Resultados de la búsqueda
Serie de investigación 35: El potencial de la mitigación para el cambio climático de las prácticas agrícolas apoyadas por las inversiones del FIDA
En este estudio se estima el potencial de mitigación de las prácticas agrícolas apoyadas por las inversiones actuales del FIDA con el fin de orientar el diseño de futuras inversiones.
Guidebook for mobilizing inclusive remittances for rural investment
Global Forum on Remittances, Investment and Development 2018 – Official Report
This report presents the highlights and key outcomes of the first country-led Global Forum on Remittances, Investment and Development, hosted by Bank Negara Malaysia in collaboration with IFAD and the World Bank Group.
El Fondo de Apoyo a los Pueblos Indígenas: Vinculando a las organizaciones de base de los pueblos indígenas con la comunidad internacional
Los pueblos indígenas y tribales y las minorías étnicas representan un porcentaje desproporcionadamente alto de la población pobre que vive en el medio rural. Para los programas de desarrollo convencionales resulta difícil llegar a muchas de las comunidades indígenas más pobres.
Fondo de Apoyo a los Pueblos Indígenas – Evaluación de los resultados del cuarto ciclo del IPAF
Research Series Issue 34: Farm size and productivity - Lessons from recent literature
Serie de los Resultados de la Investigación número 3
Impact assessment: Agricultural Sector Development Programme–Livestock (ASDP-L) and Agriculture Service Support Programme (ASSP)
Serie de Investigación, número 33, El impacto de la adopción de las variedades mejoradas del CGIAR sobre la pobreza y los resultados del nivel de vida: Una revisión sistemática
Grant Results Sheet: Innovative beef valuechain development schemes in Southern Africa
Impact assessment: Guangxi Integrated Agricultural Development Project
Impact assessment: Rural Development Support Programme in Guéra
Impact assessment: Project for Rural Income through Exports in Rwanda
Impact assessment: Irrigated Rice Production Enhancement Project
Impact assessment: High-Value Agriculture Project in Hill and Mountain Areas
Improving smallholder wheat‑legume production systems for enhanced climate change adaptation and food security
Sorghum in East and Central Africa: more than food
Food security in the context of climate change: from knowledge to action
“Fruiting Africa” for health and wealth
IFAD in Sudan: Linking rural women with finance, technology and markets
Impact Assessment: Community-based Forestry Development Project in Southern States (DECOFOS)
Impact Assessment: Livestock and Pasture Development Project
Policy brief: Harnessing the role of rural people to promote more inclusive and equal societies
2018 Socioeconomic Survey Report: The Multidimensional Poverty Assessment Tool in The Kingdom of Lesotho
This report describes the design, process, and results of the multidimensional socioeconomic survey
conducted in 2017 for the Wool and Mohair Promotion Project (as a baseline) and for the Smallholder Agriculture Development Project (as an end term) in the Kingdom of Lesotho.
Impact assessment: Participatory Small-Scale Irrigation Development Programme
Impact assessment: Agricultural Value Chains Support Project (PAFA)
Climate action report 2018
Cadenas de valor sensibles a la nutrición: Una guía para el diseño de los proyectos - Vol. II
Cobertura de los riesgos relacionados con el clima y los productos básicos para propiciar la transformación (CACHET)
Número 32 de la serie de investigaciones - Desarrollo de tipologías nacionales de sistemas de cultivo: un análisis de los ingresos y la seguridad alimentaria de los pequeños agricultores etíopes
Collection and analysis of bilateral or tripartite work collaboration in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2012-2017
La ventaja de los jóvenes: lograr la participación de los jóvenes en el crecimiento verde
En 2030, los jóvenes representarán alrededor del 15 % de la población mundial, y la juventud rural alrededor del 6 %. En algunas regiones se espera que se produzca un aumento sin precedentes en la población de jóvenes.
Transformación rural sostenible en la región de Asia y el Pacífico
Rome-based Agencies Resilience Initiative: Strengthening the resilience of livelihoods in protracted crises in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Niger and Somalia
Research Series Issue 31 - Impact of modern irrigation on household production and welfare outcomes
Investing in rural people in Tajikistan
IFAD has been investing in the rural poor in Tajikistan since 2008, by strengthening local institutions and grass-roots organizations, and expanding their access to land, productive technologies and resources.
Investing in rural people in Azerbaijan
IFAD has enjoyed a long history of a strong and successful partnership with the Government of Azerbaijan in rural poverty reduction and overall agricultural development efforts, with focused interventions in remote and sometimes difficult to reach areas of the country where extreme pockets of poverty exist.
Investing in rural people in Uzbekistan
Cadenas de valor sensibles a la nutrición: guía para el diseño de proyectos - Vol. I
La publicación Cadenas de valor que tienen en cuenta la nutrición: guía para el diseño de proyectos tiene por objeto cerrar una laguna clave en los conocimientos relativos a la incipiente esfera de la relación entre las cadenas de valor y la nutrición, por cuanto brinda orientación sobre la manera de diseñar proyectos de cadenas de valor que tengan en cuenta la nutrición, con especial hincapié en los pequeños productores.
Investing in rural people in Tunisia
Since 1980, IFAD has financed 13 rural development programmes and projects in Tunisia for a total cost of US$453 million, with an IFAD investment of US$194.6 million directly benefiting 125,850 rural households.
Research Series Issue 30 - Nutrition-sensitive value chains from a smallholder perspective: A framework for project design
Research Series Issue 29 - Empowering through collective action
This paper explores the conditions for collective action to generate inclusion when agriculture transforms.
IFAD in the thousand hills of Rwanda: Transforming agriculture into business
Rural people and mobility: How to respond to opportunities in a changing world
Scaling up in agriculture and rural development
Transforming rural lives Building a prosperous and sustainable future for all
Grant Results Sheet: ICRAF - Climate-smart, Tree-based, Co-investment in Adaptation and Mitigation in Asia (Smart Tree-Invest)
The Smallholder and Agri-SME Finance and Investment Network (SAFIN)
El estado de la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición en el mundo 2018
Research Series Issue 28 - Understanding the dynamics of adoption decisions and their poverty impacts. The case of improved maize seeds in Uganda
The linkages between migration, agriculture, food security and rural development
Understanding contemporary migration, both international and internal, remains a challenge. The decision by people to migrate either within their own countries or across borders is influenced by an intricate set of factors. This report examines the complex interlinkages between migration, agriculture, food security and rural development and the factors that determine the decision of rural people to migrate; including economic factors, employment opportunities, conflict, poverty, hunger, environmental degradation and climate shocks.
Investing in rural people in Niger
Niger covers a landlocked 1,267,000 km² tract of the Sahel north of Nigeria. With a poverty rate of 48.9 per cent and income per capita of US$420, Niger is one of the world’s poorest nations. In 2015, it ranked last among 188 countries measured by the United Nations Human Development Index
Resultados relevantes por cada proyecto
Los derechos colectivos de los pueblos indígenas sobre las tierras, los territorios y los recursos naturales
Occasional paper: IFAD’s experience in scaling up in Asia and the Pacific region - Lessons learned from successful projects and way forward
The Asia and the Pacific region includes the world’s fastest growing and most dynamic countries and is a key driver of growth in the world economy.
Eficacia del desarrollo rural: enfoque del FIDA de gestión orientada a los resultados sobre la base de datos empíricos
Este informe refleja los esfuerzos constantes del FIDA por generar datos que sirvan de base para la toma de decisiones a nivel institucional y de proyectos.
Research Series Issue 27 - Asia’s rural-urban disparity in the context of growing inequality
China-IFAD South-South and Triangular Cooperation Facility
The China-IFAD South-South and Triangular Cooperation Facility was established in February 2018 and is the first Facility in IFAD dedicated to SSTC.
Global Forum on Remittances, Investment and Development 2018 Asia-Pacific - Outcomes
Grant Results Sheet: Linking farmers to Fairtrade markets in Papua New Guinea through ICT to improve livelihoods in remote rural areas
The IFAD-GEF Advantage II: Linking smallholders and global environmental benefits
In 2014, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) released a report celebrating achievements through its partnership with the Global Environment Facility (GEF). Since then, the world has been responding to critical environmental and climate challenges.
Conozca mejor la labor del FIDA destinada a promover la transformación rural leyendo el Informe anual de 2017. Descubra cómo nuestras inversiones están empoderando a las mujeres y los hombres de las zonas rurales y examine los datos y las cifras que el FIDA comunica a sus Estados Miembros y asociados. También puede obtener más información sobre la labor de promoción que el FIDA lleva a cabo en nombre de las comunidades rurales de todo el mundo.
Grant results sheets - Inclusive growth, rural industrial policy and participatory value chains in Latin America and the Caribbean
Farmers’ Organizations in Africa
Grant Results Sheet - ICRISAT: Sustainable Management of Cropbased Production Systems for Raising Agricultural Productivity in Rainfed Asia
Grant Results Sheet - APRACA: Enhancing access of poor rural people to sustainable financial services through policy dialogue, capacity-building and knowledge-sharing in rural finance
agroentrepreneurs, so they are better equipped to face emerging challenges and benefit from new opportunities.
Grant Results Sheet - ICIMOD: Improving livelihoods and enhancing resilience of the rural poor in the Hindu Kush Himalayas to environmental and socio-economic changes (AdaptHimal)
Grant results sheet - ROUTASIA: Strengthening Knowledge Sharing on Innovative Solutions Using the Learning Route Methodology in Asia and the Pacific – Phase 2
Día Internacional de las Remesas Familiares - Apoyos en 2018
The African Postal Financial Services Initiative: A success story on remittances at the post office in Africa
The Business Advantage: Mobilizing private sector-led climate actions in agriculture
Preparing Rural Communities to Cope with Climate Change through South-South and Triangular Cooperation – post-seminar brochure
Toolkit: Engaging with pastoralists – a holistic development approach
How to do note: Engaging with pastoralists – a holistic development approach
Lessons learned: Engaging with pastoralists – a holistic development approach
Research Series Issue 26 - Exploration of a methodology for assessing the impact of policy engagement. What impact and how to assess it?
La Red de Inversión y Financiación en favor de las Pymes Agrícolas y los Pequeños Agricultores: Visión, líneas de trabajo, compromisos y gobernanza (2018-2020)
How To Do Note: Access to finance for renewable energy technologies
Lessons learned: Access to finance for renewable energy technologies
Toolkit: Access to finance for renewable energy technologies
Research Series Issue 25 - Structural transformation and poverty in Malawi. Decomposing the effects of occupational and spatial mobility
Research Series Issue 24 - Influence of nutrition-sensitive interventions on dietary profiles of smallholder farming households in East and Southern Africa
This paper aims to explore the influence of nutrition-sensitive interventions on dietary profiles of the beneficiaries of IFAD-funded projects.
Journal of Law and Rural Development - Issue 2: Renewable Energy and Rural Development
The Journal of Law and Rural Development provides a forum where the link between law and rural development can be explored.
Grant Results Sheet: FundaK - The Outreach Project: Expanding and scaling up innovative financial inclusion and graduation strategies and tools in Africa
IFAD’s support for land and natural resource tenure security
IFAD’s support for land and natural resource tenure security - Asia and the Pacific region
IFAD’s support for land and natural resource tenure security - East and Southern Africa
IFAD’s support for land and natural resource tenure security - Latin America and the Caribbean
This report provides the findings of a stock-taking exercise started in 2015 on IFAD's investment in tenure security measures integrated in its larger agricultural development projects. This stock-take provides an overview of tenure investments and activities in the Latin America and the Caribbean region (LAC).
IFAD’s support for land and natural resource tenure security - Near East, Nord Africa Europe and Central Asia
This report provides the findings of a stock-taking exercise started in 2015 on IFAD's investment in tenure security measures integrated in its larger agricultural development projects. This stock-take provides an overview of tenure investments and activities in the Near East, North Africa, Europe and Central Asia region (NEN).
IFAD’s support for land and natural resource tenure security West and Central Africa
This report provides the findings of a stock-taking exercise started in 2015 on IFAD's investment in tenure security measures integrated in its larger agricultural development projects. This stock-take provides an overview of tenure investments and activities in the West and Central Africa region (WCA).
RemitSCOPE - Remittance markets and opportunities Asia and the Pacific
RemitSCOPE, a new website portal, is designed to provide data, analyses and remittancemarket1 profiles on individual countries or areas. In coordination with the Global Forum on Remittances, Investment and Development 2018, RemitSCOPE is being launched to provide market profiles for 50 countries or areas in the Asia and the Pacific region.
The additional four regions will be included gradually: Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe, and Near East and the Caucasus. RemitSCOPE intends to address the fast-changing market realities in the remittance industry in order to help bring together the goals of remittance families, as clients, and the strategies of the private-sector service providers. RemitSCOPE is designed as a free, one-stop shop that is available to any organization or entity interested in accessing all relevant public information on remittances.
Research Series Issue 23 - The Effect of the Sectoral Composition of Economic Growth on Rural and Urban Poverty
Research Series Issue 22 - Poverty reduction during the rural-urban transformation
Women-led business and value chain development; a case study in Tajikistan
Investments in smallholder goat development and related value chains are effective means to reduce poverty and increase the incomes of men and women from resource-poor households. They are also effective channels to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in remote mountainous
Rural women's leadership programme in grass-roots organizations: a case study in Nepal
Developing nutrition-sensitive value chains in Nigeria
design nutrition-sensitive value chain (NSVC) projects for smallholders. Such projects seek to shape thedevelopment of value chains for
nutritious commodities in ways that are likely to address nutrition problems.
Indigenous Peoples Glossary (English, French, Spanish)
Secretary (Language Services) and the Indigenous Peoples Desk in the Policy and Technical Advisory Division. The purpose of the glossary is to ensure
consistency and accuracy of terminology in English, French and Spanish, and standardize the terminology used in relation to indigenous peoples in official
documentation and publications, and in all aspects of meeting preparations. It is intended for use by IFAD staff, indigenous peoples' organizations and other
interested parties. Terms and definitions are accompanied by details of the source document and its date of publication.
Integrated promotion of gender equality and women's empowerment: economic empowerment, decision-making and workloads
address the cross-cutting and multifaceted nature of gender inequality through multiple entry points.
Metodologías basadas en los hogares
Notas de orientación: Cómo la transformación rural inclusiva puede promover sociedades sostenibles y resistentes
Los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) se centran en un conjunto interrelacionado de cuestiones que deben abordarse para erradicar el hambre y la pobreza y garantizar un futuro en el que nadie se quede atrás. El Foro Político de Alto Nivel de este año se centra en la "Transformación hacia sociedades sostenibles y resistentes". Se revisarán en profundidad los ODS relacionados con el agua (ODS6), la energía (ODS7), los asentamientos humanos (ODS11), el consumo y la producción responsables (ODS12), la vida en la tierra (ODS15) y las asociaciones (ODS17). En ese contexto, el mundo rural -donde viven la mayoría de las personas pobres y hambrientas- merece una atención especial.