

Resultados de la búsqueda

Research Series Issue 24 - Influence of nutrition-sensitive interventions on dietary profiles of smallholder farming households in East and Southern Africa

mayo 2018

This paper aims to explore the influence of nutrition-sensitive interventions on dietary profiles of the beneficiaries of IFAD-funded projects.

Developing nutrition-sensitive value chains in Nigeria

abril 2018
With funding from the German government, IFAD recently carried out a set of studies in Nigeria and Indonesia to determine how to
design nutrition-sensitive value chain (NSVC) projects for smallholders. Such projects seek to shape thedevelopment of value chains for
nutritious commodities in ways that are likely to address nutrition problems.

Developing nutrition-sensitive value chains in Indonesia

febrero 2018
In Indonesia’s eastern Maluku and North Maluku provinces, malnutrition levels are high. Nutrition challenges include monotonous diets with inadequate levels of energy, micronutrients and protein. Studies commissioned by IFAD suggest that strengthened value chains for foods such as bananas, cassava, maize, spinach, sweet potatoes and fish could make business sense for smallholders and lay the foundations for a strong local food system that sustainably delivers nutritious foods for healthy diets.

Research Series Issue 18 - Do agricultural support and cash transfer programmes improve nutritional status?

noviembre 2017

Cash transfer and agricultural support programmes are both used to improve nutrition outcomes in developing countries. This paper examines previous reviews of the impact of these programmes and compares the evidence between the two. The paper finds that, although there are about the same number of programmes of each type, many more papers have been written about the cash transfer programmes than the agricultural programmes. While evidence suggests that both programme types improved the quality of food consumption, the paper concludes that both types show weak evidence of improvements in anthropometric outcomes.

El estado de la seguridad alimentaria y de la nutricion en el mundo 2017

septiembre 2017

La edición de este año de El estado de la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición en el mundo marca el inicio de una nueva era en el seguimiento de los progresos relacionados con la consecución de un mundo sin hambre ni malnutrición, en el marco de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). En concreto, en el presente informe se hace un seguimiento de los avances logrados en la erradicación del hambre y la malnutrición en todas sus formas.

En el documento se incluye también un análisis temático de la forma en que la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición se relacionan con los avances en la consecución de otras metas de los ODS. Ampliar la cobertura temática para incluir la nutrición ha supuesto que en la edición de este año el Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (UNICEF) y la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) se incorporen a la colaboración que la FAO, el FIDA y el PMA vienen manteniendo desde hace años para elaborar este informe anual.

Esperamos que la ampliación de la colaboración resulte en una comprensión más detallada y completa de lo que será necesario hacer para terminar con el hambre y todas las formas de malnutrición, y en medidas más integradas para lograr este objetivo fundamental. 

The Nutrition Advantage: Harnessing nutrition co-benefits of climate-resilient agriculture

septiembre 2017

Climate change and malnutrition are among the greatest problems in the twentyfirst century; they are “wicked problems”, difficult to describe, with multiple causes, and no single solution.

Sustainable Food Value Chains for Nutrition

junio 2017
To grow and lead productive lives we need good nutrition, and good nutrition starts from what we eat. Food systems have great potential to make diverse and nutritious food available and affordable to all. To do that, however, there is a need to strengthen the focus not only on how food is produced, but also how it is processed, distributed, marketed and delivered to consumers, the series of activities that together comprise a value chain (VC).

Nutrition Mainstreaming in East and Southern Africa: Operational approaches

mayo 2017
Approaches and experiences in five countries from East and Southern Africa.

Nutrition-Sensitive Interventions in East and Southern Africa (ESA) infographic

diciembre 2016
​IFAD Investments have opportunities for improving food security and nutrition outcomes. In 2016 ESA conducted a mapping exercise on nutrition sensitive interventions to provide insight for an effective nutrition mainstreaming and operations at project level.

Mapping nutrition-sensitive interventions in Eastern and Southern Africa

diciembre 2016

The purpose of this study is to map nutrition-sensitive interventions in IFAD-funded projects in the ESA region, and to provide guidance for effective nutrition mainstreaming operations. 

The specific objectives are to: 

(1) map the various interventions used in delivering nutrition-sensitive activities; 

(2) identify pathways for nutrition outcomes; 

(3) evaluate the scale and scope of intervention implementation; 

(4) assess the effect of the project on beneficiaries; 

(5) identify and map areas of opportunities for scaling up; 

and (6) identify challenges, weaknesses and gaps. 

Banana and plantain improvement

octubre 2016
Bananas (Musa spp.), including dessert banana, plantain and cooking banana are the eighth most important food crop in the world, and the fourth most important in least
developed countries (FAOSTAT, 2013). They are produced in 135 countries and territories across the tropics and subtropics. The vast majority of producers are smallholder farmers
who grow the crop for either home consumption or local markets. Less than 15 per cent of the global production of more than 130 million metric tons is exported. Today, the
international banana trade, totaling around 17 million metric tons, is worth over US$7 billion per year (FAOSTAT).

PARM factsheet

agosto 2016
The Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM), an outcome of the G8 and G20 discussions on food security and agricultural growth, is a four year multi-donor partnership between developing nations and development partners to make risk management an integral part of policy planning and implementation in the agricultural sector.

Climate change and food security - Innovations for smallholder agriculture

noviembre 2015

Climate change is the most compelling challenge facing the world today. It affects rural smallholders across the developing world, with effects that pose a grave threat to their own, and to the world’s food security.

Toolkit: Integrated homestead food production

noviembre 2015

Since its founding, IFAD has focused on enabling smallholder farmers to increase agricultural production and productivity as a means for reducing poverty.

However, experience shows that increased productivity and incomes do not automatically translate into improved nutritional status of poor rural people, especially women, young people and children. 

Lessons learned: Integrated homestead food production (IHFP)

noviembre 2015
This note presents lessons learned on integrated homestead food production (IHFP) emerging from projects and programmes implemented by IFAD and other development actors around the world. It aims to complement the How To Do Note (HTDN) on the same subject by illustrating success stories and good practices through case studies.

How to do note: Integrated homestead food production (IHFP)

noviembre 2015
Integrated homestead food production (IHFP) is considered to be a nutrition-sensitive, pro-poor and women-controlled approach to household food production that includes vegetable and fruit gardens, backyard livestock-raising and small fish ponds. It can enhance poor rural people’s access to a variety of nutritious fresh foods, grown in close proximity to their households and requiring relatively limited human, financial and productive resources. The how to do note provides operational guidance on how to design and implement projects that incorporate IHFP.

Finance for Food: Investing in Agriculture for a Sustainable Future

octubre 2015
Agriculture and food are critical areas in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – a global action plan aiming to guide the actions of governments, the private sector and a range of other stakeholders over the next fifteen years. The agrifood sector is a key area of investment for food security and nutrition. 

La mejora de la nutrición mediante la agricultura

agosto 2015

La mejora de los medios de vida de la población rural pobre ocupa un lugar central en la labor del FIDA, y la optimización de la contribución de la agricultura a la mejora de la nutrición es una parte esencial de esa misión. 

Naturalmente, otros sectores también tienen su importancia, pero una buena nutrición comienza con la alimentación y la agricultura.

The state of food insecurity in the world 2015

junio 2015
This year´s annual State of Food Insecurity in the World report takes stock of progress made towards achieving the internationally established hunger targets, and reflects on what needs to be done, as we transition to the new post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda. United Nations member states have made two major commitments to tackle world hunger. The first was at the World Food Summit (WFS), in Rome in 1996, when 182 governments committed “... to eradicate hunger in all countries, with an immediate view to reducing the number of undernourished people to half their present level no later than 2015”. The second
was the formulation of the First Millennium Development Goal (MDG 1), established in 2000 by the United Nations members, which includes among its targets “cutting by half the proportion of people who suffer from hunger by 2015”.
In this report, we review progress made since 1990 for every country and region as well as for the world as a whole. First, the good news: overall, the commitment to halve the percentage of hungry people, that is, to reach the MDG 1c target, has been almost met at the global level. More importantly, 72 of the 129 countries monitored for progress have reached the MDG target, 29 of which have also reached the more ambitious WFS goal by at least halving the number of
undernourished people in their populations.

Mainstreaming Food Loss Reduction Initiatives for Smallholders in Food-Deficit Areas

junio 2015
For the first time, the three Rome-based agencies of the United Nations have joined forces to raise awareness on the importance of food losses and to stimulate change and action in member countries to reduce them.

Una agricultura y un desarrollo rural que tienen en cuenta la nutrición

mayo 2015

En 1977 el FIDA incluyó la mejora del “nivel de nutrición de las poblaciones más pobres de los países en desarrollo” entre los principales objetivos de su Convenio Constitutivo.

Desde entonces, los gobiernos, la sociedad civil y las organizaciones de desarrollo también han acabado reconociendo la importancia fundamental de la nutrición —que comprende la desnutrición, las carencias de micronutrientes y el sobrepeso— para el desarrollo.

La nutrición no es solamente un resultado del crecimiento económico, sino que, al mejorar el capital humano, es también un insumo esencial para el desarrollo económico y social. 

IFAD and Belgian Survival Fund Joint Programm - 25 years of cooperation

noviembre 2014

The Belgian Fund for Food Security (BFFS) was created by the Belgian Parliament in 1983 in response to the more than one million drought- and faminerelated deaths in East Africa. BFFS provides grants to pay for rural development projects, with a focus on food security and nutrition, in some of the poorest countries in Africa, helping extremely poor people to become healthier and more productive and lowering the risk that they will face starvation. 

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a specialized United Nations agency, was established as an international financial institution in 1977 as one of the major outcomes of the 1974 World Food Conference. It is dedicated to eradicating poverty and hunger in rural areas of developing countries. Through low-interest loans and grants, it develops and finances programmes and projects that enable poor rural people to overcome poverty themselves.

IFADs approach in Small Island Developing States: A global response to island voices for food security

agosto 2014
This paper outlines IFAD’s strategic approach to enhancing food security and promoting sustainable smallholder agriculture development in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in the context of exacerbated impacts of climate change and persistent challenges to market access. A renewed approach will provide an opportunity for increasing results and impacts from agriculture and fisheries, reducing the high transaction costs of project delivery in SIDS, adjusting to an ever-changing development environment and – most of all – avoiding the overlooking of SIDS’ persistent fragility and the risk that they are cut off from development assistance.

New Directions for Smallholder Agriculture

marzo 2014
This book examines the growing divergence between subsistence and business oriented small farms, and discusses how this divergence has been impacted by population growth, trends in farm size distribution, urbanization, off-farm income diversification, and the globalization of agricultural value chains.

Growing peace through development (2012)

octubre 2012
El desarrollo puede fomentar la paz: son dos realidades que están íntimamente unidas. Si creamos programas que ayuden a las personas a superar los obstáculos que dificultan su propio desarrollo, les damos un modo de luchar contra la pobreza y el hambre en vez de enfrentarse los unos a los otros y, además, reducimos las posibilidades de que reaccionen de manera violenta y destructiva ante unas condiciones que son, sin duda, intolerables. Nadie debería irse a la cama con hambre; nadie debería ver el potencial de un niño mermado por la malnutrición, el analfabetismo o la desesperanza; ninguna mujer debería
ver denegado su derecho a acceder a los recursos solo por no ser hombre; a nadie se le debería negar la libertad de expresión solo porque a otra persona le convenga su silencio.

El futuro de la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional mundial

mayo 2012
En los últimos cinco años el mundo ha sufrido una serie de crisis
económicas, financieras y alimentarias que han desacelerado, y
en ocasiones invalidado, los esfuerzos mundiales por reducir la
pobreza y el hambre. Al día de hoy, la volatilidad de los precios y una
serie de catástrofes climáticas, como la devastadora sequía que arrasó
recientemente el Cuerno de África, siguen desbaratando esos esfuerzos.
En este contexto, la promoción de la capacidad de recuperación de los
medios de vida y de la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional ha pasado a
ocupar un lugar destacado en los programas de políticas de los
gobiernos. Los pequeños agricultores deben ocupar el centro
mismo de estos programas y ejercer funciones directivas en las
actividades de inversión necesarias para ejecutarlos.

Enhancing market transparency

noviembre 2011
G20 leaders, meeting at their Seoul Summit in November 2010, requested FAO, IFAD, IMF, OECD, UNCTAD, WFP, the World Bank and the WTO to work with key stakeholders “to develop options for G20 consideration on how to better mitigate and manage the risks associated with the price volatility of food and other agriculture commodities, without distorting market behaviour, ultimately to protect the most vulnerable.” This mandate was part of a comprehensive Multi-Year Action Plan for Development, of which food security was one theme among several including infrastructure, human resource development, trade, private investment and job creation, and growth with resilience.

Food prices: Smallholders can be part of the solution

julio 2009
La reciente volatilidad de los precios en los mercados internacionales está ejerciendo presión sobre la seguridad alimentaria mundial. Para los 2 000 millones de personas que viven y trabajan en pequeñas explotaciones agrícolas en los países en desarrollo, la vida se ha vuelto más precaria. Pero si
se cuenta con las inversiones, las políticas y los programas de desarrollo adecuados, los pequeños agricultores tienen un gran potencial para aumentar la producción de alimentos y, de ese modo, mejorar sus vidas y contribuir a una mayor seguridad alimentaria para todos.
