
Resultados de la búsqueda
Colecciones técnicas del ASAP: Servicios de información climática
Este documento técnico resume las experiencias y lecciones aprendidas sobre los servicios de información climática oportuna y fiable, incluidas las del Programa de Adaptación para la Agricultura en Pequeña Escala (ASAP) del FIDA.
Investing in rural people in South Sudan
IFAD has been engaged in South Sudan since 2011. Its long-term vision for the country is to gradually contribute to the reduction of food and nutrition insecurity and poverty among rural women and youth through inclusive and sustainable agriculture and livelihood transformation.
IFAD's Newsletter on South-South and Triangular Cooperation - Issue 2
The second edition of Shared Development, the IFAD newsletter on SSTC, focuses on interventions at the regional and country levels that target climate adaptation and resilience.
The Finland–IFAD partnership
IFAD and Finland share a vision of a world without poverty and hunger. At a time of cascading global crises and mounting vulnerability to climate
change among the world’s poorest people, the partnership between IFAD and Finland is committed to a mutual focus on supporting resilient, inclusive and sustainable food systems that can break the cycle of crises and enable small-scale farmers to improve their livelihoods.
Alianza Italia-FIDA
Italia y el FIDA comparten el compromiso de crear un mundo en el que las personas tengan acceso a alimentos asequibles, seguros, nutritivos y suficientes.