

Resultados de la búsqueda


agosto 2010

La desertificación se produce cuando se elimina la cubierta de árboles y plantas que dan cohesión al suelo, y tiene lugar cuando se destruyen los árboles y arbustos para obtener leña o madera, o limpiar terreno para cultivarlo; cuando los animales consumen todo el pasto y erosionan la capa superior del suelo con sus pezuñas, y cuando la agricultura intensiva agota los nutrientes del suelo. La erosión causada por el viento y el agua agrava el daño al arrastrar la capa superior del suelo de modo que el terreno se convierte en una mezcla de polvo y arena de muy escasa fertilidad.

Es precisamente la combinación de estos factores lo que hace que la tierra degradada se convierta en desierto.

IFAD Annual Report 2009

junio 2010
Conozca mejor la labor del FIDA destinada a promover la transformación rural leyendo el Informe anual de 2009. Descubra cómo nuestras inversiones están empoderando a las mujeres y los hombres de las zonas rurales y examine los datos y las cifras que el FIDA comunica a sus Estados Miembros y asociados. También puede obtener más información sobre la labor de promoción que el FIDA lleva a cabo en nombre de las comunidades rurales de todo el mundo.

IFAD, GEF Factsheet

junio 2010
En tanto que organismo especializado de las
Naciones Unidas dedicado a erradicar la pobreza
rural en los países en desarrollo, el FIDA presta
apoyo a programas y proyectos con importantes
componentes relacionados con la ordenación de los
recursos naturales. En este sentido las actividades
encaminadas a combatir la deforestación, la
degradación de los suelos y la desertificación son
una parte central de las operaciones del Fondo.
En todos los documentos sobre oportunidades
estratégicas nacionales, que rigen las actividades de
préstamo y donación en los distintos países, se
plantea un enfoque integrado para mejorar los
medios de subsistencia mediante un mayor acceso a
los recursos naturales y su ordenación sostenible.

Remesas y alfabetización financiera

junio 2010
En consonancia con su mandato de ampliar la cobertura de los servicios financieros a las zonas rurales, el Fondo de financiación para remesas (FFR) es uno de los principales referentes en la puesta a prueba de modelos que permiten transferir los fondos de los migrantes a las familias receptoras de forma rápida, segura, conveniente y al menor costo posible. 

Lightening the load - Labour saving technologies for rural women

junio 2010
This publication looks back at three decades of experiences in introducing labour-saving technologies and practices to rural women and persisting gender discrimination in access and control. It also takes into account major developments in science, technology and innovation over the last several years and shows they can benefi t women.

Making the most of agricultural investment: A survey of business models that provide opportunities for smallholders

junio 2010
Drawing on a literature review, this report examines a range of business models that can be used to structure agricultural investments in lower- and middle-income countries, and that provide an alternative to large-scale land acquisitions. A business model is the way in which a company structures its resources, partnerships and customer relationships in order to create and capture value – in other words, a business model is what enables a company to make money. Business models are considered as more inclusive if they involve close working partnerships with local landholders and operators, and if they share value among the partners.

Comprehensive environment and climate change assessment in Viet Nam

junio 2010

This report was prepared for informing IFAD‘s Country Strategic Opportunities Program (COSOP) 2012 – 2017 for Viet Nam. In preparation of this report a brainstorming workshop was held on 9 May 2011 in Hanoi bringing together key national research institutes working on climate change (CC) and environment related issues, ministries of agriculture and environment and bilateral and multilateral donors.

Change Africa from within

abril 2010
Una grave crisis alimentaria amenaza actualmente el Sudán meridional. En África oriental, donde millones de personas ya dependen de la ayuda alimentaria, se avecina un fuerte incremento de los precios de los productos agrícolas básicos. Estos no son más que los últimos motivos de preocupación en este período turbulento que se inició hace dos años, cuando muchos países de África y Asia se vieron afectados por situaciones de escasez de alimentos causadas por el alza de los precios a nivel mundial. El aumento de los precios de los alimentos sumió aún más en la pobreza a personas que ya tenían dificultades para satisfacer las necesidades básicas para la supervivencia humana. Inmediatamente después llegó la crisis financiera mundial, cuyos efectos también fueron más graves para los pobres. En la mayoría de países en desarrollo la agricultura es el sector que emplea más personas y el que genera más puestos de trabajo y el mayor nivel de exportaciones. El sector agrícola es el que siempre ha impulsado la economía de muchos países, generando un crecimiento que ha demostrado ser por lo menos dos veces más eficaz para reducir la pobreza que el de otros sectores. Así pues, las inversiones en el desarrollo agrícola y rural son vitales para la seguridad alimentaria y el desarrollo económico sostenible.

IFAD's livestock position paper

abril 2010
IFAD’s goal is that rural women and men in developing countries are empowered to achieve higher incomes and improved food security at the household level. In this way it will contribute to the achievement of Millennium Development Goal #1: “The eradication of extreme poverty”. (IFAD, Strategic Framework 2007-2010)

Aprender trabajando juntos Microproyectos financiados por el Fondo de Apoyo a los Pueblos Indígenas (IPAF)

abril 2010

Desde su creación en 1978 el FIDA, en el ámbito de su mandato de reducir la pobreza, ha prestado apoyo a numerosos programas de desarrollo rural en los que los pueblos indígenas han sido partes interesadas importantes.

Sin embargo, la experiencia del FIDA durante sus primeros decenios de actividad indicó que, en muchos casos, el impacto en los pueblos indígenas se vio limitado porque en el diseño y la ejecución de proyectos no se tuvo en cuenta la dimensión sociocultural de las estrategias de supervivencia de los pueblos indígenas, que se encuentran en la categoría más amplia e indiferenciada de la población pobre de las zonas rurales.

Alternatives to land acquisitions: Agricultural investment and collaborative business models

marzo 2010
Recent years have witnessed a renewed interest in public and private-sector investment in agriculture. Concerns about longer-term food and energy security and expectations of increasing returns from agriculture underpin much recent agricultural investment. Some have welcomed this trend as a bearer of new livelihood opportunities in lower- and middle-income countries. Others have raised concerns about the possible social impacts, including loss of local rights to land, water and other natural resources; threats to local food security; and, more generally, the risk that large-scale investments may marginalise family farmers. The recent debates about “land grabbing” – the media characterisation of large-scale farmland acquisitions in lower- and middle-income countries – illustrate these trends and positions. 

Instrumentos de decisión del FIDA en la financiación rural

marzo 2010
The objective of IFAD Decision Tools for Rural Finance is to provide decision-making support for the IFAD country programme managers (CPMs), consultants, project staff and technical advisers who develop and implement rural finance projects. Built on the IFAD Rural Finance Policy (RFP) (IFAD 2009), as well as other good practice guides, this knowledge management tool is designed to help identify and answer the questions that arise in each rural finance project, provide background on key issues, define common terms, highlight risks and opportunities, and provide references for further investigation. 

El potencial para la ampliación y sostenibilidad de los seguros basados en índices climáticos para la agricultura y subsistencia rural

marzo 2010

El riesgo es inherente a la agricultura. Los agricultores enfrentan una variedad de riesgos de producción y de mercado que hace que sus ingresos sean inestables e impredecibles de un año a otro. 

Marcamos la diferencia

febrero 2010
 En el mundo hay 1 400 millones de personas en situación de pobreza
extrema, que subsisten con menos de 1,25 dólares estadounidenses al
día. Alrededor de 1 000 millones de esos hombres, mujeres y niños
viven en las zonas rurales de los países en desarrollo.
Cerca de 2 000 millones de habitantes de las zonas rurales sobreviven
con menos de 2 dólares al día. Se trata, en su gran mayoría, de pequeños
agricultores y sus familiares, que dependen de la agricultura como medio
de vida.
En la actualidad, esas personas tienen que afrontar cambios rápidos y sin
precedentes: el cambio climático, el crecimiento demográfico mundial y la
volatilidad de los precios de los alimentos y la energía están sumiendo
cada vez a más personas en la pobreza extrema y el hambre.
Disponible en otros idiomas: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Italian

Gender and livestock: tools for design

febrero 2010

This Thematic Paper is part of a Toolkit for Project Design (Livestock Thematic Papers: Tools for Project Design) which reflects IFAD’s commitment to developing a sustainable livestock sector in which poor farmers and herders might have higher incomes, and better access to assets, services, technologies and markets.

The paper indents to be a practical tool for development practitioners, project designers and policymakers to define appropriate livestock development interventions. It also provides recommendations on critical issues for rural development and also possible responses and actions to encourage the socio-economic empowerment of poor livestock keepers.

Promoting women's leadership in farmers' and rural producers' organizations

febrero 2010

This paper presents the outcomes of the Special Session of the 2010 Farmers’ Forum, Promoting Women’s Leadership in Farmers’ Organizations and Rural Producers’ Organizations,  that was convened on 12 and 13 February in conjunction with the Thirty-third Session of IFAD’s Governing Council. The session was co-organized by IFAD and the non-governmental organization Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources (WOCAN).
In plenary session and working groups, over 60 participants – including 35 women farmer representatives, members of the Farmers’ Forum Steering Committee, observers from NGOs and FAO, and many IFAD staff – had a rich discussion that generated important recommendations. 

IFAD will follow up on those recommendations not only as a matter of equity, given women’s enormous contribution to agriculture, but also because a stronger women’s voice and leadership in agriculture are essential to making smallholder agriculture more productive and sustainable.

Gender and desertification: Making ends meet in drylands

enero 2010

Desertification is the process of land degradation that affects dryland areas and is caused by poverty, unsustainable land management and climate change. Drylands lose their productive capacity in a spiral of destruction that twins increased land degradation with increased poverty and food insecurity. Drought and desertification threaten the livelihoods of more than 1.2 billion people in 110 countries. 

The problem is particularly acute in sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia Desertification is the process of land degradation that affects dryland areas and is caused by poverty, unsustainable land management and climate change. Drylands lose their productive capacity in a spiral of destruction that twins increased land degradation with increased poverty and food insecurity. Drought and desertification threaten the livelihoods of more than 1.2 billion people in 110 countries. The problem is particularly acute in sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia.  

Gender and desertification: Expanding roles for women to restore drylands

enero 2010

In addition to caring for their families, women across the developing world spend considerable proportions of their time and energy using and preserving land for the production of food and fuel and to generate income for their families and communities.

These activities include crop production, growing fruits and vegetables, raising small livestock, tending trees, processing products for food and markets, and managing and collecting water and fuel. Women are usually responsible for the plots in which food crops are grown, while men are responsible for the plots on which cash crops are grown. The latter account for a major part of the threat of soil nutrient depletion and desertification.

Annual report on investigative and anti-corruption activities 2009

enero 2010

The Investigation Section of the Office of Audit and Oversight (OA/IS) has a mandate to investigate alleged irregular practices, namely (i) fraud and corruption, in relation to entities, contractors and non-staff individuals applying for or participating in an IFAD-financed project or headquartersrelated contract; and (ii) staff misconduct, pursuant to the adoption by the Executive Board in December 2005 of the IFAD Policy on Preventing Fraud and Corruption in its Activities and Operations (EB 2005/85/R.5/Rev.1). Implementation of this policy, along with the establishment of a Sanctions Committee, has aligned IFAD with best practices in this area of other United Nations agencies and the main multilateral financial institutions.

Twenty-seven new allegations were received in 2009, compared with 30 in 2008. Fifty-nine per cent were external, mostly involving bidding irregularities and procurement-related fraud. Emphasis has been placed on promoting awareness of the anticorruption policy at every stage of the project cycle, thus putting the anticorruption message in the foreground. 

Enabling poor rural people to overcome poverty in Syria

noviembre 2009
 Since 1982, IFAD has supported seven projects in Syria with loans totalling US$126.2 million for projects with a total value of US$474 million. The organization has also provided a number of grants, including technical assistance grants to support women’s empowerment.

IFAD works in partnership with the government, other donors, NGOs, local institutions and civil society organizations. It finances initiatives which enable poor rural people in Syria’s agricultural settlement areas to improve their incomes and living conditions.

IFAD is working towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals and its interventions endeavour to reduce poverty and promote gender equality and environmental sustainability.

Enviar dinero a los hogares africanos Mercados de remesas, entorno favorable y perspectivas futuras

noviembre 2009
Este informe se basa en los resultados de un estudio encomendado por el FIDA y realizado por Manuel Orozco, de Diálogo Interamericano.
Disponible en otros idiomas: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese

Remittances: sending money home

octubre 2009
Factsheet illustrating how IFAD is exploring more innovative ways of working with remittances.

Eritrea - Catchments and landscape management project

septiembre 2009
The project will reverse the decline in productivity of Eritrea’s soil resources;
restore vegetative cover and habitat diversity in areas of degraded rangelands,
forests and woodlands; and increase biodiversity within crop, livestock and
forest production landscapes.

Niger - Agricultural and rural rehabilitation and development initiative

septiembre 2009
The GEF-funded Agricultural and Rural Rehabilitation and Development
Initiative, which will complement the ongoing IFAD-financed Agricultural and
Rural Rehabilitation and Development Initiative Project (ARRDI), will similarly
focus on southern Niger’s Maradi region – home to 20 per cent of the nation’s
population – targeting poor and extremely poor communities vulnerable to
environmental risk, with special emphasis on women and youth.

Ethiopia Community-based integrated natural resources management in Lake Tana watershed

septiembre 2009
Ethiopia is one of the world’s poorest countries, with an annual per capita income of only US$174. Nearly half of the population lives under the poverty line, and more than 12 million people are
chronically or periodically food insecure. Agriculture generates approximately 50 per cent of the GDP and 90 per cent of export earnings. Despite its importance, agricultural performance has improved little over the past 50 years and food security has deteriorated. Low agricultural productivity and chronic food insecurity are direct results of the ongoing degradation of natural resources in the
Ethiopian highlands.

Community-driven development decision tools for rural development programmes

julio 2009
This Decision Tools document is  the final outcome of five years of studies, debates and workshop discussions. These Tools will prove useful to Governments, development practitioners and field technical staff that are financing, designing or implementing CDD projects for rural poverty reduction.

Food prices: Smallholders can be part of the solution

julio 2009
La reciente volatilidad de los precios en los mercados internacionales está ejerciendo presión sobre la seguridad alimentaria mundial. Para los 2 000 millones de personas que viven y trabajan en pequeñas explotaciones agrícolas en los países en desarrollo, la vida se ha vuelto más precaria. Pero si
se cuenta con las inversiones, las políticas y los programas de desarrollo adecuados, los pequeños agricultores tienen un gran potencial para aumentar la producción de alimentos y, de ese modo, mejorar sus vidas y contribuir a una mayor seguridad alimentaria para todos.

IFAD Annual report 2008

junio 2009
Conozca mejor la labor del FIDA destinada a promover la transformación rural leyendo el Informe anual de 2008. Descubra cómo nuestras inversiones están empoderando a las mujeres y los hombres de las zonas rurales y examine los datos y las cifras que el FIDA comunica a sus Estados Miembros y asociados. También puede obtener más información sobre la labor de promoción que el FIDA lleva a cabo en nombre de las comunidades rurales de todo el mundo.

First mile project - factsheet 3

junio 2009

Mobile signal coverage is expanding fast. More and more people own and use mobile phones and some are finding innovative ways to use them to enhance their earning potential. In the Republic of Tanzania, Internet connectivity is evolving rapidly, but few people in rural areas have access to the technology. The use of mobile phones and text messages, or SMS, is still far more widespread than e-mail. Yet the speed of change is dramatic. Communication technologies that allow wireless access within a 30-km radius are being extended throughout Tanzania and tests are verifying the feasibility of using GPRS modems in remote districts.

“It was important that we adapt quickly, looking for ways to ensure that everybody benefits
from these changes,” says Clive Lightfoot, technical advisor of the First Mile Project. “We want
to make certain that groups of people are not left behind and that the revolution is also
directed towards reducing rural poverty.”

Fighting water scarcity in the Arab countries

junio 2009

The Arab countries account for more than 5 per cent of the world’s population, but less than 1 per cent of global water resources. And as a consequence of the phenomena associated with climate change, the region is facing an even greater water shortage.

For 30 years now, IFAD and its partners in the region have worked to develop effective, replicable solutions to help poor rural communities manage their scarce water resources. More than half of IFAD’s programmes and projects in the region include a focus on water. 
