Compartiendo conocimientos que transforman a las comunidades rurales
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Preparing Rural Communities to Cope with Climate Change through South-South and Triangular Cooperation – post-seminar brochure
junio 2018
In March 2018, IFAD and the Government of Pakistan organized a one-day seminar entitled “Preparing Rural Communities to Cope with Climate Change through South-South and Triangular Cooperation”.
Toolkit: Engaging with pastoralists – a holistic development approach
junio 2018
Pastoralism is a way of life based on territorial mobility, adopted in response to the challenges faced by human communities living in harsh or difficult environments.
How to do note: Engaging with pastoralists – a holistic development approach
junio 2018
This How To Do Note first outlines the problems developers need to be aware of in pastoral development.
Lessons learned: Engaging with pastoralists – a holistic development approach
junio 2018
These lessons learned have been developed for planners and policymakers: (a) to help them avoid investment strategies and policies that impact negatively on pastoralists; and (b) to enable them to ensure that specific policies and plans for pastoral development are more closely tailored to the needs of pastoralists.
Research Series Issue 26 - Exploration of a methodology for assessing the impact of policy engagement. What impact and how to assess it?
junio 2018
Policy engagement is a difficult activity to accurately monitor and evaluate, particularly when development agencies are interested in attributing impact to their efforts.
La Red de Inversión y Financiación en favor de las Pymes Agrícolas y los Pequeños Agricultores: Visión, líneas de trabajo, compromisos y gobernanza (2018-2020)
mayo 2018
La Red de Inversión y Financiación en favor de las Pymes Agrícolas y los Pequeños Agricultores (Red SAFIN) es una asociación inclusiva de agentes que actúan en distintas partes del entorno de las inversiones de las pequeñas y medianas empresas (en lo sucesivo, pymes) agrícolas y rurales conexas, con un particular interés en el acceso a la financiación y los servicios complementarios.
How To Do Note: Access to finance for renewable energy technologies
mayo 2018
In the context of population growth, increasing inequality and natural resource depletion, universal access to energy – specifically to renewable energy (RE) – now has high importance on political agendas.
Lessons learned: Access to finance for renewable energy technologies
mayo 2018
Access to affordable, reliable and sustainable energy is often associated with economic development and considered vital to alleviating extreme poverty (World Bank, 2018). Yet access to clean sources of energy is still a challenge for many smallholder farmers, their families and rural entrepreneurs.
Toolkit: Access to finance for renewable energy technologies
mayo 2018
The toolkit focuses on end-user finance for renewable energy technologies for rural households, smallholder farmers, and rural micro, small and medium enterprises.
Research Series Issue 25 - Structural transformation and poverty in Malawi. Decomposing the effects of occupational and spatial mobility
mayo 2018
This paper aims to identify the main drivers of poverty reduction in Malawi. Using an augmented poverty decomposition methodology, it explores in what way the different farm and non-farm economic activities contribute to poverty reduction and income growth.