

Resultados de la búsqueda

Guidelines for Inclusive Agricultural Value Chains Development in Africa

diciembre 2023

These guidelines assess previous Agricultural Value Chains (AVC) development efforts across Africa, propose policies and strategies for developing AVC pathways, and identify the policy and institutional factors needed for successful implementation.

Côte d’Ivoire: Mejorar la resiliencia de los pequeños agricultores frente al cambio climático

abril 2022

El Programa de Apoyo al Desarrollo de las Cadenas de Valor Agrícolas (PADFA) se centrará en mejorar las actividades poscosecha (acondicionamiento, almacenamiento, transformación y comercialización) del arroz, las hortalizas y el mango en Costa de Marfil.

Guía práctica: Evaluación de las necesidades del mercado y nuevas oportunidades en las cadenas de valor de las NUS

marzo 2021

Esta Guía práctica es parte de una serie de cinco notas que acompañan al marco operativo de NUS.

Guía práctica: Promoción de especies olvidadas y subutilizadas para mercados internos

marzo 2021

Esta Guía práctica es parte de una serie de cinco notas que acompañan al marco operativo de NUS.

Guía práctica: Intervenciones en apoyo de los mercados de exportación de las NUS

marzo 2021

Esta Guía práctica es parte de una serie de cinco notas que acompañan al marco operativo de NUS.

Directrices operacionales sobre la actuación del FIDA en el fomento de las cadenas de valor en favor de la población pobre

enero 2021

Esta guía contiene una serie de recomendaciones para garantizar que los proyectos de desarrollo de las cadenas de valor del FIDA en favor de los pobres lleguen a las mujeres y a los más pobres, apliquen un enfoque programático cuando sea necesario, promuevan una gobernanza inclusiva de la cadena de valor, trabajen con los expertos y socios adecuados, y creen capacidad para su ejecución.

Policy Brief sobre política: El impacto de la COVID-19 en los mercados de productos básicos y de alimentos en Tanzania

diciembre 2020

These reviews provide a summary of results and actionable policy recommendations to mitigate the impact of Covid-19 and build resilience against future pandemic outbreaks.

Guía práctica - Cómo efectuar una evaluación rápida del mercado ganadero: guía para profesionales

diciembre 2019
Con la presente guía se capacita a los equipos de diseño de proyectos en las habilidades y herramientas básicas que les permitirán: i) determinar el tipo de datos que se necesita obtener; ii) seleccionar los métodos y la combinación acertada de herramientas para recolectar los datos, y iii) organizar y presentar los resultados para que puedan incorporarse al diseño de los proyectos. 

The Food Loss Reduction Advantage: Building sustainable food systems

septiembre 2019
Around one third of the food globally produced is estimated to be lost or wasted along the supply chain. These losses affect disproportionally developing countries.

The African Agriculture Fund (AAF) Technical Assistance Facility (TAF): Impact brief

marzo 2019
The African Agriculture Fund (AAF) Technical Assistance Facility (TAF) officially closed on 31 October 2018 after seven years of implementation. The TAF had a mandate to increase economic and physical access to food for low-income Africans by providing technical assistance to the portfolio companies of the AAF. 

Sorghum in East and Central Africa: more than food

diciembre 2018
Since 2006, IFAD and the European Union have partnered to invest over EUR 230 million in agricultural research programmes carried out through the CGIAR system. 

“Fruiting Africa” for health and wealth

diciembre 2018
Since 2006, IFAD and the European Union have partnered to invest over EUR 230 million in agricultural research programmes carried out through the CGIAR system. 

IFAD in Sudan: Linking rural women with finance, technology and markets

diciembre 2018
Since 1979, IFAD has worked with the Government of Sudan to develop structural reforms that tackle the roots of poverty. IFAD has continued to support rural people in Sudan through investment projects focusing on sustainable resource management, value-chain development and support to farmer organizations. 

Grant Results Sheet: Linking farmers to Fairtrade markets in Papua New Guinea through ICT to improve livelihoods in remote rural areas

junio 2018
The project “Connecting Fairtrade Communities to ICT” in Papua New Guinea is a small grant of US$360,000 funded by the Republic of Korea in partnership with IFAD. 

Farmers’ Organizations in Africa

junio 2018
The Support to Farmers’ Organizations in Africa Programme (SFOAP): Main phase (2013 - 2018) is a continental programme which strengthens the institutional capacities, policy engagement and engagement of value chains of African farmers’ organizations (FOs). The programme supports the 5 regional networks of African FOs (EAFF, PROPAC, ROPPA, SACAU and UMNAGRI), their members at national level, and the pan-African FO (PAFO).

Household mentoring Handbook for Household Mentors: Project for Restoration of Livelihoods in the Northern Region (PRELNOR)

enero 2017
This Household Mentoring handbook is a tool to assist household mentors to mentor selected poorer households.

South-South and triangular cooperation: changing lives through partnership

noviembre 2016

South-South and triangular cooperation has an enormous potential role in agriculture and rural development in developing countries, both in unlocking diverse experiences and lessons and in providing solutions to pressing development challenges.

From the cases that follow, a number of common lessons emerge. First, it is important to create a space for interaction and cross-country learning. In the Scaling up Micro-Irrigation Systems project or with the household mentoring approach, for instance, workshops and ‘writeshops’ gathered people from diverse countries who could then share their own knowledge and experiences. In such spaces, participants could compare how a similar approach or technology required certain adaptations to better fit with local cultural, social and environmental contexts, offering important lessons for future scaling up.

Sometimes individual champions can make a difference. In Madagascar, the project design for a public/private partnership improved drastically when an IFAD consultant with similar experience in another country became involved. In this case, it was also an ‘unexpected outcome’, as the innovation came from a replacement for the regular consultant, who had broken his foot …. So even through small staff changes, knowledge of a complementary innovation from another country can have a big impact.

Rural Development Report 2016: Fostering inclusive rural transformation

septiembre 2016

The 2016 Rural Development Report focuses on inclusive rural transformation as a central element of the global efforts to eliminate poverty and hunger, and build inclusive and sustainable societies for all. It analyses global, regional and national pathways of rural transformation, and suggests four categories into which most countries and regions fall, each with distinct objectives for rural development strategies to promote inclusive rural transformation: to adapt, to amplify, to accelerate, and a combination of them.

Notas sobre: cómo establecer asociaciones entre el sector público, el sector privado y los productores en cadenas de valor agrícola

marzo 2016

Las Notas aportan herramientas para el diseño y la ejecución de proyectos basadas en buenas prácticas que se han recogido de la experiencia en el terreno. Asimismo, sirven de guía a los equipos en la aplicación de recomendaciones específicas emanadas de políticas operativas del FIDA y de los requisitos básicos del Fondo para la realización de proyectos, y para la utilización de los instrumentos de financiación.

Insights from Participatory Impact Evaluations in Ghana and Vietnam

febrero 2016

This paper by Adinda Van Hemelrijck and Irene Guijt explores how impact evaluation can live up to standards broader  than statistical rigour in ways that address challenges of complexity and enable stakeholders to engage  meaningfully. A Participatory Impact Assessment and Learning.

Approach (PIALA) was piloted to assess and debate the impacts on rural poverty of two government programmes  in Vietnam and Ghana funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).
