IFAD is the world’s fund for transforming agriculture, rural economies and food systems.
Simply put, IFAD invests in rural people. We do this by financing programmes, measuring results, innovating and working with rural people themselves.
Spanning five regions and 92 countries, IFAD works where poverty and hunger are deepest.
From building resilience to empowering rural people and protecting the environment, explore our main areas of work.
Wondering how you can help? Explore the many ways to get involved – and then join us!
12 - 13 February 2025
48th session of the IFAD Governing Council
The overarching theme of the Governing Council is “Catalysing Investment at the First Mile”.
10 - 11 February 2025
Seventh Global Meeting of the Indigenous Peoples' Forum at IFAD
Indigenous Peoples’ right to self-determination: a pathway for food security and sovereignty.
Opinions & Insights
Sabrina Elba on rural resilience and championing IFAD
Our Goodwill Ambassador spoke to Talking Foreign Affairs and UNAA YPN about her role and IFAD's work.
How agroforestry can empower farmers and protect our planet
Small-scale farmers are struggling with mounting challenges, from climate change to food insecurity. Agroforestry offers a sustainable way forward.
28 March 2023
After the earthquake in Türkiye, rural people need more support than ever
Extreme weather events, such as droughts, storms and floods, are putting pressure on the ecosystems that farmers depend on...
Global youth in action
Join us as we hear from six inspiring young changemakers fighting for our planet’s rural people.
IFAD grants: A guided overview of financial management practices and procedures
This course is designed to offer IFAD grant recipients comprehensive guidance on financial management (FM) requirements throughout the entire grant cycle.
Pathways to inclusion: Lessons and strategies for disability-inclusive rural transformation
This report captures the learnings and strategies that emerged from the 2024 SPARK Learning Route in Malawi.
The lives of small-scale farmers are being upended by climate change. They need support to adapt to climate change and to protect the planet’s precious resources
Gender inequality is one of the biggest impediments to sustainable development. Without tackling its root causes, we cannot end global hunger and poverty
The funds sent home by migrant workers are a lifeline for rural families, helping to build resilience and support sustainable development
With their traditional knowledge and deep connection to their environments, we work with Indigenous Peoples to build a more inclusive, sustainable future.
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