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Support to Farmers’Organizations in Africa Programme (SFOAP) - Main Phase 2013-2017

June 2013

This brief paper presents the main phase of SFOAP (2013-2015). 

During this period the Programme will help African FOs to evolve into more stable, performing and accountable organizations that effectively represent their members and advise them on farming enterprises. 

Integrated GEF grant (Trust Fund) - Participatory control of desertification and poverty reduction in the arid and semi-arid high plateau ecosystems of Eastern Morocco

June 2013

Méthodes innovantes d’amélioration sylvo-pastorale: Le cas du projet de lutte participative contre la désertification et de réduction de la pauvreté dans les écosystèmes arides et semi-arides des hauts plateaux de l’Oriental au Maroc.
