

Resultados de la búsqueda

Conjunto de herramientas: Reducir la carga de trabajo doméstico de las mujeres en las zonas rurales mediante el uso de tecnologías y prácticas de ahorro de mano de obra

abril 2016
Este conjunto de herramientas comprende una sinopsis, una guía práctica y las enseñanzas extraídas en relación con las tecnologías de ahorro de mano de obra para reducir la carga de trabajo doméstico.

Enseñanzas extraídas: Reducir la carga de trabajo doméstico de las mujeres mediante inversiones en relación con el agua

abril 2016

El acceso a un abastecimiento sostenible de agua potable en cantidades suficientes para fines domésticos y productivos sigue siendo limitado en muchas zonas rurales, en particular para los grupos más mmarginados.

Guía práctica: Reducir la carga de trabajo doméstico de las mujeres de las zonas rurales mediante el uso de tecnologías y prácticas de ahorro de mano de obra

abril 2016

Esta guía práctica examina las oportunidades que ofrecen las tecnologías y prácticas de ahorro de mano de obra para las mujeres de las zonas rurales en la esfera doméstica.

ASAP Tanzania factsheet

abril 2016

The programme will focus on the development of the sugarcane industry

in Bagamoyo, while also building the local populations resilience to climate change.

ASAP Madagascar factsheet

abril 2016
The project consists of two main components. The first aims to promote effective climate change resilient production systems, while the second supports access to
markets and other economic opportunities.

La ventaja del conocimiento ancestral: el conocimiento de los pueblos indígenas en las estrategias de adaptación y mitigación del cambio climático

abril 2016

El aumento de las temperaturas, la extinción de la fauna salvaje, la subida del nivel del mar, las sequías, las inundaciones, las enfermedades relacionadas con el calor y las pérdidas económicas son algunas de las consecuencias del cambio climático. El cambio climático afecta desproporcionadamente a las comunidades más pobres y marginadas que viven en regiones vulnerables, entre ellas los pueblos indígenas, cuyo sustento depende de los recursos naturales.

Territorial approaches, rural-urban linkages and inclusive rural transformation

abril 2016
Territorial approaches can enable governments to better address geographical or rural-urban inequalities to more effectively integrate the social, economic and environmental dimensions of development with regard to populations and sectors in a given geographical area.
They can help coordinate and concentrate efforts to address the spatial concentration of poverty and food insecurity in some less developed areas, reflecting vast spatial inequalities.

Ghana: Making value chains work for rural people

abril 2016
There are three major poverty divides in Ghana: rural-urban, northsouth, and between women and men. To meet these challenges, IFAD, the African Development Bank and the Government of Ghana are investing in rural northern Ghana to create viable economic opportunities – particularly for women – while improving market linkages with the south and neighbouring countries. The Northern Rural Growth Programme (NRGP) is spurring agricultural and rural growth and poverty reduction with innovative approaches like District Value Chain Committees (DVCCs). IFAD-supported NRGP worked in partnership, for example, with the Association of Church Based Development (ACDEP), a local NGO in northern Ghana to establish the DVCCs. Today, DVCCs are responsible for the effective planning, implementation, coordination and monitoring of activities in the maize, soya and sorghum value chains. The committees include buyers, input providers (seeds and fertilizers), service providers (extension and tractor services), financial institutions like rural banks, and farmer-based organizations (FBOs). 

Senegal: the road to opportunity

abril 2016

When the seasonal rains came to some regions of south-eastern Senegal, the flooding used to cut off the inhabitants from the rest of the country. But that has changed with the IFAD-supported project known as PADAER – Projet d’Appui au Développement Agricole et à l’Entreprenariat Rural. Thanks to the projects’ work on rebuilding roads, rural people have new possibilities to make a living, they can access health services and education, and bring their products to markets.

A new lifeline; a new way of life.

For poor rural people, lack of infrastructure often translates into lack of options and alternatives. The project is changing that.

Lessons learned: Pastoralism land rights and tenure

abril 2016
This note describes the land tenure issues faced by pastoralists and how IFAD has dealt with some of these through its programmes and projects.

Research Series Issue 3 - Fostering inclusive outcomes in African agriculture: improving agricultural productivity and expanding agribusiness opportunities

abril 2016
This paper looks at the role of agriculture in fostering inclusive and sustainable development in Sub-Saharan Africa. It discusses how improving agricultural productivity, smallholder access to markets and expanding agribusiness opportunities can accelerate transformation, investment and industrialization. The paper presents key investment and policy elements to be considered and points to the centrality of smallholders for the rural transformation process to be inclusive.

ASAP Bangladesh factsheet

marzo 2016
Bangladesh is one of the world’s most vulnerable countries affected by climate change. During the monsoon period, the Haor region of Bangladesh becomes completely inundated with 4-8 metres of water for around 6-7 months of the year. Flash fl oods are common, and in some years 80-90 per cent of crops are lost because of extreme weather events. The situation is expected to worsen as a climate
change-related shift towards pre-monsoon rainfall is coinciding with the paddy rice pre-harvest period. This severely affects food output in the Haor, which provides up to 16 per cent of national rice production.

Financing Facility for Remittances

marzo 2016

In 2016, around 200 million migrants worldwide sent home an estimated US$ 445 billion to their families in developing countries. These remittances provide for basic necessities such as food, clothing and shelter that are essential to lifting millions of people out of poverty. The truly transformative potential of these funds, however, lies in their investment in education, healthcare and asset building. To meet these needs, the us$36 million multi-donor Financing Facility for Remittances (FFR) has been working since 2006 with the goal of increasing the development impact of remittances and enabling poor households to advance on the road to financial independence and rural transformation. The FFR is administered by IFAD, a specialized agency of the united nations with the mandate to invest in rural people to eradicate poverty in developing countries.

Caja de herramientas: Servicios financieros digitales para los hogares de los pequeños agricultores

marzo 2016

Los últimos adelantos de la tecnología y las telecomunicaciones tienen el potencial de hacer que los servicios financieros sean más accesibles y asequibles para los hogares de los pequeños agricultores de las zonas rurales. Gracias a plataformas digitales como los teléfonos móviles, los pequeños productores pueden ahora utilizar los servicios financieros sin tener que acudir a una sucursal bancaria. 

10 points for a strategic approach to partnering with the private sector

marzo 2016
Partnerships have always been a key element of IFAD’s work. In recent years the private sector has become an ever more important collaborator in the development of enabling rural business environments, pro-poor value chains and private rural finance.

Notas sobre: cómo establecer asociaciones entre el sector público, el sector privado y los productores en cadenas de valor agrícola

marzo 2016

Las Notas aportan herramientas para el diseño y la ejecución de proyectos basadas en buenas prácticas que se han recogido de la experiencia en el terreno. Asimismo, sirven de guía a los equipos en la aplicación de recomendaciones específicas emanadas de políticas operativas del FIDA y de los requisitos básicos del Fondo para la realización de proyectos, y para la utilización de los instrumentos de financiación.

GEF Ethiopia factsheet

marzo 2016

The Community-based Integrated Natural Resources Management Project is located in the Lake Tana Watershed within Amhara National Regional State. The project covers 21 Woredas (districts) comprising 347 kebeles. 

Project operations  will consist of two components, namely: (i) Community-Based Integrated Watershed Management; and (ii) Institutional, Legal and Policy Analysis and Reform.

GEF Swaziland factsheet

marzo 2016
GEF finance was allocated to help land users living around the LUSIP with no land, who may face greater pressure on their access to grazing lands as a result of the project. The LUSIP-GEF incremental project has enabled these land users to convert their farming systems into sustainable, productive smallholder and agro pastoralist enterprises while protecting the wider agroecosystem.

How to do note: Digital financial services for smallholder households

marzo 2016
Advances in digital technology and telecommunications are presenting new financial inclusion opportunities for smallholder farmers in rural areas.1 A growing number of payments, savings, credit and insurance products can be delivered digitally to address the financial needs of smallholder households. Smallholders
can especially benefit from mobile phone platforms, which offer immediate, safe access to government subsidies, cash transfers and remittances. The messaging features of mobile phones can complement digital financial services (DFSs) by offering timely information on weather conditions, farming tips, market
prices and potential buyers, which can help increase farming yields and profitability.

Lessons learned: Digital financial services for smallholder households

marzo 2016
Recent advances in technology and increasing penetration of telecommunication systems into rural areas have the potential to make financial services more accessible to smallholder households. Mobile telephony and data networks, coupled with agent networks, can enable the use of digital payments and savings and
provide a platform for credit and insurance, without smallholders having to visit a bank branch. Mobile phones can also bridge information asymmetries by offering weather forecasts and real-time market prices, which can improve the ability of farmers to prepare and respond to inclement weather and price fluctuations.

Research Series Issue 2 - Migration and Transformative Pathways

marzo 2016
This paper analyses the role of migration in promoting rural livelihoods and discusses how migration interacts with transformative economic processes. Focusing on migration out of rural areas, it examines the impacts of migration on rural livelihoods and challenges the perspective that sees rural outmigration as a failure of rural development. 

IFAD-Japan: A partnership for inclusive rural development

marzo 2016

The origins of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) stretch back to the food crisis of the early 1970s, which sparked the World Food Conference of 1974. Three years later, with support from donors, including Japan, IFAD was created as both a specialized agency of the United Nations and an international financial institution. 

Since 1978, IFAD has empowered about 453 million people to grow more food, manage their land and other natural resources more productively, learn new skills, start businesses, build strong organizations and gain a voice in the decisions that affect their lives. 

The price of development and the cost of inaction (2015)

marzo 2016
El objetivo del desarrollo no es crear riqueza por la riqueza misma, o para beneficio de unos pocos, sino construir sociedades mejores donde haya una mayor inclusión. Sentar las bases para que la gente prospere (o sobreviva después de un desastre) implica planificar e invertir, tanto en la esfera pública como privada.

Inversión de la diáspora en agricultura (DIA)

febrero 2016
Cada año los miembros de la diáspora mundial envían más de USD 450 000 millones en remesas a sus familias en países en desarrollo. Por medio de estas remesas, los miembros de la diáspora desempeñan un papel fundamental en el desarrollo de sus respectivos países de origen fomentando las inversiones, el turismo, el comercio, las actividades filantrópicas, la transferencia de conocimientos y las relaciones transfronterizas. Aunque se calcula que el volumen de remesas que se invierte en fines agrícolas en las zonas rurales es relativamente bajo (hasta un 5 por ciento del total), esta cantidad sigue siendo cuatro veces superior a la AOD que se destina a la agricultura.

IFAD and Farmers' Organizations - Partnership in progress: 2014-2015

febrero 2016
Report to the sixth global meeting of the Farmers’ Forum in conjunction with the thirty-ninth session of IFAD’s Governing Council.

Insights from Participatory Impact Evaluations in Ghana and Vietnam

febrero 2016

This paper by Adinda Van Hemelrijck and Irene Guijt explores how impact evaluation can live up to standards broader  than statistical rigour in ways that address challenges of complexity and enable stakeholders to engage  meaningfully. A Participatory Impact Assessment and Learning.

Approach (PIALA) was piloted to assess and debate the impacts on rural poverty of two government programmes  in Vietnam and Ghana funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).

GFRD2015 Official Report

febrero 2016
This report proceeds from the Global Forum on Remittances and Development held in Milan, Italy in 2015.

FAO's and IFAD's Engagement in Pastoral Development

febrero 2016
This joint evaluation synthesis report (JES) has been prepared by FAO and IFAD Evaluation Offices (OED  and IOE) within the framework of ‘Statement Intent’ of 2 April 2013 for strengthening collaboration across the two  Rome-based agencies.

Country-Level Policy Engagement - a review of experience

febrero 2016
Policies affect every dimension of the institutional and legal context in which poor rural people pursue their livelihoods; they shape the world they live in and the economic opportunities open to them. Supportive policies can go a long way towards providing the conditions in which people can lift themselves out of poverty. Conversely, policies that do not create opportunities, or that exclusively reflect the interests of other economic players, can be an insuperable barrier or an unbridgeable gulf – roadblocks barring the way out of the poverty trap. Thus, an enabling country-level policy environment for agriculture and rural development is not only critical for effective implementation of IFAD-supported projects, but also a precondition for enabling rural people to overcome poverty. As IFAD shifts its focus from exclusively project-specific goals to making a broader contribution to rural poverty reduction, engaging in country-level policy processes is becoming an increasingly important activity within country programmes, supported by dedicated services and products, and an important mechanism through which to scale up proven approaches and lessons learned at the project level. 

IFAD’s Junior Professional Officer Programme

febrero 2016
IFAD launched its Junior Professional Officer (JPO) programme in 1980, just three years after IFAD was established, and has maintained a dynamic JPO programme ever since. The JPO programme was originally established by the General Assembly of the United Nations as a way of recruiting young professionals for service in the field of development assistance. The programme is sponsored by Member States interested in investing in young, university-trained nationals of their own country or other countries, for employment in organizations of the United Nations system.

Farmers’ Africa: Complementary actions for the benefit of African producers

febrero 2016

Farmers’ Africa is a capacity-building programme that aims to improve the livelihoods and food security of rural producers in Africa. It works with farmers’ organizations (FOs) to help them evolve into more stable, performing and accountable organizations that effectively represent their members and advise them on farming enterprises.

The programme supports the main functions of FOs, promotes their engagement in policy processes and contributes to their professionalization. It also supports the efforts of FOs to provide economic services to their members. 

African Postal Financial Services Initiative

febrero 2016

The African Postal Financial Services initiative is a joint regional programme launched by IFAD and the European Commission in collaboration with the World Bank, the Universal Postal Union (UPU) – a specialized United Nations agency for the postal sector, the World Savings Banks Institute/European Savings Banks Group (WSBI/ESBG) and the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF).

This uniquely broad-based partnership seeks to enhance competition in the African remittance market by promoting and enabling post offices in Africa to offer remittances and financial services. Post offices are ideally placed to deliver remittances in rural areas, but they often lack the business model, technology and expertise to process real-time payments such as remittances in an efficient and safe manner. The goal of this initiative is to promote, support and scale up key postal networks in Africa in the integration of remittance services.

Methodological Reflections following the second PIALA Pilot in Ghana

enero 2016

IFAD has to report to its Members States on the total number of rural people lifted out of poverty1. The government programmes it funds, however, are implemented in complex ways and environments that challenge mainstream evaluation practice. The challenge for IFAD and its co- implementing and co-funding partners, moreover, is not just to rigorously assess impact but also to understand the processes generating impact in order to realize its ambitious targets (IFAD, 2011). Albeit a strong emphasis on quantitative measurement, there is a need for impact evaluation that fosters learning and responsibility.

Cómo hacer el seguimiento de proyectos de cadenas de valor

enero 2016
Con esta nota se intenta ayudar a los equipos de diseño y supervisión de proyectos del FIDA a mejorar los indicadores con los que se lleva a cabo dicha tarea de seguimiento y evaluación. 

Notas para el análisis y el desarrollo de proyectos de cadenas de valor ganaderas

enero 2016

Este enfoque por etapas para el análisis y diseño de proyectos de cadenas de valor sigue el ciclo de diseño básico que adoptan los proyectos del FIDA.

Research Series Issue 1 - Agricultural and rural development reconsidered

enero 2016
This paper is a guide to current debates about agricultural development. It analyses the changes in development approaches and thinking in recent decades and explores today's critical issues in agricultural and rural development policy. With the main focus on Africa, the paper also includes insights from Asia and Latin America.

Scaling up note: Ghana

diciembre 2015
Since the mid-1980s, Ghana’s impressive development has made the country one of the strongest performers in Africa, although economic challenges and a fiscal deficit are currently slowing down the pace of growth. 

Note sur la transposition à plus grande échelle: Nigéria

diciembre 2015
En dépit de l’abondance des ressources agricoles et pétrolières du pays, la pauvreté est omniprésente au Nigéria et elle n’a cessé de gagner du terrain depuis la fin des annés 90. Environ 70% des habitants vivent avec moins de 1,25 USD par jour. La pauvreté est particulièrement grave en milieu rural où jusqu’à 80% de la population vit en dessous du seuil de pauvreté tandis que les services sociaux et l’infrastructure y sont limités. Les femmes et les hommes pauvres des zones rurales sont tributaires de l’agriculture pour leur nourriture et leurs revenus. Environ 90% de la production vivrière nationale sont fournis par les paysans qui cultivent de petites parcelles et dépendent des pluies plutôt que de l’irrigation. 

Scaling up note: Egypt

diciembre 2015
​Egypt has undergone dramatic political upheaval over the last four years, following long-simmering grievances over the lack of economic opportunities and political inclusion that led to a revolutionary uprising in early 2011.

Scaling up note: Ethiopia

diciembre 2015
With a population of 92 million, Ethiopia is the second most populous country in sub-Saharan Africa and one of the world’s fastest-growing economies, with consistent growth averaging more than 10 per cent over the last ten years. Per capita income is, however, markedly lower than the average for developing countries in sub-Saharan Africa as a whole (US$400 compared with US$1,547 per capita per year).1 Much of Ethiopia’s growth is attributable to the agricultural sector, which accounts for about 45 per cent of GDP, almost 90 per cent of exports and 85 per cent of employment. About 90 per cent of the agricultural land under cultivation is devoted to subsistence agriculture. Livestock and livestock products are important in Ethiopia and contribute about 10 per cent of the country’s foreign exchange earnings, with hides and skins constituting about 90 per cent of this.

Scaling up note: Peru

diciembre 2015
Peru is an upper-middle-income country with one of the fastest-growing economies in the region. In the last decade, the country more than halved its poverty rate, which fell from 59 to 24 per cent. Reduction was uneven geographically, however. In the rural areas of the highlands and the rainforest areas, poverty still affects about 53 and 43 per cent of the population1 respectively, and particularly indigenous communities. 

Scaling up note: Sudan

diciembre 2015
The analysis underlying the results-based country strategic opportunities programme for the Republic of the Sudan (RB-COSOP) developed in 2013 identified major constraints on the reduction of rural poverty. These included prolonged conflicts, the separation of South Sudan (2008), reduced oil revenues for the Government of Sudan; greatly increased numbers of people and livestock reliant on static technologies; environmentally and economically unsustainable pressures on finite natural resources exacerbated by the negative impacts of climate change; and little residual capacity within the public sector, all within a problematic geopolitical environment.

Scaling up note: Bangladesh

diciembre 2015
Bangladesh has recently been classified as a lower-middle-income country and aims to reach upper-middle-income country status by 2021. To achieve this, the Government of Bangladesh will need to overcome considerable challenges in agricultural development and rural economic growth. The country’s annual GDP growth averaged about 6 per cent between 2000 and 2013, and was accompanied by a decline in the national poverty rate from 48.9 per cent to 31.5 per cent over the first decade of the century, effectively lifting some 16 million people out of poverty.

Scaling up note: China

diciembre 2015
In terms of population, China, with 1.35 billion people, is the largest country in the world. It is the first developing country to achieve the United Nations Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of reducing by half the number of its people living in extreme poverty and hunger, and only 6.3 per cent of the population were estimated to be living in extreme poverty in 2013. Substantial progress has been made with respect to overall development and China is now considered in the high human development category of UNDP’s Human Development Index, ranking 91 out of 187 countries.

GEF Sao Tome & Principe facsheet

diciembre 2015
The project will address sustainable management in shade forests, marine areas, and mangroves in the buffer zones of protected areas (Obo and Principe natural parks) through the development of participatory management plans in five co-management areas, and the implementation of investments for integrated ecosystem management.

Promoting the leadership of women in producers' organizations - Lessons from the experiences of FAO and IFAD

diciembre 2015
This paper explores aspects of promoting rural women’s leadership in producers’ organizations (POs). Despite the vast amount of work that women perform in the agriculture sector, their role remains largely unrecognized. The concerns and issues of women farmers are scarcely heard at the local, national and global levels. One reason for this silence is that there are not enough women in leadership positions to be able to represent the interests of rural women.
This shortage is compounded by women’s lack of voice in decision-making processes at all levels − from households to rural organizations − and in policymaking.

GEF Ghana facsheet

diciembre 2015
The SCCF project focuses on individual/groups of women and youth (mainly involved in cassava processing activities) and men farmers (mainly involved in cassava production activities, processing and marketing) living in fairly remote rural areas. These target beneficiaries are most prone to food insecurity
because of the difficult access to markets.

La ventaja de las políticas

diciembre 2015
Contextos propicios para que las prioridades de adaptación de los pequeños agricultores se lleven a cabo

Scaling up note: Mauritania

diciembre 2015
In recent years, Mauritania has enjoyed political stability, with the June 2014 presidential elections taking place peacefully. In addition, the country registered a robust growth rate of 6.7 per cent in 2013 and continues to be characterized by macroeconomic stability. The country, however, remains exposed to vulnerabilities related to lack of diversification, international price volatility and reliance on foreign inflows. While it has succeeded in increasing per capita income in recent years, income distribution has remained relatively unchanged for the last two decades, and the challenges of unemployment remain daunting. Sound management of natural resources is essential to foster inclusive and long-term growth. 

Scaling up note: Indonesia

diciembre 2015
​Indonesia is the largest economy in South-East Asia and has developed rapidly over the past decade into a competitive and decentralized electoral democracy with a fast growing middle class. Despite the country's positive progress in reducing poverty, vulnerability and inequality remain high. Nearly 40 per cent of Indonesians are highly vulnerable to shocks, which can push them back below the poverty line. 

Changing lives through IFAD water investments: a gender perspective

diciembre 2015
The following study was designed by IFAD in order to contribute to the knowledge about the relationship between gender, water investment and time saving. It is also intended to contribute to gender mainstreaming in IFAD’s water projects. The focus of the study is to see how much time women and men gain when they have improved access to sources of water and to establish what individuals, particularly women, do with the time they save by not having to walk long distances in search of water. The study further aims to discover to what extent the projects/investments contribute to reducing drudgery and to achieving equitable workloads between men and women. The survey targeted ongoing projects from the five regions in which IFAD operates that were either in their second phase or a mature stage of operation. In each project, one community was covered and 24 households were targeted. The survey successfully covered seven communities and 140 households and was mainly conducted through project officers facilitated by country programme managers or country programme officers.

Executive summary, final report on the participatory impact evaluation of the Root & Tuber Improvement & Marketing Programme in Ghana

noviembre 2015
This document presents the findings from the impact evaluation of the Root & Tuber Improvement and Marketing Program (RTIMP) in Ghana. The program was executed by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA), Government of Ghana (GoG) from 2007 until end of 2014, and co-financed by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) for a total amount of US$ 18.83 million.

Climate change and food security - Innovations for smallholder agriculture

noviembre 2015

Climate change is the most compelling challenge facing the world today. It affects rural smallholders across the developing world, with effects that pose a grave threat to their own, and to the world’s food security.

A new generation of rural transformation : IFAD in Latin America and the Caribbean

noviembre 2015

The Latin America and the Caribbean region is a different place than it was 25 years ago. Today, every nation except Haiti is categorized as middle income. The region has reduced poverty by half, and the prevalence of hunger has declined by almost two thirds. More than half the adult population has attended secondary school.

Rural areas are changing too. They are no longer narrowly defined by their food production role, and key issues encompass many non-agricultural topics – including non-farm employment opportunities, especially for young people and women; migration and remittances; social protection; and the role of secondary cities. 

Toolkit: Integrated homestead food production

noviembre 2015

Since its founding, IFAD has focused on enabling smallholder farmers to increase agricultural production and productivity as a means for reducing poverty.

However, experience shows that increased productivity and incomes do not automatically translate into improved nutritional status of poor rural people, especially women, young people and children. 

Strengthening Country-Level Agricultural Advisory Services in the target countries of Burkina Faso, Malawi, Mozambique, Sierra Leone and Uganda

noviembre 2015
The African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) goal is to increase use of improved knowledge and technologies by agricultural value chain actors through efficient, effective and synergistic linkages and partnerships between Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services (AEAS) of member Countries to improve the delivery of these services to farmers.

Enabling rural transformation and grassroots institutional building for sustainable land management and increased incomes and food security

noviembre 2015
The enabling rural transformation and grassroots institutional building for sustainable land management and increased incomes and food security, referred to as the Strengthening Rural Institutions (SRI) project was undertaken by the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) Eastern and Southern Africa Region since 2011.

Investing in rural people in El Salvador

noviembre 2015

IFAD has acquired considerable experience during its three decades of partnership with the country. It has contributed directly and indirectly to the mobilization of resources aimed at removing structural obstacles to the development of rural poor people. This has been achieved through the active involvement of, and coordination with, family farmers, indigenous peoples, rural youth organizations, government, international cooperation agencies, civil society and, more recently, the private sector.

IFAD-funded projects mainly support family farmers and entrepreneurs in municipalities in which poverty is prevalent. Activities have also helped to address needs arising after the end of the 12-year internal armed conflict and the 2001 post-earthquake reconstruction process.

Development of innovative site-specific integrated animal health packages

noviembre 2015

Livestock contribute to the livelihoods of roughly 70 per cent of the world’s poor, supporting farmers, consumers, traders and laborers throughout the developing world. The increasing demand for livestock products for the growing populations of developing countries, particularly in Africa, offers new market opportunities for poor farmers in rural areas.

Success in raising small-farmer productivity leads to improvements in household food security, nutrition and income, leading to poverty reduction. However, in vast areas of sub-Saharan Africa, increased and sustained animal production by small farmers is greatly hampered by livestock diseases. Animal diseases severely constrain livestock enterprises of smallholder livestock keepers in sub-Saharan Africa but are not given the attention they deserve by the global community

Jordan - Irrigation Technology Pilot Project to Face Climate Change

noviembre 2015
The IFAD-GEF supported project aims to increase the resilience to climate change of agriculture in Jordan, focusing on water as a key natural resource for agricultural production in the country. The proposed project will promote technically reliable, economically competitive, clean and sustainable irrigation technology for the agricultural sector in different agro climatic production regions in Jordan.

ASAP Sudan factsheet

noviembre 2015
IFAD will seek to improve food security, natural resource management, livestock value chains, and climate resilience for the poor rural people of Sudan.

Lessons learned: Integrated homestead food production (IHFP)

noviembre 2015
This note presents lessons learned on integrated homestead food production (IHFP) emerging from projects and programmes implemented by IFAD and other development actors around the world. It aims to complement the How To Do Note (HTDN) on the same subject by illustrating success stories and good practices through case studies.

How to do note: Integrated homestead food production (IHFP)

noviembre 2015
Integrated homestead food production (IHFP) is considered to be a nutrition-sensitive, pro-poor and women-controlled approach to household food production that includes vegetable and fruit gardens, backyard livestock-raising and small fish ponds. It can enhance poor rural people’s access to a variety of nutritious fresh foods, grown in close proximity to their households and requiring relatively limited human, financial and productive resources. The how to do note provides operational guidance on how to design and implement projects that incorporate IHFP.

Transforming rural areas

noviembre 2015
Today more people live in cities than ever before, but we still depend on  rural areas for our food. In the developing world, up to 80 per cent of food
is produced on small farms that are usually family-run. Yet it’s also true that 70 per cent of the world’s poorest people live in rural areas, where the lack
of opportunity is forcing many young rural people to leave their homes in search of work in overcrowded cities or abroad.

How to do note: Fisheries, Aquaculture and Climate Change

noviembre 2015
Fisheries and aquaculture are important contributors to food security and livelihoods at household, local, national and global levels. However, while aquaculture production is growing rapidly throughout the world, particularly in Asia and Africa, many of the world’s fisheries are at grave risk from human pressures, including overexploitation, pollution and habitat change. Climate change is compounding these pressures, posing very serious challenges and limiting livelihood opportunities.

Baseline survey on the use of rural post offices for remittances in Africa

octubre 2015
​This survey was commissioned by the Financing Facility for Remittances (FFR) of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and undertaken by Taylor Nelson Sofres, TNS-RMS, in the context of the African Postal Financial Services Initiative (APFSI). 

Ampliación de escala de los resultados

octubre 2015

Al igual que muchos asociados en el desarrollo, el FIDA ha llegado a la conclusión de que los proyectos de desarrollo innovadores e independientes no constituyen, por sí solos, un vehículo eficaz para erradicar la pobreza a gran escala, sino que deben formar parte de un proceso a más largo plazo que pueda sustentar el aprendizaje y la ampliación de escala. 

The Mitigation Advantage: Maximizing the co-benefits of investing in smallholder adaptation initiatives

octubre 2015
​The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has highlighted a critical trade-off between agricultural development and climate change mitigation.

Programa de Adaptación para la Agricultura en Pequeña Escala (ASAP)

octubre 2015

En 2012, el Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola (FIDA) puso en marcha el Programa de Adaptación para la Agricultura en Pequeña Escala (ASAP) con el fi n de hacer que la fi nanciación relacionada con el cambio climatico y el medio ambiente benefi cie a los pequeños agricultores. El ASAP, un marco de fi nanciación plurianual de donantes múltiples, proporciona una nueva fuente de cofi nanciación destinada a ampliar la escala de la adaptación al cambio climático e incorporarla en las nuevas inversiones del FIDA, que rondan los USD 1 000 millones al año. El programa se integra con los procesos de inversión ordinarios del Fondo y se benefi cia de unos sistemas de control de calidad y de supervisión rigurosos. 

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Finance for Food: Investing in Agriculture for a Sustainable Future

octubre 2015
Agriculture and food are critical areas in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – a global action plan aiming to guide the actions of governments, the private sector and a range of other stakeholders over the next fifteen years. The agrifood sector is a key area of investment for food security and nutrition. 

IFAD Policy brief 2: An empowerment agenda for rural livelihoods

octubre 2015
This policy brief argues that the post-2015 development agenda should be designed to encourage governments and other actors to facilitate the economic and social empowerment of the poor rural people, in particular, marginalized rural groups such as women and indigenous peoples. 

The use of remittances and financial inclusion

septiembre 2015
The Use of Remittances and Financial Inclusion A report prepared by the International Fund for Agricultural Development and the World Bank Group to the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion.

Zipping up the Evidence - Dealing with non-counterfactuals in Viet Nam and Ghana

septiembre 2015

Participatory Impact Assessment and Learning Approach (PIALA)


Deliberaciones: segunda reunión mundial del Foro de los Pueblos Indígenas en el FIDA

septiembre 2015
En febrero de 2015, representantes de pueblos indígenas de África, Asia, América Latina y el Pacífico se reunieron en Roma con motivo de la segunda reunión mundial del Foro de los Pueblos Indígenas en el FIDA.

Case study: Family life model, Uganda

septiembre 2015
This case study illustrates how the Family Life Model (household methodology) has been used effectively in Uganda, highlighting how it has worked in a particular context. 

An Innovative, Scalable, Pro-poor Home Cooking-based Charcoal Production Value Chain For Women

septiembre 2015
With a small grant, INBAR has innovated Household Charcoal (HHC) production from cooking with firewood into a new livelihood opportunity and sustainable value chain for the economic empowerment of poor rural women. Women from poor rural households in Ethiopia, India and Tanzania were trained to put out fires when they had finished cooking to prevent smouldering, collect household charcoal through the clusters and process it into briquettes. INBAR has also developed the NCPP Social Enterprise Model which is an Innovative & Inclusive Institutional system to strengthen the rural development ecosystem and enable safe investment opportunities for rural women.

Guía práctica: Metodologías basadas en los hogares

septiembre 2015
Estas guías prácticas proporciona una guía paso a paso sobre como ejecutar las metodologías basadas en los hogares. Describen las actividades a nivel de los hogares, los diferentes enfoques para ejecutarlas, las metodologías basadas en los hogares, los proveedores de servicios y el sistema de facilitación, así como el papel de la comunidad y del entorno más amplio. Se señalan los principales puntos a considerar a la hora de incorporar las metodologías basadas en los hogares en el diseño y la ejecución del proyecto.

Notas sobre cómo Cómo evaluar los riesgos del cambio climático en proyectos de cadenas de valor

septiembre 2015
Las intervenciones en cadenas de valor que alcanzan buenos resultados en relación con objetivos de reducción de la pobreza pueden traer también beneficios desde el punto de vista de la adaptación al cambio climático, puesto que permiten incrementar los activos de los agricultores y forjar vínculos institucionales. 

Ecuador - Sustainable Management of Biodiversity and Water Resources in the Ibarra-San Lorenzo Corridor

septiembre 2015
Over the last decade, Ecuador’s poverty levels have fallen despite a period of recent political and economic crises. Nevertheless, in rural spheres, indigenous and Afro-Ecuadorian communities continue to face barriers to economic inclusion, ranging from lack of secure access to land and water resources to limited investment opportunities. The situation varies across regions and social groups. In the Amazon for instance, indigenous groups struggle to obtain clear titles for communal lands that are under increased pressure from oil exploration and production. In the highlands, peasant communities face shortages of land and increasing degradation due to agricultural intensification and unregulated expansion into the upper reaches of water basins (páramos). In the coastal regions, communities face growing encroachment on their lands by large landholdings, in addition to degradation of mangrove forests due to unsustainable exploitation.

GEF Senegal factsheet

septiembre 2015
The project interventions focus on water resources management through three
main components: i) capacity building, awareness raising and knowledge
management at the national level, ii) water harvesting and watershed
management, and iii) water conservation and efficient irrigation.

Climate Change Adaptation Project in the Areas of Watershed Management and Water Retention

septiembre 2015
The project interventions focus on water resources management through three
main components: i) capacity building, awareness raising and knowledge
management at the national level, ii) water harvesting and watershed
management, and iii) water conservation and efficient irrigation.

ASAP Burundi factsheet

septiembre 2015
Project activity has been classified into separate components, however they all come together to deliver the same overall objective. One component revolves around sustainable growth and capacity building. It will focus efforts on things such as improvements to infrastructure and hydro agriculture; developing wetlands and watershed areas.

ASAP Uganda factsheet

septiembre 2015
The project work will be split into two components. The first will deal with Rural Livelihoods and the second with Market Linkages and Climate Resilient Infrastructure.
PRELNOR will enable smallholder farmers to improve their productivity to a level where there is enough surplus production that the farmer can sell at market.

GEF Mexico factsheet

septiembre 2015
The project objective is to strengthen sustainable forest management in the
project area and develop local capabilities, leading to the reduction of carbon
emissions from deforestation and the increase of carbon sequestration
through the financing of initiatives for the most vulnerable. Project operations
are focused in 25 municipalities, in which 83 per cent of the population are
indigenous peoples.

Notas sobre cómo Cómo medir la resiliencia al cambio climático

septiembre 2015
La finalidad de estas orientaciones prácticas es servir de herramienta para el personal y asociados del FIDA en proyectos de inversión que tengan objetivos relacionados con la resiliencia al cambio climático. 

African Conference on Remittances and Postal Networks – official report

septiembre 2015
This report proceeds from the First African Conference on Remittances and Postal Networks held in Cape Town, South Africa 2015.

Investing in rural people in Colombia

septiembre 2015
Since the 1990s, Colombia has experienced sustained, strong economic growth. However, it is one of the most unequal countries in the world. The gap between urban and rural areas is particularly wide. While the incidence of poverty is 27.8 per cent of the population at the national level, 40.3 per cent of rural people live in poverty. The percentage is even higher among indigenous peoples and communities of African descent. The agricultural sector represents 6.1 per cent of Colombia’s GDP and 16.3 per cent of employment. However, these figures could be even higher because the country has huge agricultural potential.

Public-private-producer partnerships (4Ps) in small ruminant value chain development in India

septiembre 2015
In August 2015, a grant agreement was signed between IFAD and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to “demonstrate that the goat subsector in India has a great potential to contribute to poverty alleviation and offers opportunities where donors can partner with private sector, public sector, and producers to effect large-scale productivity improvement in small ruminant value chains in Bihar, Odisha and Uttar Pradesh states”.

ODI ASAP Progress Review

agosto 2015

This Progress Review evaluates the status of IFAD’s Adaptation to Smallholder Agriculture Programme (ASAP) at programme mid-term, 2.5 years after the first ASAP-investment has been approved by the IFAD Executive Board.

Creating pathways out of poverty in rural areas: Managing weather risk with index insurance

agosto 2015
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the World Food Programme (WFP) have joined forces to reduce the vulnerability of poor rural people to extreme weather events that can be devastating to agricultural productivity. With support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, IFAD and WFP are working to improve the access of poor rural people in developing countries to index-based weather insurance. This type of insurance can help them cope better when extreme weather hits, and can open the door to other financial services, in particular credit.

Refinancing facilities: IFAD introduces an innovation in rural finance development

agosto 2015

IFAD uses highly concessional loans in an innovative way in the Republic of Macedonia, the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Moldova. Low-cost refinancing capital makes rural investments attractive and profitable for formal financial institutions and reduces rural poverty by stimulating economic growth.

In the past seven years, IFAD has successfully used refinancing facilities in economies in transition to stimulate investments on farms and in rural processing companies. The facilities have refinanced projects for a total value of over US$50 million in the Republic of Moldova, the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Armenia, with an excellent recovery performance. Refinancing operations have proved to be a viable alternative to established modes of financing rural investments through lines of credit and microfinance. And they have encouraged financial institutions to expand their rural networks and start investing in agro-projects from their own funds. 

What others say about IFAD

agosto 2015

Ban Ki-moon, United Nations Secretary-General

IFAD is unique in the very clear focus of its mandate, and this sharp focus that also gives IFAD great strength, your specialist knowledge of agriculture and rural development will be even more valuable in the years ahead. Speech to IFAD staff, Chief Executives Board for Coordination meeting, May 2014

Marisa Lago, Assistant Secretary for International Markets and Development, United States Department of Treasury

By taking an innovative, community-based approach to investing in smallholder farmers - the most vulnerable members in rural societies – IFAD is an important partner in the global fight against poverty and hunger. I’ve witnessed first-hand the positive impact of IFAD’s work in providing technical training, facilitating access to microfinance, and strengthening farmers’ organizations in countries ranging from Uruguay to Tanzania to Morocco. The United States was a founding member of IFAD and proudly remains a strong supporter.

Addressing climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean

agosto 2015
Projections of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) indicate that, in the future, warming in Latin America could range from 1-4 degrees Celsius to 2-6 degrees Celsius, depending on the various climate scenarios. As land-use changes in Latin America have intensified the use of natural resources, land degradation and desertification have accelerated. The IPCC predicts that, by the 2050s, about 50 per cent of agricultural land in the region will be subject to desertification, and in some areas salinization. From the Amazon rainforest and the high mountains of the Andes to the coral reefs of the Caribbean and the coastal waters of the Gulf of Mexico, Latin America and the Caribbean is host to unique ecosystems and biodiversity of global importance. Despite the region’s relatively small contribution to global warming, its natural environments and resource-dependent economies are threatened by the impact of climate change, and poor and marginalized rural communities are at greatest risk. 

Addressing climate change in Asia and the Pacific

agosto 2015
The average temperature in the Asia and Pacific region could rise by some 0.5 to 2 degrees Celsius by 2030 and between 1 and 7 degrees Celsius by 2070. Annual rainfall is also expected to increase in several parts of Asia while arid and semi-arid areas would become drier. The areas predicted to get more annual rainfall would nonetheless suffer decreased water availability as the rainfall would be concentrated during the rainy season in fewer incidences of highintensity rainfall – with massive run-off and floods expected to be the result. Rising sea levels will affect a significant number of countries in the region, with small atoll Pacific Island countries, Bangladesh, the Maldives and Viet Nam particularly hard hit. In the past 50 years, Viet Nam has experienced a 50-centimetre sea-level rise, as recorded in the Hon Dau station. It is expected that a 30-centimetre increase will be experienced in the Mekong Delta by 2050, and this increase, coupled with salinity intrusion, will lead to the loss of some 420,000 hectares of arable land. The projected sea-level rise is likely to result in significant losses of coastal ecosystems. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concludes with high confidence (about an 8 out of 10 chance of an event happening) that 1 million people along the coasts of South and South-East Asia will be at risk from flooding.

Addressing climate change in Near East, North Africa and Europe

agosto 2015
The Near East and North Africa region is one of the world's driest and most water-scarce regions. In many areas in the region, demand for water already outstrips supply. Although the region contributes relatively little to greenhouse gas emissions, it will be among those hardest hit by climate change. Climate experts predict that, in future, the climate will become hotter, drier and more variable. Over the next 15 to 20 years, average temperatures are estimated to rise by at least 2 degrees Celsius, and possibly up to 4 degrees Celsius. Higher temperatures and reduced precipitation will increase the occurrence of drought, as is already evident in the western part of North Africa. Densely populated low-lying coastal areas in Egypt, Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates are particularly at risk from rising sea levels and saltwater intrusion into agricultural land.

Fulfilling the promise of African agriculture

agosto 2015
Agriculture plays a significant role in Africa, accounting for about 30 per cent of GDP south of the Sahara, as well as a significant proportion of export value. Not surprisingly, in most African countries, 60 per cent or more of employees work in agriculture.
Yet this barely scrapes the surface of Africa’s promise. Only 6 per cent of cultivated land is irrigated in Africa, compared with 37 per cent in Asia, for example. Africa also has the largest share of uncultivated land with rain-fed crop potential in the world. In addition, African farmers use substantially less fertilizer per hectare than counterparts in East Asia and the Pacific.

La mejora de la nutrición mediante la agricultura

agosto 2015

La mejora de los medios de vida de la población rural pobre ocupa un lugar central en la labor del FIDA, y la optimización de la contribución de la agricultura a la mejora de la nutrición es una parte esencial de esa misión. 

Naturalmente, otros sectores también tienen su importancia, pero una buena nutrición comienza con la alimentación y la agricultura.

World Water Week 2015 - Water for Agricultural Development

agosto 2015

Water lies at the heart of sustainable development and is essential for economic growth, poverty reduction and environmental sustainability. It is the basis of human and environmental health, energy security, sustainable urbanization and the ability of rural women and men in developing countries to pursue productive activities. 

But one billion people still lack access to safe water and even more lack access to basic sanitation. Around three quarters of the world’s poorest and hungriest people live in rural areas, often forgotten and bypassed by economic growth and development programmes. The majority of rural people depend on agriculture for their livelihoods, but face numerous barriers in accessing services and securing vital resources, including water.

Policy case study Lao People’s Democratic Republic - Exchange on good practices for public policy consultations

agosto 2015

Despite strong and sustained economic growth over the past two decades, and a considerable reduction in national poverty rates, poverty in rural LaoPeople’s Democratic Republic (PDR) affects 30 per cent of the population. IFAD’s engagement in Lao PDR is guided by a country strategy that focuses on three primary goals: improved community-based access to, and management of, land and natural resources; improved access to advisory services and inputs for sustainable, adaptive and integrated farming systems; and improved access to markets for selected products.

Policy case study Mexico - Supporting design of a national programme as a policy solution for reducing rural poverty

agosto 2015
Mexico is an upper-middle-income country with numerous policy initiatives aimed at addressing poverty and improving the well-being of both rural andurban populations. However, the country suffers from low productivity, low levels of GDP growth, and persistent poverty. Poverty is especially high in rural regions: in 2012, as much as 61 per cent of the rural population was categorized as poor (compared with 45 per cent of the total population) after little change over the past two decades.
