Transforming Systems for Professionalising Farmers and Farmer Organizations in Developing Countries


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Transforming Systems for Professionalising Farmers and Farmer Organizations in Developing Countries

The Stichting Agribusiness Market Ecosystem Alliance (AMEA) is a global network currently bringing together 26 members from the agribusiness sector for a common purpose: the professionalization of farmers' organizations. 

The overall goal of the programme is to contribute to the Global Action Plan for the Decade of Family Farming, and specifically, its pillar 4 to “Strengthen family farmers’ organizations and their capacities to generate knowledge, represent farmers’ concerns and provide inclusive services in the urban-rural continuum.”

The objective is to achieve a significant increase in the number of professional farmers' organizations that deliver improved, sustainable returns for their members.

President's report:

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

Status: Closed
Approval Date
10 January 2020
Stichting Agribusiness Market Ecosystems Alliance
2020 - 2023
Total Cost
US$ 2.94 million
IFAD Grant Amount
US$ 2 million
Grant ID

President's Report

Supervision and implementation support documents

Project completion report