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Higher and volatile food prices and poor rural people

June 2011
Food price trends have a major impact on food security, at both household and country levels. Many of the world’s poorest people spend more than half their income on food. Price hikes for cereals and other staples can force them to cut back on the quantity or quality of their food. This may result in food insecurity and malnutrition, with tragic implications in both the short and long term.
Undernourishment increases disease and mortality, lowers productivity and can have severe lifelong effects, particularly for children. Price spikes can also limit the ability of poor households to meet important non-food expenses, such as education and health care. When they occur globally, price hikes can affect low-income, food importing countries, putting pressure on their limited financial resources. Higher food prices have a particularly negative impact on food security when prices spike suddenly or reach extremely high levels.
Additional languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Italian

IFAD and OIC Member States - Working together to eradicate poverty

May 2011
One of IFAD’s most significant partnerships is with the Member States of the OPEC and the OIC.1 These countries, spread over three geographic regions – the Near East and North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa and Asia – have been active partners and strong supporters of IFAD, both as contributing countries and as recipients of financing for development projects. IFAD also works in close partnership with many Arab and Islamic development institutions and funds in the financing, design, implementation and monitoring of its rural development projects.
The long-term partnership between IFAD and OIC Member States and institutions has, in recent years, taken on greater significance than ever before. The challenges are greater than they were three decades ago when IFAD was first established. But the opportunities for making an even bigger impact on the lives of the poor rural people are well within our grasp.

Women and rural development

March 2011
When women are economically and socially empowered, they become a potent force for change. In rural areas of the developing world, women play a key role in running households and make major
contributions to agricultural production. But the inequalities that exist between women and men make it difficult for women to fulfil their potential.
Additional languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Italian

Full proceedings - Feeding future generations - Young rural people today – prosperous, productive farmers tomorrow

February 2011
The global population is projected to rise from its present level of 6.9 billion to 9.2 billion by 2050. An estimated 1 billion people already are going hungry, and young rural people are increasingly disillusioned about working in the agricultural sector, which in many countries is stagnant and unproductive. So the question must be asked: Who is going to feed this growing world population?

Managing weather risk for agricultural development and disaster risk reduction

January 2011

Nearly 1.4 billion people live on less than US$1.25 a day. Seventy per cent live in rural areas where they depend on agriculture, but where they are also at risk from recurrent natural disasters such as drought and flooding. Natural disasters have a devastating impact on the food security and overall social and economic development of poor rural households. 

According to data from Munich Re’s NatCatSERVICE, natural disasters account for losses, on average, of US$51 billion in developing countries every year. Unless well managed, weather risks in agriculture slow development and hinder poverty reduction, ultimately resulting in humanitarian crises. Poor farmers have few options for coping with significant losses, and in order to reduce their exposure to risk, they often forgo opportunities to increase their productivity. 


Feeding future generations - Young rural people today – prosperous, productive farmers tomorrow - Concept note

December 2010
Young women and men who live in rural areas are the world’s future farmers, entrepreneurs and leaders. The challenges of meeting future food demand, developing vibrant rural centres and promoting broad-based economic growth in developing countries depend on them. These are compelling reasons to place rural young people and smallholder agriculture at the forefront of global strategies for food security, poverty reduction and income growth.

Enabling poor rural to overcome poverty in Viet Nam

October 2010

IFAD works for and with the poorest people in Viet Nam, including ethnic minorities, small-scale farmers and households headed by women. Strategies to reduce poverty and improve living conditions include building partnerships, strengthening institutional capacity and promoting participation. IFAD works with the government and other partners to empower poor rural people so they can have a role in decisionmaking.

To do this, IFAD finances programmes and projects that focus on developing and testing innovative approaches to poverty reduction that can be replicated and scaled up by the government and other agencies. Interventions are area-based and multisectoral. They target regions where poverty reduction is a priority.
