

Resultados de la búsqueda

Fragile states: working to build resilience

septiembre 2011
Fragile states are home to nearly 30 per cent of the world’s poor people. Though measures of fragility vary, such countries typically lack some of the basic tools of nationbuilding: good governance,
strong policies, skilled personnel, functional infrastructure and services, educated citizens, an active civil society and a competitive private sector. Civil and border conflict is an all-too frequent reality.
Poor people living in rural areas of fragile states are particularly vulnerable as they have very limited means to cope with the situation created by fragility.
Disponible en otros idiomas: Arabic, English, French, Italian

IFAD and Togo

septiembre 2011

The country’s challenge now is to create the conditions for economic growth – and the Government of Togo believes that the best way to achieve lasting growth is through increased production and productivity in the agriculture sector.

For these reasons, after more than a decade out of the country, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is working closely with the Republic of Togo to put agricultural and rural development on track.

Smallholder conservation agriculture - Rationale for IFAD involvement and relevance to the East and Southern Africa region

septiembre 2011
There is a growing need to investigate different crop production systems that prevent soil degradation while increasing productivity. Conservation agriculture (CA) offers a promising solution. Conservation agriculture is a climate resilient technology and management system that has demonstrable potential to secure sustained productivity and livelihood improvements for millions of climate-dependent farmers working in semi-arid areas around the world. Success stories are recorded for some countries in Asia, and in Australia and Brazil. However, for sub-Saharan Africa adoption of the technology has lagged behind these other countries, and concerns have been raised as to the suitability of the technology within the smallholder farming context.

Higher and volatile food prices and poor rural people

junio 2011
Food price trends have a major impact on food security,
at both household and country levels. Many of the world’s
poorest people spend more than half their income on food.
Price hikes for cereals and other staples can force them
to cut back on the quantity or quality of their food.
This may result in food insecurity and malnutrition,
with tragic implications in both the short and long term.
Undernourishment increases disease and mortality, lowers
productivity and can have severe lifelong effects, particularly
for children. Price spikes can also limit the ability of poor
households to meet important non-food expenses, such
as education and health care. When they occur globally,
price hikes can affect low-income, food importing
countries, putting pressure on their limited financial
resources. Higher food prices have a particularly negative
impact on food security when prices spike suddenly or
reach extremely high levels.

La población rural pobre ante la volatilidad y el aumento de los precios de los alimentos

junio 2011
Las tendencias en los precios de los alimentos afectan
considerablemente a la seguridad alimentaria, tanto en los
hogares como a nivel nacional. Muchas de las personas más
pobres del mundo gastan más de la mitad de sus ingresos en
alimentación. Debido a los aumentos de precio de los
cereales y otros productos de primera necesidad ellas
pueden verse obligadas a reducir la cantidad o calidad de los
alimentos. Esta situación puede provocar inseguridad
alimentaria y malnutrición, con consecuencias dramáticas
tanto a corto como a largo plazo. La desnutrición aumenta
la tasa de enfermedades y mortalidad, disminuye la
productividad y puede producir graves efectos que perduran
toda la vida, especialmente en los niños. Las fuertes subidas
de los precios también pueden limitar la capacidad de los
hogares pobres de cubrir otros gastos no alimentarios, tales
como la educación y la atención sanitaria. Cuando las
subidas de precios se producen a nivel mundial, pueden
afectar a los países de ingresos bajos y que importan
alimentos, ya que ejercen presión sobre sus recursos
financieros de por sí limitados. El aumento de los precios de
los alimentos tiene un impacto particularmente negativo en
la seguridad alimentaria cuando se produce repentinamente
o alcanza niveles extremos.
Disponible en otros idiomas: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Italian

Remesas y redes postales

junio 2011
El Fondo de financiación para remesas (FFR) tiene como objetivo ampliar el alcance de los servicios financieros a las zonas rurales del mundo donde esos servicios escasean. Mantener una red de sucursales de tipo tradicional dedicadas exclusivamente a ese tipo de servicios en zonas vastas y poco pobladas resulta prohibitivo para la mayoría de las instituciones financieras, con una excepción importante: las oficinas de correos.

Rwanda: The Rural Apprenticeship Training Programme

junio 2011
IFAD commissioned this Rwanda case study, through an IMI initiative, to document the diversity of approaches of training and skills development, particularly to assess relevance, effectiveness and efficiency, outcomes and challenges with respect to the following key components:
(i) Targeting and transition to employment or business creation; (ii) Types of training and providers; (iii) Transfer of knowledge and sustainability. The objective of this study is to present the experience of IFAD in technical vocational and skills development in the context of Rwanda and by doing so, highlight the innovative features and lessons learnt for further replication.

mayo 2011
Brochure highlighting explaining the content and functions of the portal - a one-stop shop providing the latest news, information, documents and statistical data from a broad range of institutions and stakeholders on the subject of remittance flows. 

IFAD and OIC Member States - Working together to eradicate poverty

mayo 2011
One of IFAD’s most significant partnerships is with the Member States of the OPEC and the OIC.1 These countries, spread over three geographic regions – the Near East and North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa and Asia – have been active partners and strong supporters of IFAD, both as contributing countries and as recipients of financing for development projects. IFAD also works in close partnership with many Arab and Islamic development institutions and funds in the financing, design, implementation and monitoring of its rural development projects.
The long-term partnership between IFAD and OIC Member States and institutions has, in recent years, taken on greater significance than ever before. The challenges are greater than they were three decades ago when IFAD was first established. But the opportunities for making an even bigger impact on the lives of the poor rural people are well within our grasp.
