IFAD Member Representatives pose for a group picture with farmers in Uganda

 Executive Board 

©IFAD/Jjumba Martin


After the Governing Council, the Executive Board is IFAD’s second main governing body. Meeting three times a year, the Board oversees IFAD’s general operations and approves its programme of work. 

The IFAD President chairs the Executive Board. There are 18 elected members and 18 alternate members, each serving a three-year term. Membership is determined by the Governing Council.  

The Executive Board has several subsidiary bodies, including the Evaluation Committee, the Audit Committee and other ad-hoc working groups.  

Evaluation Committee

The Evaluation Committee reviews independent evaluations as well as the Independent Office of Evaluation's programme and budget. 

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee deals with financial and audit-related matters. The outcome of deliberations are made public and shared with the Executive Board. 

Working Group on the Performance-based Allocation System (PBAS) 

The PBAS is IFAD's system for allocating core resources to its recipient Member States. The PBAS Working Group meets to identify evolving needs, review practices of other international financial institutions and propose improvements to IFAD’s own system. 

Convenors and Friends

 Convenors are representatives from IFAD’s Member States. They meet regularly with the IFAD President and senior management, together with “friends” from their respective lists. The group enhances IFAD’s work through coordination, transparency and effectiveness; facilitating decision-making; and improving communications between IFAD Management and the Board. 

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