve the availability of climate risk insurance that enables farmers to strengthen their resilience. 

INSURED - Seguros para el Fomento de la Resiliencia y el Desarrollo Económico de las Zonas Rurales

junio 2023

INSURED es un programa de asistencia técnica que trabaja para fortalecer el seguro agrícola en la cartera del FIDA. 

Informe anual de 2022 sobre los progresos realizados por la Red de Inversión y Financiación en favor de las Pymes Agrícolas y los Pequeños Agricultores (SAFIN)

junio 2023

La rápida inflación de 2022 agravó los problemas de financiación a los que se enfrentan las empresas situadas en la parte intermedia de las cadenas de valor agrícolas.

Proveedores de tecnologías agrícolas y financieras en África Oriental y Meridional: evaluación del sector

mayo 2023

Este informe examina el universo de proveedores de agritech y fintech que influyen en el acceso a la financiación en África Oriental y Meridional, explorando su potencial para ser comercialmente viables y alcanzar escala.

Monetizing resilience benefits as a new financial tool to unlock private sector financing

noviembre 2022

This paper focuses primarily on climate resilience in the agriculture sector. If proven successful, this can be replicated in other resilience sectors such as water, forests and urban development to address shocks beyond climate. 

IFAD Briefing Note - Climate Finance: Scaling Investments in Climate Smart Agriculture

noviembre 2022

This briefing note summarizes the fiscal and financial instruments the public sector can use to support climate-smart small-scale farming. The overall focus is on using limited public funds more efficiently and amplifying impacts.

IFAD Briefing Note - Gender and Climate: Scaling Gender and Climate Investments

noviembre 2022

IFAD's unique investing position serves as a starting point for a discussion on how it might scale up and support gender-based responses for adaptation and mitigation to climate change.

IFAD Briefing Note - Climate and Conflict: What does the evidence show?

noviembre 2022

Climate and conflict are linked, and this briefing note summarizes the evidence about the relationship between the two, what role climate finance can play in mitigating their risks, and where policy recommendations can be made to address the vulnerabilities created by both.
