Bosnia and Herzegovina - Results Based-Country Strategic Opportunities Programme


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Bosnia and Herzegovina - Results Based-Country Strategic Opportunities Programme

The RB-COSOP covers the period 2013-2018 and its overall development goal is to enable poor rural people in the country to improve their food security and increase their incomes through support to non- commercial and commercial farmers, and to on- and off-farm enterprises.

The RB-COSOP has three strategic objectives:

  • farmer organizations (producer associations, agricultural cooperatives) and their apex organizations are effective in supporting farmers in their transition from non- commercial to commercial agriculture;
  • clusters of smallholders (both non- commercial and commercial), farmer organizations and small and medium enterprises are able to access – on a sustainable basis – technological innovation, business development and financial services to attain long-term competitiveness; and
  • smallholders’ and off-farm entrepreneurs’ access to markets is improved through upgraded marketing infrastructure. Gender equity and environmental sustainability will be pursued as two important cross-cutting issues.


Country Strategic Opportunities Programme




Near East, North Africa, Europe and Central Asia