Established in 2012, the first phase of the Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme (ASAP1) helped ensure that climate risks were considered across IFAD’s work.

With US$300 million in contributions, ASAP1 helped eight million vulnerable small-scale farmers in 43 countries cope with the impacts of climate change and build more resilient livelihoods. It brought 1 million hectares of land under climate resilient practices and mitigated 60 million tons of carbon dioxide—that’s roughly the equivalent annual emissions of about 2,100 commercial airliners. It did so through:
  • Policy engagement: helping agricultural institutions achieve climate change commitments and adaptation priorities.
  • Climate risk assessment: facilitating the use of climate risk information when planning investments to increase resilience.
  • Women’s empowerment: increasing women’s participation in adaptation activities.
  • Private-sector engagement: strengthening private sector and farmer organizations’ participation in adaptation and mitigation activities.
  • Natural resource management: strengthening the participation of small-scale farmers in decision-making and improving technologies for managing natural resources.
  • Knowledge management: disseminating knowledge on climate-resilient agriculture.


ASAP Phase 1 Projects in Table

Project Name Regional Division Country
Climate Adaptation and Livelihood Protection Project (CALIP) Asia and the Pacific
Projet d'Appui au Développement du Maraîchage au Bénin (PADMAR) West and Central Africa Benin
Commercial Agriculture and Resilient Livelihoods Enhancement Programme  (CARLEP) Asia and the Pacific Bhutan
Economic Inclusion Programme for Families and Rural Communities in the Territory of the Plurinational State of Bolivia (ACCESOS) Latin America and the Caribbean Bolivia
Value Chain Development Programme (PRODEFI)  East and Southern Africa Burundi
Rural Socio-Economic Opportunities Programme (POSER) West and Central Africa Cabo Verde
Agricultural Services Programme for Innovations, Resilience and Extension (ASPIRE) Asia and the Pacific Cambodia
Projet d'Amélioration de la Résilience des Systèmes Agricoles au Tchad (PARSAT) West and Central Africa Chad
Productivity and resilience of smallholder family farms  (PREFER) East and Southern Africa Comoros
Projet d'Appui à la Production Agricole et à la commercialisation (PROPACOM) + PROPACOM Extension Ouest West and Central Africa Cote d'Ivoire
Programme to Reduce Vulnerability in Coastal Fishing Aras (PRAREV-PECH) Near East and North Africa Djibouti
Proyecto de Fortalecimiento de los Actores Rurales de la Economía Popular y Solidaria (FAREPS) Latin America and the Caribbean Ecuador
Sustainable Agriculture Investments and Livelihoods (SAIL) Near East and North Africa Egypt
Programa Nacional de Transformación Económica Rural  (Rural Adelante) Latin America and the Caribbean El Salvador
Participatory Small-scale Irrigation Development Programme II (PASDIP2) East and Southern Africa Ethiopia
Strengthening Climate Resilience of the National Agricultural Land and Water Management Development Project (NEMA) West and Central Africa Gambia
Ghana Agriculture Sector Investment Programme (GASIP) West and Central Africa Ghana
Smallholder Agricultural Revitalization Project (SARP) Near East and North Africa Iraq
Climate Resilient Agricultural Livelihoods Programme (KCEP-CRAL) East and Southern Africa Kenya
Livestock and Market Development Programme II (LMDP2) Near East and North Africa Kyrgyzstan
Adaptation to Climate Change in Southern Laos (ACCSL) Asia and the Pacific Laos
Wool and Mohair Production Project (WAMPP) East and Southern Africa Lesotho
Tree Crop Extension Project (TCEP) West and Central Africa Liberia
Project to Support Development in the Menabe and Melaky Regions - AD2M-Phase II East and Southern Africa Madagascar
Programme for Rural Irrigation Development (PRIDE) East and Southern Africa Malawi
Projet visant à Améliorer la Productivité Agricole au Mali- Financement provenant du Programme d’Adaptation de l’agriculture paysanne (PAPAM) West and Central Africa Mali
Inclusive value-chains development  project (PRODEFI West and Central Africa Mauritania
Rural Resilience Project (RRP)  Near East and North Africa Moldova
Rural Connectivity and Transformation Project (RCTP) Near East and North Africa Montenegro
Programme de Developpement Rural des Zones de Montagne (PDRZM) Near East and North Africa Morocco
Pro-Poor Value Chain Development Project in the Maputo and Limpopo Corridors (PROSUL) East and Southern Africa Mozambique
Adaptation for Smallholders in the Hilly Areas (ASHA) Asia and the Pacific Nepal
Adapting to Markets  and the effects of climate change project (NICADAPTA) Latin America and the Caribbean Nicaragua
Programme de Promotion de l'Agriculture Familiale dans les régions de Maradi, Tahoua et Zinder  (PRODAF) West and Central Africa Niger
Climate Change Adaptation and Agribusiness Support Programme (CASP) West and Central Africa Nigeria
Project for Improved Family and Indigenous Production in the Departments of Eastern Paraguay (PROMAFI) Latin America and the Caribbean Paraguay
Post-harvest and Agribusiness Support Project (PASP) East and Southern Africa Rwanda
Livestock Marketing  and Resilience Programme (LMRP) Near East and North Africa Sudan
Butana Integrated Rural Development Programme (BIRDP) Near East and North Africa Sudan
Livestock and Pasture Development II (LPDP II) Near East and North Africa Tajikistan
Programme for the Restoration of Livelihoods in the Northern Region (PRELNOR) East and Southern Africa Uganda
Project for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Mekong Delta in Ben Tre and Tra Vinh Provinces (AMD) Asia and the Pacific Viet Nam

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