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An IFAD–Indonesia partnership advances the policy agenda on sustainable peatland management

noviembre 2021 - BLOG

Peatlands store twice as much carbon as all the world’s forests and are home to everything from orchids to orangutans – but today, these lands are in peril. A partnership between IFAD and Indonesia’s Ministry of Environment and Forestry is working to set a national policy agenda that will protect peatland ecosystems.

Managing fisheries for sustainability and resilience: The case of Angola

noviembre 2021 - BLOG

The fisheries and aquaculture sectors fully or partially support the livelihoods of 10–12 per cent of the world’s population. Yet fisheries across the world are under threat from climate change and over-exploitation. The question of how best to manage fisheries under these conditions is a complex one, but in our experience, bringing communities into inclusive governance structures is an indispensable part of the solution.

Importancia de la COP 26 para los habitantes de las zonas rurales de todo el mundo: una conversación con Jo Puri

octubre 2021 - BLOG

A principios de noviembre, destacados expertos de todo el mundo se reunirán en Glasgow para la COP26, la reunión más importante sobre el cambio climático desde el Acuerdo de París. Nos reunimos con la Dra. Jo Puri, climatóloga y Vicepresidenta Adjunta del FIDA, para que nos cuente en qué consiste la cumbre y qué se espera conseguir de ella.
