

Resultados de la búsqueda

Managing agricultural risk through remittances: the case of Senegal

diciembre 2020
This feasibility study explains the role of remittances in agricultural risk management.

How post offices can leverage the impact of remittances: A set of working papers

junio 2020
This set of three working papers explores ways to maximize the impact of remittances delivered through post offices.

Research Series Issue 56: The impact of migrants’ remittances and investment on rural youth

diciembre 2019

This study analyses how migrants positively contribute to the sustainable economic development of rural youth in their countries of origin.

International Day of Family Remittances booklet 2019

junio 2019
International Day of Family Remittances booklet for 2019

Guidebook for mobilizing inclusive remittances for rural investment

febrero 2019
This Guidebook compiles the lessons learned from the implementation of the IFAD-funded Remittances and Diaspora Investment for Rural Development (2014-2018).

Global Forum on Remittances, Investment and Development 2018 – Official Report

febrero 2019

This report presents the highlights and key outcomes of the first country-led Global Forum on Remittances, Investment and Development, hosted by Bank Negara Malaysia in collaboration with IFAD and the World Bank Group.

Global Forum on Remittances, Investment and Development 2018 Asia-Pacific - Outcomes

julio 2018
A set of specific priorities and actionable outcomes resulted from the GFRID 2018. These are directly linked to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. 

Día Internacional de las Remesas Familiares - Apoyos en 2018

junio 2018
El 12 de junio de 2018, la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas adoptó oficialmente el Día Internacional de las Remesas Familiares como una celebración universalmente reconocida. En 2018, el Día ha recibido el apoyo de nuevos asociados y entidades del sector privado y de la sociedad civil.
Disponible en otros idiomas: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Russian, Chinese

The African Postal Financial Services Initiative: A success story on remittances at the post office in Africa

junio 2018
The African Postal Financial Services Initiative (APFSI) was a unique broad-based partnership led by IFAD’s Financing Facility for Remittances (FFR), and bringing together the World Bank, the Universal Postal Union (UPU), the World Savings and Retail Banking Institute (WSBI) and the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), and was cofinanced by the European Union (EU). The joint goal of this regional programme was to enhance competition in the African remittance marketplace through supporting and enabling African post offices in offering financial services. More specifically, it aimed at promoting a cheaper, faster, more convenient and more client-friendly transfer of remittances, particularly to rural areas, while fostering dialogue among stakeholders, regulators and policymakers. 

RemitSCOPE - Remittance markets and opportunities Asia and the Pacific

mayo 2018

​RemitSCOPE, a new website portal, is designed to provide data, analyses and remittancemarket1 profiles on individual countries or areas. In coordination with the Global Forum on Remittances, Investment and Development 2018, RemitSCOPE is being launched to provide market profiles for 50 countries or areas in the Asia and the Pacific region.

The additional four regions will be included gradually: Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe, and Near East and the Caucasus. RemitSCOPE intends to address the fast-changing market realities in the remittance industry in order to help bring together the goals of remittance families, as clients, and the strategies of the private-sector service providers. RemitSCOPE is designed as a free, one-stop shop that is available to any organization or entity interested in accessing all relevant public information on remittances.  

Global Forum on Remittances, Investment and Development 2017 – Official Report

febrero 2018
Remittances constitute a critical lifeline for around 1 billion people around the world. These vital flows of private money, sent by over 200 million international migrant workers, help families raise their living standards and contribute to improved health, education and housing. 

Research Series Issue 15 - Remittances, growth and poverty reduction in Asia

julio 2017

Remittances have increased in low-income and lower- middle-income countries in recent years, playing an important role as a stable source of finance at the macro-level, and in poverty reduction at the micro-level. 

Drawing on a critical review of the literature and econometric analyses based on cross-country panel data, this study examines the relationships among remittances, growth and poverty reduction in Asia and the Pacific and highlights policy implications to be considered by governments and policy-makers.

Remesas, inversiones y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible: acciones recomendadas

junio 2017

En 2015, los Estados Miembros de las Naciones Unidas hicieron un llamamiento a la acción para erradicar la pobreza a nivel mundial, reducir la desigualdad económica y poner el planeta en una senda más sostenible: la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible.

Día Internacional de las Remesas Familiares

junio 2017

Con el Día Internacional de las Remesas Familiares se reconocen los esfuerzos de millones de migrantes por mejorar las vidas de sus familias y construir un futuro con esperanza para sus hijos. Las remesas –el dinero que envían los migrantes a sus familias en sus lugares de origen– ayudan al sustento de 800 millones de personas y constituyen un importante factor de desarrollo. Aproximadamente el 40% de las remesas se envían a zonas rurales, donde se concentran la pobreza y el hambre.

Enviar dinero a casa: contribuir a los ODS, familia por familia

junio 2017
En este informe se aportan datos y análisis relativos a la evolución de las remesas y la migración en los países en desarrollo durante el último decenio, además de la posible contribución de las familias que hacen uso de remesas al cumplimiento de los ODS de aquí a 2030.

Global Forum on Remittances, Investments and Development 2017 - agenda

junio 2017
The Global Forum on Remittances, Investment and Development (GFRID) is part of a series of ground-breaking and inclusive international forums hosted by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a specialized agency of the United Nations and an international financing institution (IFI), in collaboration with key development organizations and other IFIs. Over the last decade, these Forums have brought together stakeholders across all sectors and from around the world involved in the field of remittances, migration  and development.

Foro Mundial sobre Remesas, Inversión y Desarrollo 2017 - Recomendaciones

junio 2017

Con motivo del Día Internacional de las Remesas Familiares,los días 15 y 16 de junio de 2017, se reunieron más de 350 especialistas de los sectores público y privado en la Sede de las Naciones Unidas en Nueva York para el quinto Foro Mundial sobre Remesas, Inversión y Desarrollo2. Los participantes tuvieron la ocasión de debatir sobre los desafíos y oportunidades en el mercado de las remesas, presentar enfoques innovadores y modelos empresariales eficaces. Los debates se estructuraron en torno a la importancia de las remesas y la inversión de los migrantes para lograr los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de ahora a 2030.

Remittances at the Post Office in Africa - Serving the financial needs of migrants and their families in rural areas

noviembre 2016

This report focuses on African National Postal Operators (NPOs) as one of the several distribution channels for remittances and financial services.

International Day of Family Remittances - Endorsements 2016

junio 2016

Endorsements by the United Nations and international organizations.

Remittance flow infographic

abril 2016
Remittances are the traditional means of financial support to family members back home.  This infographic illustrates the global flow of remittances.
