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Rural realities go global with immersive storytelling

August 2023 - BLOG

Few storytelling mediums are more powerful than film. Find out how IFAD is using virtual reality and 360° video technology to ensure that rural people’s voices are heard.

Tapping public policies and programmes to boost IFAD’s impact

April 2022 - BLOG

In many countries, we have the opportunity to partner with public policies and programmes to deliver the services our project participants need. Although effective inter-institutional coordination is never simple, it is doable – and entirely worth the effort.



Fixing our food systems means getting the fundamentals right

November 2021 - BLOG

The term “food systems” encompasses a huge variety of activities and issues. To make sure we’re all starting from the same place, let’s focus on the fundamentals: the land, and how to treat it well.

Returning to Brazil’s Gente de Valor project: Lessons on sustainable impact

August 2021 - BLOG

The Gente de Valor project was designed to assist the sertanejos (those who live in Brazil’s semi-arid region). It featured a community-driven development approach that promoted active participation and local leadership. Five years after the project ended, IFAD returned to evaluate the project’s outcomes and the effects of this approach.

How small-scale producers can leverage the growing livestock market

August 2021 - BLOG

With global production and consumption of meat projected to rise, livestock rearing is becoming an increasingly important income source for many small-scale producers. Recently, livestock farmers from around the world have been learning from each other via the SSTC framework.
