

Resultados de la búsqueda

Small-scale producers in the development of cocoa value chain partnership

julio 2013
Brochure illustrating IFAD's support to cocoa value-chain development.

Combatir la pobreza rural - La función de las TIC

junio 2013
¿Qué pueden hacer las tecnologías de la información (TIC) por los 900 miliones de personas que viven en zonas rurales en condiciones de pobreza extrema?

FFR Brief - Five years of the Financing Facility for Remittances

junio 2013

This document reports on the remarkable achievements of the Financing Facility for Remittances (FFR) in its five years of operation. It provides an overview of the importance of remittances to development, the strategy that the Facility has adopted to date, and the lessons. 

The FFR Brief learned from the innovative projects it has financed. Looking forward, the report highlights the tremendous opportunities offered by large-scale distribution networks, adoption of new technologies, mobilization of migrant capital and partnering with the private sector. Each chapter has been designed to be readable as a stand-alone discussion of the specific topic area it addresses. As a number of projects resulted in lessons learned in multiple areas, projects may be mentioned more than once, and their impact in each topic area will be discussed separately.

Enviar dinero a los hogares asiáticos Oportunidades y tendencias en el mayor mercado de remesas del mundo

junio 2013
El presente informe es el resumen de una compilación de estudios sobre remesas destinadas a Asia y el Pacífico que se publicará próximamente. Las conclusiones están basadas en una serie de estudios encomendados por el Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola (FIDA) y realizados por Developing Markets Associates, Diálogo Interamericano, el Banco Mundial y el Instituto Mundial de Cajas de Ahorro, así como en estudios y análisis llevados a cabo por el Banco Mundial. 

Strengthening institutions and organizations

marzo 2013
An analysis of lessons learnt from field application of IFAD’s sourcebook on institutional and organizational analysis for pro-poor change.

Enabling poor rural people to overcome poverty in Mauritius

febrero 2013

IFAD and the Government of Mauritius are moving towards a new form of partnership that differs from the standard model for low-income countries, which was followed in Mauritius until 2005. 

IFAD recognizes that the country now has sufficient national resources to address rural poverty, so the focus of interventions has shifted from financing projects towards developing a collaborative approach with the government to reduce the incidence of poverty.

This approach includes policy dialogue, knowledge management and sharing, and partnership-building.

Enabling poor rural people to overcome poverty in Seychelles

febrero 2013

IFAD first worked in Seychelles in 1991, when it began financing the Employment Generation Project, which was completed six years later.
More recently, stakeholders from Seychelles have participated in activities funded by an ongoing IFAD grant, which supports the Regional Initiative for Smallholder Agriculture Adaptation to Climate Change in the Indian Ocean Islands. This initiative is creating a regional knowledge-management platform on adaptation strategies for small-scale farmers.

The platform actively disseminates information on conservation agriculture practices such as farming with low or zero tillage, as well as composting, integrating livestock and farming activities, and other environmentally sustainable measures.

Farmers’ Africa - Complementary actions for the benefit of African producers

febrero 2013

Farmers’ Africa is a capacity-building programme that aims to improve the livelihoods and food security of rural producers in Africa. It works with farmers’ organizations (FOs) to help them evolve into more stable, performing and accountable organizations that effectively represent their members and advise them on farming enterprises. 

The programme supports the main functions of FOs, promotes their engagement in policy processes and contributes to their professionalization. It also supports the efforts of FOs to provide economic services to their members. The total cost of the programme is estimated at EUR 40 million over five years and includes an overall contribution of EUR 26.9 million from the European Union (EU). 

Supporting Small-Scale Producers of Certified Sustainable Products

enero 2013

The rapid growth in consumer demand for sustainable agricultural products represents an enormous opportunity for small-scale farmers and producers in developing countries.

To help them seize this and other opportunities, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) funds a range of projects in rural areas. A growing number of projects support smallholder production of commodities that are certified under programmes such as Fairtrade, Organic, UTZ Certified and Rainforest Alliance, including:

• Cocoa and coffee in Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, and Sierra Leone

• Fruits in the South Pacific and Madagascar

• Cosmetic and medicinal plants in India and Southern Africa.

Agricultural value chain finance strategy and design

noviembre 2012

This technical note serves as a guide to the design of appropriate programme interventions that apply value chain financing approaches to the development of competitive agricultural value chains. 

It emphasizes interventions that promote financial inclusiveness and the overall development goals of governments, as well as those of technical and funding agencies.

Microinsurance Product Development for Microfinance Providers

octubre 2012

This document is intended to aid delivery channels, microfinance providers in particular, in working with insurance companies to develop successful microinsurance products for the low-income market. 

A systematic new-product development process is crucial to the success of microinsurance products for many reasons, including: Saving money – by maximizing the potential for product success; Saving management and staff time – by ensuring, within reason, that the product has market demand, and by working out staff and systems issues early in the process, when it is easier and cheaper to make changes; Generating goodwill in one’s market – by offering products that will not have to be withdrawn or substantially altered once they are offered throughout the market. The process outlined in this manual will help microinsurance developers create successful microinsurance products. ‘Success’ means meeting the needs of the three major parties in the microinsurance relationship: low-income policyholders, the insurer and delivery channels.

Process Mapping for Microinsurance Operations: A Toolkit for Understanding and Improving Business Processes and Client Value

octubre 2012

This manual is intended as an aid to microinsurance institutions. It presents a technique called ‘process mapping’ that can support institutions in self-analysis by assisting them in understanding, developing and improving business processes. Although the concepts presented may be used for many types of projects and processes, this manual was specifically developed as a supplement to Microinsurance product development for microfinance providers (McCord 2012).

The manual describes how a process map can be drawn, analysed and adapted for the microinsurance sector. It offers practical guidance about which processes to concentrate on, and guides the reader through the task of improving these processes, first on paper and then in practice. For more information please click on the link below.

Growing peace through development (2012)

octubre 2012
El desarrollo puede fomentar la paz: son dos realidades que están íntimamente unidas. Si creamos programas que ayuden a las personas a superar los obstáculos que dificultan su propio desarrollo, les damos un modo de luchar contra la pobreza y el hambre en vez de enfrentarse los unos a los otros y, además, reducimos las posibilidades de que reaccionen de manera violenta y destructiva ante unas condiciones que son, sin duda, intolerables. Nadie debería irse a la cama con hambre; nadie debería ver el potencial de un niño mermado por la malnutrición, el analfabetismo o la desesperanza; ninguna mujer debería
ver denegado su derecho a acceder a los recursos solo por no ser hombre; a nadie se le debería negar la libertad de expresión solo porque a otra persona le convenga su silencio.

Matching grants - Technical Note

septiembre 2012
This technical note aims to help project designers and reviewers of the design process to decide whether matching grants are the most appropriate financing instrument in a given context and what to consider when designing a matching grant component. The note focuses on use of these grants to finance productive assets and investments for business purposes. For more information please click on the lonk below.

Dar a la población rural pobre de Guatemala la oportunidad de salir de la pobreza

mayo 2012

El Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola (FIDA) apoya las iniciativas de reducción de la pobreza rural y desarrollo agrícola en Guatemala desde 1986. El FIDA, durante su primer decenio en el país, orientó su labor a apoyar al Gobierno en la consolidación del proceso de paz y la reconstrucción del tejido social del país en las zonas que se vieron afectadas por el conflicto armado, que se prolongó durante 36 años.

También se concentró en la construcción de una plataforma económica e institucional para el desarrollo de las comunidades rurales e indígenas marginadas.

Experiencias del FIDA sobre escalonamiento en Perú, Estudio de caso y esquema analítico

mayo 2012
En los últimos treinta años, el FIDA así como sucesivos gobiernos peruanos han desarrollado programas en la sierra, donde los niveles de pobreza son severos. Esto se construye sobre modelos de desarrollo comunal, lecciones aprendidas sistemáticamente y ampliando tanto las áreas cubiertas como el alcance de las intervenciones. Los proyectos FEAS, MARENASS, CORREDOR y SIERRA alcanzaron 120,000 hogares en más de 1,600 comunidades pobres en la sierra sur. Estos proyectos han sacado de la pobreza extrema al 30 por ciento de los hogares objetivos, y 35 por ciento salieron completamente de la pobreza. Estos proyectos secuenciales representan el sendero de un proceso de escalonamiento complejo, pero exitoso.

Climate-smart smallholder agriculture: What is different.

abril 2012

Cada vez hay más consenso en cuanto a que el cambio climático está transformando el contexto del desarrollo rural, cambiando los entornos físicos y socioeconómicos y encareciendo el desarrollo de los pequeños productores. Pero el consenso es menor en cuanto a la manera en que las prácticas agrícolas en pequeña escala deberían cambiar como resultado de ello. La pregunta que suele plantearse es la siguiente: ¿cuál es realmente la diferencia que plantea la agricultura en pequeña escala “climáticamente inteligente”, que trasciende las mejores prácticas utilizadas usualmente en el ámbito del desarrollo? 

Good Practices in Building Innovative Rural Institutions to Increase Food Security

febrero 2012

Evidence from the ground shows that when strong rural organizations such as producer groups and cooperatives provide a full range of services to small producers, they are able to play a greater role in meeting a growing food demand on local, national and international markets. Indeed, a myriad of such institutional innovations from around the world are documented in this FAO case-study-based publication.

Nevertheless, to be able to provide a broad array of services to their members, organizations have to develop a dense network of relationships among small producers, between small-producer organizations and with markets actors and policy-makers.

Syrian Arab Republic: Thematic study on participatory rangeland management in the Badia - Badia Rangelands Development Project

febrero 2012
The Syrian Arab Republic, like other countries of the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia, is a dry country that is prone to drought, with large areas of desert or semi-desert that are too fragile to be cultivated but will support grazing for a restricted number of livestock. These areas of ecological fragility, if overgrazed and poorly managed, can quickly become degraded and desertified and, in the worst case scenario, can eventually become biologically sterile. Good management of these resources is therefore critical to maintaining healthy ecosystems and the livelihoods that depend on them.

Enabling poor rural to overcome poverty in Yemen

diciembre 2011

IFAD is currently one of the two largest donors supporting Yemen’s rural agricultural sector. IFAD has worked in Yemen since the Fund’s creation, and has acquired a wealth of experience and knowledge of the economy and society, and developed a wide network of partners in the country. IFAD’s goal in Yemen is to achieve improved, diversified and sustainable livelihoods for poor rural women, men and young people, especially those who depend on rainfed agriculture and livestock production systems in the poorest areas. 

IFAD has three main strategic objectives in Yemen:
• empowering rural communities by strengthening partnerships with civil society organizations and using community-driven approaches so that poor rural people can manage local community development activities;
• promoting sustainable rural financial services and pro-poor rural enterprises by developing savings and credit associations for disadvantaged groups in remote rural areas and developing rural enterprises that provide jobs for the unemployed, especially young people and women;
• enhancing food security for poor households by restoring the productive agricultural base and improving productivity so that poor households can produce enough for household needs and a surplus that can be sold.
