Herramientas y Guías
Herramientas y Guías

Herramientas y Guías
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IFAD Remittance Innovation Toolkit
This toolkit provides guidance on improving access to secure and swift remittance services through enhanced identity verification and customer due diligence (CDD) practices.
Philippines: Country Technical Note on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues
Various sources estimate the population of indigenous peoples in the Philippines at 12-15% of the current national population of 108 million, or a total of about 16-17 million.
Indonesia: Country Technical Note on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues
Indonesia is comprised of 13.000 islands with a total area of 7 million km2. It has a total population of 273 million in more than 1.000 various ethnic and sub-ethnic groups with their own cultures and traditions.
Guidelines for Inclusive Agricultural Value Chains Development in Africa
These guidelines assess previous Agricultural Value Chains (AVC) development efforts across Africa, propose policies and strategies for developing AVC pathways, and identify the policy and institutional factors needed for successful implementation.
Cambodia: Country Technical Note on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues
Indigenous Peoples of Cambodia represent 24 different groups, who reside mainly in the upland forests, plains, and mountains of the northern and north-eastern provinces.
Viet Nam: Country Technical Note on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues
This report aims to provide the most recent information on the issue of Ethnic Minorities in Viet Nam in terms of the general situation, poverty reduction, impact of COVID-19, Government policies and programs as well as such as NGOs, ODA and IFAD in Viet Nam.
How to do Note: Designing for and monitoring resilience for vulnerable rural households
The RDMT aims at providing a framework for building the resilience of rural households and a step-by-step guide to designing for and monitoring the performance of resilience-building interventions during project implementation.
Myanmar: Country Technical Note on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues
Myanmar is one of the most ethnically and culturally diverse countries in the Asian region, and ethnicity is a complex, contested, and politically sensitive issue in the country where ethnic groups have long believed that successive governments of Myanmar manipulate ethnic groups for political purposes.
Bangladesh: Country Technical Note on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues
There are different and conflicting opinions, and until very recently, acute shortage of reliable data and statistics, regarding the population size of the different Indigenous Peoples in Bangladesh
Nepal: Country Technical Note on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues
Indigenous peoples of Nepal have been living in Nepal since time immemorial.
Nota de aprendizaje 2 del Departamento de Estrategia y Conocimientos del FIDA
This Learning Note showcases the methodology used for assessing the impacts of IFAD's investments on the livelihoods and lives of its project participants.
Sistemas alimentarios sostenibles y resilientes de los Pueblos Indígenas para una mejor nutrición
Esta guía digital ofrece directrices para el diseño, ejecución, seguimiento y la supervisión de proyectos destinados a mejorar la dieta y la nutrición de los Pueblos Indígenas.
Lao People’s Democratic Republic: Country Technical Note on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues
Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) is one of the countries with the largest number of different ethnic groups in the world. The history of these ethnic groups extends beyond human memory.
India: Country Technical Note on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues
Internationally, the ‘Scheduled Tribes’ (STs) of India are generally referred to as ‘Indigenous Peoples (IPs)’. However, the Government of India emphatically rejects equating Scheduled Tribes (STs) with IPs even while abiding by the operational directives of bilateral and multilateral agencies with regard to IPs while operationalising projects with their financial aid.
Notas practicas: Integrar el Sistema de Aprendizaje de Acción de Género (GALS) en las operaciones del FIDA
Esta nota ofrece una orientación práctica sobre cómo poner en marcha el Sistema de Aprendizaje Activo de Género (GALS) en los proyectos financiados por el FIDA.
Conocer la demanda del mercado: Cómo utilizar los debates de debates de grupos focales en el desarrollo de los seguros inclusivos
Comprender la demanda del mercado es un paso fundamental en el proceso de desarrollo de soluciones para satisfacer las necesidades de gestión de riesgos de la población rural pobre, especialmente en lo que respecta a los seguros.
Agricultural and climate risk insurance for smallholder value chains: Identifying common challenges and solutions
This brief identifies and describes the principal challenges, and outlines possible solutions that development programmes can support.
Guía práctica: Obtener el consentimiento libre, previo e informado en los proyectos de inversión del FIDA
Este documento ofrece al personal del FIDA, a los consultores y a los asociados en los países orientación práctica para solicitar el consentimiento libre, previo e informado durante el diseño y la ejecución de proyectos y programas financiados por el FIDA, de conformidad con las políticas y procedimientos de la institución.
Inclusión de las cuestiones de género en los seguros contra los riesgos agrícolas y climáticos: cómo mejorar el acceso de las mujeres rurales a los seguros
El programa de asistencia técnica del FIDA INSURED (Seguro para la resiliencia rural y el desarrollo económico) ha estado acumulando conocimientos sobre la forma de fortalecer el acceso de las mujeres productoras a los seguros contra el riesgo climático.
Knowledge Management Resource Centre
A resource for IFAD staff and consultants, project staff and partners who want to learn more about KM.
Caja de herramientas de comunicación del FIDA
La comunicación es clave para ayudar a la población rural pobre a construir una vida mejor. Y este conjunto de herramientas ha sido creado para ayudarnos a todos a cumplir con esta tarea.
Rapid prototyping for inclusive insurance: Testing customer challenges and gaining early insights on feasibility
Prototyping aims to gather direct feedback on the solution and the wider insurance scheme, incorporate changes before pilot testing, and make any additional adjustments before the official roll-out.
Model terms of reference: Technical assistance in the development and implementation of agricultural insurance
The ToRs include an outline of the required steps and processes, a timeline and a list of deliverables, together with information on the profile of the service provider or team of experts.
Model terms of reference for the selection of a service provider for: Agricultural and climate risk insurance feasibility studies
These are model terms of reference (ToRs) for use by project designers and implementers in development organizations and governments. The objective of the ToRs is to support the contracting a specialized service provider to carry out one or more agricultural and climate risk insurance feasibility studies within the context of an IFAD-financed project or similar initiative.
Directrices de medición de los indicadores de resultados básicos – curso virtual
Durante la capacitación, los participantes se familiarizarán con las directrices que establecen la metodología obligatoria elaborada por el FIDA para la recopilación de datos oportunos y fiables sobre los indicadores básicos a nivel de resultados en las fases de referencia, intermedia y de finalización del proyecto.
Guía práctica: Acceso a la tierra en favor del empleo y el emprendimiento de los jóvenes rurales
Esta guía práctica sobre el acceso a la tierra para el empleo y la iniciativa empresarial de los jóvenes de las zonas rurales complementa el conjunto de herramientas sobre la tenencia de la tierra en las operaciones financiadas por el FIDA, que destaca la importancia de fortalecer la seguridad de la tenencia para el desarrollo rural.
Guía práctica: Selección de cultivos para mejorar la calidad de la dieta y la resiliencia
Esta Guía práctica es parte de una serie de cinco notas que acompañan al marco operativo de NUS.
Guía práctica: Evaluación de las necesidades del mercado y nuevas oportunidades en las cadenas de valor de las NUS
Esta Guía práctica es parte de una serie de cinco notas que acompañan al marco operativo de NUS.
Guía práctica: Promoción de especies olvidadas y subutilizadas para mercados internos
Esta Guía práctica es parte de una serie de cinco notas que acompañan al marco operativo de NUS.
Guía práctica: Intervenciones en apoyo de los mercados de exportación de las NUS
Esta Guía práctica es parte de una serie de cinco notas que acompañan al marco operativo de NUS.
Guía práctica: Incorporación de NUS en las políticas nacionales para mejorar la nutrición
Esta Guía práctica es parte de una serie de cinco notas que acompañan al marco operativo de NUS.
Directrices operacionales sobre la actuación del FIDA en el fomento de las cadenas de valor en favor de la población pobre
Esta guía contiene una serie de recomendaciones para garantizar que los proyectos de desarrollo de las cadenas de valor del FIDA en favor de los pobres lleguen a las mujeres y a los más pobres, apliquen un enfoque programático cuando sea necesario, promuevan una gobernanza inclusiva de la cadena de valor, trabajen con los expertos y socios adecuados, y creen capacidad para su ejecución.
Adaptation Framework Tool
The Adaptation Framework is a repository of adaptation actions for small-scale agriculture, including livestock, forestry, and fisheries. It provides an approach for incorporating adaptation practices into project design.
Informe del estudio de casos del Sistemas de Garantía Participativa
Tras varios años de colaboración entre el FIDA y Slow Food sobre temas relacionados con la seguridad alimentaria, los pueblos indígenas y los jóvenes, en 2017, el FIDA aprobó "Empoderamiento de los jóvenes indígenas y sus comunidades para que defiendan y promuevan su patrimonio alimentario", un gran proyecto de donaciones que será ejecutado por Slow Food a lo largo de tres años.
How to prevent land use conflicts in pastoral areas
How to do note: Gender and pastoralism
PARM Final Report (2014-2019)
Guía práctica - Cómo efectuar una evaluación rápida del mercado ganadero: guía para profesionales
A manual in mobilizing migrant resources towards agricultural development in the Philippines
Guía práctica: Incorporar la nutrición a los programas sobre oportunidades estratégicas nacionales y los proyectos de inversión en la fase de diseño
This How-to-do Note is a practical step by step operational guidance on mainstreaming nutrition in IFAD-supported country strategies and investment projects for use by IFAD staff, consultants and partners.
Apoyando una agricultura sensible a la nutrición, a través de especies olvidadas y subutilizadas: Marco operacional
El apoyo del FIDA para mejorar el uso de la agrobiodiversidad, específicamente el referente a especies olvidadas y subutilizadas (NUS) y a un mayor reconocimiento de los saberes tradicionales de los Pueblos Indígenas (IP) son importantes para combatir la inseguridad alimentaria y nutricional.
PARM Annual Progress Report 2018
Guidelines for Impact Evaluation of Land Tenure and Governance Interventions
Herramienta de evaluación para medir la adaptación al cambio climático en el contexto del desarrollo rural (CARD)
La Herramienta de evaluación para medir la adaptación al cambio climático en el contexto del desarrollo rural (CARD) es una plataforma que evaluar los posibles efectos del cambio climático sobre el rendimiento de los principales cultivos.
Guidebook for mobilizing inclusive remittances for rural investment
Cadenas de valor sensibles a la nutrición: Una guía para el diseño de los proyectos - Vol. II
Cadenas de valor sensibles a la nutrición: guía para el diseño de proyectos - Vol. I
La publicación Cadenas de valor que tienen en cuenta la nutrición: guía para el diseño de proyectos tiene por objeto cerrar una laguna clave en los conocimientos relativos a la incipiente esfera de la relación entre las cadenas de valor y la nutrición, por cuanto brinda orientación sobre la manera de diseñar proyectos de cadenas de valor que tengan en cuenta la nutrición, con especial hincapié en los pequeños productores.
Toolkit: Engaging with pastoralists – a holistic development approach
How to do note: Engaging with pastoralists – a holistic development approach
Lessons learned: Engaging with pastoralists – a holistic development approach
How To Do Note: Access to finance for renewable energy technologies
Lessons learned: Access to finance for renewable energy technologies
Toolkit: Access to finance for renewable energy technologies
Women-led business and value chain development; a case study in Tajikistan
Investments in smallholder goat development and related value chains are effective means to reduce poverty and increase the incomes of men and women from resource-poor households. They are also effective channels to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in remote mountainous
Rural women's leadership programme in grass-roots organizations: a case study in Nepal
Indigenous Peoples Glossary (English, French, Spanish)
Secretary (Language Services) and the Indigenous Peoples Desk in the Policy and Technical Advisory Division. The purpose of the glossary is to ensure
consistency and accuracy of terminology in English, French and Spanish, and standardize the terminology used in relation to indigenous peoples in official
documentation and publications, and in all aspects of meeting preparations. It is intended for use by IFAD staff, indigenous peoples' organizations and other
interested parties. Terms and definitions are accompanied by details of the source document and its date of publication.
Integrated promotion of gender equality and women's empowerment: economic empowerment, decision-making and workloads
address the cross-cutting and multifaceted nature of gender inequality through multiple entry points.
Metodologías basadas en los hogares
Toolkit: Apoyo a los sistemas de semillas de los pequeños agricultores
Notas prácticas: Apoyar los sistemas de semillas de los pequeños agricultores
Esta Notas Prácticas (HTDN en sus siglas en inglés) en este conjunto de herramientas sobre Apoyar a los Sistemas de Semillas de Pequeños Productores aborda las complejidades de los sistemas de semillas, estableciendo un proceso para apoyar a los responsables de la toma de decisiones de las políticas agrícolas nacionales, a las agencias de desarrollo nacionales e internacionales y a los Gerentes de los Programas en los países del FIDA en el diseño y supervisión de proyectos relacionados con semillas. Las otras publicaciones de esta herramienta son el Teaser y las Enseñanzas Extraídas.
Lessons learned: Supporting smallholder seed systems
How to do note: Design of gender transformative smallholder agriculture adaptation programmes
Belize: Country Technical Note on Indigenous Peoples Issues
To facilitate policy implementation at the country level, IFAD‟s Policy on Engagement with Indigenous Peoples (2009) recommended that Country Technical Notes be prepared to provide country-specific information on indigenous peoples, as well as to contribute to the development of country programme strategies and project design.
Remote sensing for index insurance - Findings and lessons learned for smallholder agriculture
Guía práctica: Focalización en la pobreza, la igualdad de género y el empoderamiento durante el diseño de los proyectos
Conjunto de herramientas: Focalización en la pobreza, la igualdad de género y el empoderamiento de la mujer
IFAD’s approach to policy engagement
Module 1: How and when to do mapping and profiling of farmers’ organizations
Module 3: Support to farmers’ organizations business models
How To Do Note: Engaging with farmers’ organizations for more effective smallholder development
Lesson learned: Designing and implementing conservation agriculture of IFAD investments in sub-Saharan Africa
Toolkit: Designing and implementing conservation agriculture of IFAD investments in sub-Saharan Africa
How to do note: Designing and implementing conservation agriculture of IFAD investments in sub-Saharan Africa
Toolkit: Engaging with farmers’ organizations for more effective smallholder development
Module 2: How to support farmers’ organizations in designing their business plans
Scaling up note: Gabon
How to do Strengthening community-based commodity organizations
How to do note - Formalising community-based microfinance institutions
Lessons learned - Formalising community-based microfinance institutions
Toolkit: Formalising community-based microfinance institutions
Gender in climate smart agriculture, Module 18 for the Gender in Agriculture Sourcebook
Compendium of rural women’s technologies and innovations
Conjunto de herramientas: Reducir la carga de trabajo doméstico de las mujeres en las zonas rurales mediante el uso de tecnologías y prácticas de ahorro de mano de obra
Enseñanzas extraídas: Reducir la carga de trabajo doméstico de las mujeres mediante inversiones en relación con el agua
El acceso a un abastecimiento sostenible de agua potable en cantidades suficientes para fines domésticos y productivos sigue siendo limitado en muchas zonas rurales, en particular para los grupos más mmarginados.
Guía práctica: Reducir la carga de trabajo doméstico de las mujeres de las zonas rurales mediante el uso de tecnologías y prácticas de ahorro de mano de obra
Esta guía práctica examina las oportunidades que ofrecen las tecnologías y prácticas de ahorro de mano de obra para las mujeres de las zonas rurales en la esfera doméstica.
Lessons learned: Pastoralism land rights and tenure
Caja de herramientas: Servicios financieros digitales para los hogares de los pequeños agricultores
Los últimos adelantos de la tecnología y las telecomunicaciones tienen el potencial de hacer que los servicios financieros sean más accesibles y asequibles para los hogares de los pequeños agricultores de las zonas rurales. Gracias a plataformas digitales como los teléfonos móviles, los pequeños productores pueden ahora utilizar los servicios financieros sin tener que acudir a una sucursal bancaria.
Notas sobre: cómo establecer asociaciones entre el sector público, el sector privado y los productores en cadenas de valor agrícola
Las Notas aportan herramientas para el diseño y la ejecución de proyectos basadas en buenas prácticas que se han recogido de la experiencia en el terreno. Asimismo, sirven de guía a los equipos en la aplicación de recomendaciones específicas emanadas de políticas operativas del FIDA y de los requisitos básicos del Fondo para la realización de proyectos, y para la utilización de los instrumentos de financiación.
How to do note: Digital financial services for smallholder households
can especially benefit from mobile phone platforms, which offer immediate, safe access to government subsidies, cash transfers and remittances. The messaging features of mobile phones can complement digital financial services (DFSs) by offering timely information on weather conditions, farming tips, market
prices and potential buyers, which can help increase farming yields and profitability.
Lessons learned: Digital financial services for smallholder households
provide a platform for credit and insurance, without smallholders having to visit a bank branch. Mobile phones can also bridge information asymmetries by offering weather forecasts and real-time market prices, which can improve the ability of farmers to prepare and respond to inclement weather and price fluctuations.
Cómo hacer el seguimiento de proyectos de cadenas de valor
Notas para el análisis y el desarrollo de proyectos de cadenas de valor ganaderas
Este enfoque por etapas para el análisis y diseño de proyectos de cadenas de valor sigue el ciclo de diseño básico que adoptan los proyectos del FIDA.
Scaling up note: Ghana
Note sur la transposition à plus grande échelle: Nigéria
Scaling up note: Egypt
Scaling up note: Ethiopia
Scaling up note: Peru
Scaling up note: Sudan
Scaling up note: Bangladesh
Scaling up note: China
Scaling up note: Mauritania
Scaling up note: Indonesia
Toolkit: Integrated homestead food production
Since its founding, IFAD has focused on enabling smallholder farmers to increase agricultural production and productivity as a means for reducing poverty.
However, experience shows that increased productivity and incomes do not automatically translate into improved nutritional status of poor rural people, especially women, young people and children.
Lessons learned: Integrated homestead food production (IHFP)
How to do note: Integrated homestead food production (IHFP)
How to do note: Fisheries, Aquaculture and Climate Change
Zipping up the Evidence - Dealing with non-counterfactuals in Viet Nam and Ghana
Participatory Impact Assessment and Learning Approach (PIALA)
Case study: Family life model, Uganda
Guía práctica: Metodologías basadas en los hogares
Notas sobre cómo Cómo evaluar los riesgos del cambio climático en proyectos de cadenas de valor
Notas sobre cómo Cómo medir la resiliencia al cambio climático
Notas sobre cómo Integración de sistemas portátiles de biogás en proyectos respaldados por el FIDA
El acceso a servicios modernos de energías renovables es un factor clave para erradicar la pobreza y garantizar la seguridad alimentaria.
Toolkit: Youth Access to Rural Finance
The Lessons Learned and How To Do Note on this topic provide IFAD country programme managers, project design teams and implementing partners with insights and key guidance on designing and offering appropriate financial services for rural youth. The toolkit on Youth Access to Rural Finance synthesizes best practices and offers examples from around the world.
Lessons learned: Youth Access to Rural Finance
Although there have been improvements in YFS access, youth are still lagging significantly behind adults in being able to access financial tools. Across high- and low-income countries, young people are less likely than adults to have a formal account. There are even starker differences related to a country’s income level, with 21 per cent of youth in low-income economies having a formal account compared with 61 per cent in upper-middle-income economies (Demirguc-Kunt et al., 2013).
Even with this data, determining the exact extent of youth access to financial services can be complicated because there is a lack of consistent data and definitions on youth (see Box 3). The lack of data is more limited for rural areas.
While there is some analysis of the urban-rural gap in access to financial services, with those living in cities significantly more likely to have an account than rural residents (Klapper, 2012), there are currently no comprehensive studies with disaggregated data for rural youth.
Una agricultura y un desarrollo rural que tienen en cuenta la nutrición
En 1977 el FIDA incluyó la mejora del “nivel de nutrición de las poblaciones más pobres de los países en desarrollo” entre los principales objetivos de su Convenio Constitutivo.
Desde entonces, los gobiernos, la sociedad civil y las organizaciones de desarrollo también han acabado reconociendo la importancia fundamental de la nutrición —que comprende la desnutrición, las carencias de micronutrientes y el sobrepeso— para el desarrollo.
La nutrición no es solamente un resultado del crecimiento económico, sino que, al mejorar el capital humano, es también un insumo esencial para el desarrollo económico y social.
Nota sobre ampliación de escala: Gestión del agua para uso agrícola
agricultores, quienes se encuentran en riesgo de perder la seguridad hídrica y caer nuevamente en la trampa de la pobreza. Por lo tanto, es preciso insistir en la necesidad de fortalecer la capacidad de las comunidades para adoptar y difundir las tecnologías de gestión del agua para uso agrícola.
Nota sobre ampliación de escala: Igualdad de género y empoderamiento de la mujer
El FIDA ha obtenido importantes resultados en la promoción de enfoques y procesos innovadores de incorporación de la perspectiva de género y favorables a las personas pobres en sus operaciones.
Effective project management arrangements for agricultural projects: A synthesis of selected case studies and quantitative analysis
Nota sobre ampliación de escala: Seguridad de la tenencia de la tierra
El acceso equitativo a la tierra y la seguridad de la tenencia de los grupos objetivo del FIDA son fundamentales para el desarrollo rural y la erradicación de la pobreza.
Smallholder livestock development: scaling up note
La producción ganadera en pequeña escala se basa principalmente en explotaciones familiares y es crucial para los medios de vida de las personas pobres de las zonas rurales, la seguridad alimentaria y la creación de empleo. Los animales proporcionan alimentos para el consumo familiar, productos para la generación de ingresos y dinero en efectivo que puede obtenerse rápidamente cuando se producen situaciones de emergencia y crisis externas (que pueden deberse a condiciones climáticas, casos de enfermedad, inestabilidad de los precios, etc.). Los animales son activos importantes que satisfacen diversas necesidades de los pequeños productores (proporcionan estiércol, fuerza de tiro y de carga, etc.) y tienen asimismo un valor cultural y espiritual. Las aves de corral y los pequeños rumiantes suelen estar a cargo de las mujeres y les proporcionan beneficios directos.
Servicios financieros inclusivos en las zonas rurales Nota sobre la ampliación de escala
Desarrollo agrícola resistente al cambio climático
Nota sobre ampliación de escala: Instituciones y organizaciones de pequeños agricultores
Foro de los Pueblos Indígenas en el FIDA
Africa Regional Workshop Report
Case Study: Household approach for gender, HIV and AIDS mainstreaming, Malawi
Lessons learned: Strengthening smallholder institutions and organizations
Burundi: Country Technical Note on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues
The Twa “Pygmy” of the Republic of Burundi are a small minority of around 80,000 people that self-identify as indigenous and are considered as such by the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights and the UN system.
How to do note: Analyse and strengthen social capital
Pacific Regional Workshop Report
In February 2013, the First Global Meeting of the Indigenous Peoples Forum took place at the IFAD headquarters in Rome, in conjunction with the 36th session of the Governing Council. In attendance at this inaugural meeting were 31 indigenous people’s representatives from 25 countries in Asia, Pacific, Latin America, Africa and the Caribbean regions. Of the 19 Asia- Pacific regional representatives, two were from the Pacific; Mr. Anthony Wale, the Executive Director Aoke Langalanga Constituency Apex Association (ALCAA), and Ms Rufina Peter, Senior Research Officer at the PNG Institute of National Affairs.
During the meeting the Pacific representatives highlighted the need for the Pacific to have a “separate identity” as per the outcomes of Asia Pacific regional preparatory workshop in Bangkok. The issue was one of visibility for the Pacific Region due to its unique, rich and diverse cultures and traditions, its significant land and sea area and its high biodiversity. The Pacific Regional meeting proposed three action plans, of which the Pacific Regional Workshop in preparation of the Second Global Meeting of the Indigenous Peoples’ Forum at IFAD is a direct result.
Case study: Chiefs and traditional leaders, Zambia
Case study: Household approach, Zambia
A field practitioner's guide: Institutional and organizational analysis and capacity strengthening
The purpose of this Guide is to support institutional and organizational analysis and strengthening (IOA/S) for design and implementation of programmes and projects.
The Guide is designed to be a practical, hands-on set of directions to those needing to answer the following questions: “how to go about doing institutional and organizational analysis? And once I’ve done it, how do I go about using this analysis to promote sustainable institutions and organizations?”
This is intended as a user-friendly Guide, the use of which could help identify strategic partners and key areas for intervention at COSOP level; to deepen the COSOP analysis at the design stage by generating interventions that support sustainable institutions and organizations, and progress
at implementation stage should be easier to monitor and evaluate effectively.
Toolkit: Strengthening smallholder institutions and organizations
How to do note: Strengthen community-based natural resource management organizations
Congo: Country Technical Notes on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues
The indigenous population of the Republic of Congo (RC) include the Baka, Mbendjele, Mikaya, Luma, Gyeli, Twa and Babongo peoples. Depending on sources, these peoples represent a small minority of 1.25 to 10 percent of RC’s estimated population of 4.4 million, primarily of Bantu origin.
Lecciones Aprendidas: Proyectos de desarrollo de cadenas de valor de productos básicos
Toolkit: Lines of credit
Estudio de casos: Metodología para fomentar la transformación en los hogares en Etiopía
Case study: Men’s Travelling Conference, Kenya
Lessons Learned: Loan Guarantee Funds
How to do note: Loan Guarantee Funds
This How To Do Note highlights the rationale for using Loan Guarantee Funds, focusing on different types of guarantee arrangements, as well as their strengths, weaknesses and opportunities. It also summarizes global experience with LGFs.
The Note provides country programme management teams, programme design teams, implementation teams, and other practitioners and users with evidence-based good practices and guidelines so that they can design and implement more effective and contextually appropriate guarantees.
Lessons learned: Community-based financial organizations
Community-based financial organizations (CBFOs) are often the only institutions available to provide basic financial services to the rural poor, especially in remote areas with inadequate infrastructure.
CBFOs can be organized in many different ways. This knowledge document elaborates on the lessons learned in designing and implementing support for a CBFO.
How to do note - Key performance indicators and performance-based agreements
This how to do note addresses KPIs and PBAs at the level of partnering financial institutions. In this context, key performance targets are included in various documents, including strategic plans, business plans and possibly budgets at different levels.
Also, they can be used as an important support instrument for results-based management.
How to do note: Lines of credit
implementation and scaling up.
Lessons learned: Lines of credit
This Lessons Learned note provides practical suggestions and guidelines to CPMs and the country programme management to help them design and implement programmes and projects.
The purpose of this guidance is to provide CPMTs with some observations based on lessons learned from IFAD and other donors’ projects, as well as from the World Bank Operations Evaluation Department (OED 2006) LOC review that may help in the design of LOCs.
How to do note: Support community-based financial organizations
Toolkit: Loan guarantee funds
Toolkit: Community-based financial organizations
Toolkit: Key performance indicators and performance-based agreements
Case study: Household Mentoring, Uganda
Toolkit: Metodologías basadas en los hogares: aprovechar el potencial de cambio de las familias
Toolkit: Proyectos de desarrollo de cadenas de valor de productos básicos
Strong links to markets for poor rural producers are essential to increasing agricultural income, generating economic growth in rural areas and reducing hunger and poverty. Every product that is sold locally, nationally or internationally is often part of an agricultural value chain (VC). From a development perspective, VCs are one of the instruments through which market forces can be harnessed to benefit poor rural women and men – not just producers, but wage earners, service providers and others.
Notas sobre cómo llevar a cabo una planificación participativa del uso de la tierra
Notas sobre cómo abordar la tenencia de la tierra en los proyectos FIDA en fase de diseño
This How To Do Note provides guidance on how to carry out a land assessment at the project design stage.
Through this assessment, it will be possible to identify key land tenure issues in the project area and to indicate how they can be resolved through project activities and interventions.
Notas sobre cómo abordar la tenencia de la tierra en las estrategias del FIDA en el país (COSOP-BR)
Lecciones aprendidas Derechos sobre la tierra y tenencia en el pastoralismo
This note highlights lessons learned on pastoralism land rights and tenure aiming to inform the design and implementation of country strategies and projects from the point of view of land tenure issues faced by pastoralists.
It also provides examples of how IFAD has dealt with some of these issues through its programmes and projects.
Caja de herramientas: La tenencia de la tierra en las operaciones financiadas por el FIDA
Lecciones aprendidas Apoyo a los y las jóvenes rurales en los proyectos del FIDA
El FIDA siempre ha adoptado un enfoque proactivo para la focalización en la población rural pobre de todas las edades, con el objetivo de reducir las desigualdades sociales y económicas que favorecen la aparición y la perpetuación de la pobreza.
Hasta hace relativamente poco tiempo, la atención prestada a las necesidades y vulnerabilidades específicas de los jóvenes1 era escasa, debido a que no se les consideraba partes interesadas por derecho propio, sino beneficiarios subalternos e indirectos, y por tanto invisibles.
Esta percepción ha cambiado de forma radical y los proyectos financiados por el FIDA cada vez incluyen más disposiciones explícitas para el desarrollo en favor de los jóvenes.
Lessons learned: Key performance indicators and performance-based agreements
regular and consistent manner. This note discusses the use of KPIs as well as the challenges associated with it. This discussion is followed by a review of the lessons learned by IFAD and other organizations, and concludes with strategic recommendations for follow-up.
Case study: Gender Action Learning System in Ghana, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone and Uganda
GALS has been developed under Oxfam Novib’s (ON) Women’s Empowerment Mainstreaming and Networking (WEMAN) Programme since 2008 with local partners and Linda Mayoux. The use of GALS in value chain development (VCD) was piloted by ON and partners in Uganda through a small IFAD grant (2009- 2011). It was rolled out by ON with local partners in Nigeria, Rwanda and Uganda with the support of a large IFAD grant (2011-2014) and in other countries with cofunding from other donors.
Notas sobre: cómo Diseñar proyectos de desarrollo de cadenas de valor de productos básicos
Lessons learned: Youth land rights and tenure
This note aims to inform the design and implementation of results-based country strategic opportunities programmes (RB-COSOPs) and projects by describing how youth are affected by insecurity of tenure and how such issues have been dealt with. It should be used at strategy, design and implementation stages.
The note explains the issues related to youth and land tenure and how they have been addressed in IFAD and other projects and programmes.
PARM Annual Report 2014
The Multidimensional Poverty Assessment Tool (MPAT) User's guide
MPAT was originally developed in China and India. In China, iterative testing was conducted in 2008 in order to refine and improve the draft Household and Village Surveys. After five rounds of testing in China and India, the project team felt that the surveys and indicators were sufficiently developed to warrant a large-scale pilot in both countries.
In China, the pilot was conducted in the context of an ongoing IFAD-supported project in Gansu Province in China’s arid north. The data from the pilots in China and India (see also Box 2 and Box 3) were then shared with the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre so they could conduct an independent evaluation of MPAT. Results from a pilot village in China are presented, together with a photo of farmers planting seeds below.
Instrumento multidimensional de evaluación de la pobreza (MPAT)
El Instrumento de evaluación de la pobreza multidimensional proporciona datos que pueden informar a todos los niveles de la toma de decisiones al ofrecer una comprensión más clara de la pobreza rural a nivel de los hogares y las aldeas. Como resultado, la MPAT puede reforzar significativamente la planificación, el diseño, el seguimiento y la evaluación de un proyecto, y contribuir así a la reducción de la pobreza rural.
Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests - Implications for IFAD
Following an inclusive consultation and negotiation process, which involved more than 70 countries, international organizations, and representatives of the civil society and the private sector, the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGs) were officially endorsed by the Committee on World Food Security on 11 May 2012. The VGs set out principles, technical recommendations and practices for improving the governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests. They promote secure tenure rights and equitable access to these resources as a means of eradicating hunger and poverty, supporting sustainable development and protecting the environment. They give recommendations to countries and to other key actors, who are strongly encouraged to adopt and use them on a voluntary basis.
République du Niger: Note technique par pays sur les populations autochtones
La République du Niger a une population multi-ethnique, parmi laquelle, les Touareg, les Peulh et les Toubou s‘auto-identifient comme autochtones.
Agricultural value chain finance strategy and design
This technical note serves as a guide to the design of appropriate programme interventions that apply value chain financing approaches to the development of competitive agricultural value chains.
It emphasizes interventions that promote financial inclusiveness and the overall development goals of governments, as well as those of technical and funding agencies.
Microinsurance Product Development for Microfinance Providers
This document is intended to aid delivery channels, microfinance providers in particular, in working with insurance companies to develop successful microinsurance products for the low-income market.
A systematic new-product development process is crucial to the success of microinsurance products for many reasons, including: Saving money – by maximizing the potential for product success; Saving management and staff time – by ensuring, within reason, that the product has market demand, and by working out staff and systems issues early in the process, when it is easier and cheaper to make changes; Generating goodwill in one’s market – by offering products that will not have to be withdrawn or substantially altered once they are offered throughout the market. The process outlined in this manual will help microinsurance developers create successful microinsurance products. ‘Success’ means meeting the needs of the three major parties in the microinsurance relationship: low-income policyholders, the insurer and delivery channels.
Process Mapping for Microinsurance Operations: A Toolkit for Understanding and Improving Business Processes and Client Value
This manual is intended as an aid to microinsurance institutions. It presents a technique called ‘process mapping’ that can support institutions in self-analysis by assisting them in understanding, developing and improving business processes. Although the concepts presented may be used for many types of projects and processes, this manual was specifically developed as a supplement to Microinsurance product development for microfinance providers (McCord 2012).
The manual describes how a process map can be drawn, analysed and adapted for the microinsurance sector. It offers practical guidance about which processes to concentrate on, and guides the reader through the task of improving these processes, first on paper and then in practice. For more information please click on the link below.
Matching grants - Technical Note
Tanzania: Country Technical Note on Indigenous Peoples Issues
The United Republic of Tanzania (URT) has a multi-ethnic population with more than 125 different ethnic communities. Four of these—the Hadzabe, the Akie, the Maasai and the Barabaig—identify themselves as indigenous peoples.
Kenya: Country Technical Note on Indigenous Peoples Issues
The Republic of Kenya has a multi-ethnic population, among which more than 25 communities identify as indigenous.
Democratic Republic of the Congo: Country Technical Note on Indigenous Peoples Issues
The DRC is a multi-ethnic country with some 250 ethnic groups, including several indigenous Pygmy groups.
Weather Index-based Insurance in agricultural development: a technical guide
Poor rural people in developing countries are vulnerable to a range of risks and constraints that impede their socio-economic development. Weather risk, in particular, is pervasive in agriculture.
Enhancing market transparency
Building and operating a mini-hatchery - sand method
• cómo construir una minincubadora con arena
• cómo obtener y seleccionar los huevos fértiles
• cómo colocar los huevos en la incubadora
• el mantenimiento cotidiano de la incubadora, y
• el manejo de los polluelos al eclosionar.
Instrumentos de decisión del FIDA en la financiación rural
El potencial para la ampliación y sostenibilidad de los seguros basados en índices climáticos para la agricultura y subsistencia rural
El riesgo es inherente a la agricultura. Los agricultores enfrentan una variedad de riesgos de producción y de mercado que hace que sus ingresos sean inestables e impredecibles de un año a otro.
Guidance Notes for institutional analysis in rural development programmes: an overview
Guidance notes for institutional analysis in rural development programmes provides a synthesis of the training materials developed as part of the Institutional Analysis (IA) methodology. They propose that we rethink how we conceptualize and promote institutional change, particularly for pro-poor service delivery.
They provide a framework and the analytical tools for designing programmes and projects that feature implementation modalities based on some of the core principles of good governance, focusing on “pro-poor governance” and systemic sustainability at the micro and meso levels.
Institutional and organizational analysis for pro-poor change: meeting IFAD's millennium challenge - A sourcebook
As part of its obligations undertaken to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, IFAD committed itself to enabling the rural poor to help themselves out of poverty by increasing theirorganizational capacity to influence institutions of relevance to rural poverty reduction (policies, laws and regulations).
As a result, IFAD has embarked upon a process to strengthen its own organizational competencies in institutional analysis and dialogue.
This sourcebook is an attempt to complement and further this process. It has been written keeping in mind the needs of country programme managers, as well as consultants working with IFAD.