International Aid Transparency Initiative
International Aid Transparency Initiative
International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI)
Ensuring the effectiveness of development
Transparency is a transformational force. When citizens can easily access public information about the actions that affect their well-being, they are better equipped to hold their leaders accountable and to participate in the decisions that affect their lives.
A robust body of evidence shows that the quality and quantity of economic data released by governments is significantly correlated with the effectiveness of their policies.
Transparency also enables development agencies, governments and donors to identify gaps and overlaps in development work. It helps them evaluate the projects they support and to learn from each other’s experiences.
IFAD has been a signatory of the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) since 2011, a voluntary, multi-stakeholder initiative that works with donors, partner countries and civil society organizations to make information about aid spending easier to access and use.
The aim is to help implement the transparency commitments made in the Accra Agenda for Action and during the Busan High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in the most consistent and coherent ways. IATI has developed and established a common, open, international standard – the "IATI standard", a format and framework for publishing data on development cooperation activities, intended to be used by all organizations in development.
In 2014, IFAD began publishing a wide range of information and data on all IFAD-financed projects and in 2017 automated the process, increasing the publishing frequency as well as the range of published information.
View the latest IFAD published data on the D-Portal.