Resultados de la búsqueda
Climate adaptation and mitigation measures for nutrition co-benefits in IFAD investments in Ghana
This report describes the findings of the country study carried out for the design of IFAD project on Livelihood and Productivity Enhancement of Smallholder Farmers (PROSPER) in Ghana.
Food-system interventions with climate change and nutrition co-benefits: a literature review
This literature review report explores the conceptual linkages between climate change and nutrition using a food system approach.
Climate adaptation and mitigation measures for nutrition co-benefits in IFAD investments in Zimbabwe
This report describes the findings of the country study carried out for the design of IFAD Smallholder Agriculture Cluster Project (SACP) in Zimbabwe.
Climate adaptation and mitigation measures for nutrition co-benefits in IFAD investments in Lesotho
This report describes the findings of the country study carried out for the design of IFAD project on Restoration of Landscapes and Livelihoods (ROLL P) in Lesotho.
Digital Agriculture in Asia and the Pacific region: A synthesis of ongoing work
While the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and digital tools has been increasing steadily across large swathes of rural Asia during the past two decades, the ongoing COVID-19 crisis has imparted a sense of urgency in terms of accelerating this trend.